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Friday, April 20, 2012

Return to Canada!

It's nearly 3 a.m. I have just arrived from Toronto, from Amsterdam, from South Africa. I am not quite sure how many hours I've been conscious, but it's a few too many! And now I think I've got jet lag issues, as I'm not as exhausted as I should be!

Trailing down the list of 'to do's', I run across 'BLOG!'. Here I am. I've checked Pinterest, Facebook, XE.com - what is the Rand at?, I knit nearly an entire cowl on the plane, watched 5 movies, ate the grenadillas in my carry on... You get the idea.

I have no idea why I abandoned the blog so suddenly. I guess life just got busy. Or I filled the blog gap with something else. In any case, I've often thought about the blog & that it's high time to do another post. I just never seem to get there!

I'm in Canada for one month, visiting family & friends, then off to the Med to join Jaco on the Ruby Princess again. I'm excited to go to Italy again! Yay! The sights, sounds, smells, mmm, it's a sensory delight in every shape & form!

Don't worry, I'll have a routine checkup with Dr. Daly while I'm home. I'm going to give a good effort to getting into shape again. While I've been absent from the blog, I managed to discover Hungry For Change. It's a new documentary about our lifestyles & the food we eat. A MUST see for EVERYONE. Yes, you. And you! Don't you dare rule yourself out! You NEED to watch this film. I'm beginning to realize the issues nearly EVERYONE has around food! There are so few people I know of who aren't hung up on 'needing' to have this food or that food or using food to soothe some 'broken' part of themselves... It's crazy! Anyways, do yourself, your children, your family & friends a favour. Get the film & watch it! And then watch it again! You can thank me later! 

So yes, getting with the healthy program & starting some exercise & better eating habits. After all, isn't Italy the fashion capital? I can't try to look all fashion savvy when I'm sporting a muffin top, now can I?? 

Right, it's time for a shower & teeth brushing! Before I go - a friend posted a little joke on FB today.

"What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?"

Bahahaha! Hey! It made me laugh! Hope it at least made you smile! 

Goodnight or good morning... Thanks for reading this after all this time!

xxxx Maria & Valentina & Oceana & Adios


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