Since I can't sleep due to mosquitos, I thought I might as well try & be productive. I haven't blogged in so long, I don't really know where/how to start. I told myself I wasn't going to spend so much time on a personal blog, but rather focus on my photography. Of course, that meant I would work through the Photoshop book so I would be a wizard at editing all those wonderful images. Naturally, that hasn't happened. So, I won't give you a play by play, but I'll try to give a Reader's Digest version of the past few months. It may be choppy & a little disorganized, but then, so is my life!
The last I blogged, Jaco & I were still in South Africa. I had decided to go to Europe for 10 days on my own. Jaco had waited a VERY long time for his new passport. Home Affairs took so much sweet time, that he wouldn't have time to make his flights to the ship, since he still needed to apply for a visa. My flights had been booked previously & to change them last minute to fly to Gibraltar would have been very costly. So, we decided that I would go off on a little adventure of my own.
Two days before my flight, I picked up a few rough guides - one for Italy & one for France - and booked a rental car. I also booked the first two nights of accommodation at Camping Fabulous just outside Roma. Beyond that, no plans were made. Yikes!
We bought a cell phone on the way to the airport and a GPS in Dubai during a 10 hour layover. (I thought it would have been fun to see Dubai with Jaco. Never again.) Speaking of Dubai. Man, I just gotta say it. I just don't get this whole 'drape yourself in fabric' thing. I mean, seriously? How is it that the men are able to wear white & only 2 towels in some cases (one around the waist & one around the shoulders) and the women have to wear black & cover every last inch of skin. Hull-oh? The desert is hot. The sun is intense. Black vs. white? Someone's getting the raw end of the deal. I'm all for equality. I don't handle suppression well. I was so uncomfortable being in that airport. Say what you want, but I'll take my Western freedoms any day. And besides, if it's so wonderful to live life in a sheet, why are they all coming to the Western World? (Sadly enough, still in their bedsheets!)
Anyhow, I better hush up before someone gets the wrong idea. One last thing... I see that Quebec is the first in Canada to approve a burqa ban. Of course, the article was written over a year ago!
Happily out of Dubai, I landed in Roma. I had been there before, so I planned on only spending one day there. It was a full day! I managed to see the Colosseum, St. Peter's, the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and yes, my feet were sore by the end of the day!
I picked up the rental car the next morning. I had rented a sub-compact car, as I wanted trunk space to keep my suitcases out of sight from would-be thieves. The car company didn't do a walk around with me, just handed me the keys & sent me to the parking area. I didn't recognize the brand of car - Astra - and as I walked through the parkade, I spotted a station wagon. Oh please no! My first time driving in Italy, I wasn't feeling ready for a big car in crazy traffic! I hit the unlock button on the key chain & sure enough, the lights on the station wagon winked back at me! Great! I got along fine with the beast. Well, after the GPS & I got acquainted.
Our first 20 minutes leaving the airport & getting onto the Autostrada around Roma was a challenge. I felt like I was in an episode of The Office, as the GPS sent me on the wrong exit! I was going in the wrong direction! Towards Naples! I had visions of standing in my underclothes with nothing in my hand but the rental car keychain!
I managed to get turned around & headed towards Firenze. The traffic was a little hectic. Three lanes. Far left is 130 km/h. Middle lane is 90 km/h. Far right is 60 km/h. God bless you if you need to pass someone! The drivers also like to straddle the lanes. They are apparently as indecisive about lanes as I am about which lip gloss colour I should get!
I parked outside of Firenze & took the train in. I wasn't going to brave city parking on my first day! I climbed the 400+ steps up the Bell Tower at the Duomo, had gelato on the Ponte Vecchio, hunted down my favourite boot shop & told them where my last pair had traveled to (didn't buy a new pair, fyi!), and then headed out of the city to try & catch a Tuscan sunset.
The sunset was incredible, but no chance I could find a spot to pull off the road & shoot it! ARGH! And then, I was left in the dark to try & find my accommodation for the evening.
I think I'll leave it at that for now...
xxxx Maria & Valentina
.....::Recent Posts::.....
Friday, May 27, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
May 21 – Spier with Marisa & Brunch with the Gründlingh’s
Posted by
Jill Marie
This morning Jaco & I were up early & left for Stellenbosch. We were meeting Nico & his parents, Marten & Marianne, for brunch. I hadn’t seen Nico since April of 2009 & I hadn’t seen Marten & Marianne since the summer of 2009 when they stayed at Mom’s place with Karen & Werner on their Western Canadian tour. I was excited to see them! Talia, Nico’s girlfriend (now fiancée!), was flying in on Monday & I was disappointed that I missed her!
We had a wonderful visit about Nico’s last contract & Marten & Marianne’s visit to the ship when Nico & Talia were working on the Diamond in Asia. It sounded like the trip of a lifetime!
Nico had to go to a bachelor’s party that afternoon, so we left just after lunch & drove out to Spier to meet Marisa.
Marisa & Anine met us just outside at Spier. I hadn’t been here before & it is quite the place! There were birds of prey, big cats, a large pond with plenty of picnic spaces, and a massive restaurant where we had a drink in a treehouse! How cool is that?! We also had our faces painted in a traditional African pattern… See images below!
After we left Spier, we drove to Marisa’s to download her Roxette photos. We were greeted by a gaggle of Chihuahua’s, a Bischon, a MinPin & a few cats. And a whole lotta noise! Too cute!
Her father was home, busily fixing things up for the engagement party Neill & Marisa were having this coming Friday. Her mom arrived shortly after & the 5 of us had a great chat. I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so much with 2 people I’ve just met! I’m very sad I’ll be missing the party on Friday. Especially when I saw the menu!
Funny story – When Nico & I were working together on ships, we worked a contract with Marisa. Nico & Marisa were both from Stellenbosch, but they didn’t know each other prior to this contract. Or so they thought! One night Nico was scanning old negatives & the roll was shot on a night out at a pub. And there in the background was Marisa! Can you believe it? What are the chances!?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Marcus & Celia's
Posted by
Jill Marie
This evening Jaco & I went to visit his best friend & their family. Marcus & Jaco worked together in Kimberley & became close friends. Marcus decided to specialize in Anaesthetics & his work has brought him to Cape Town. He & his wife have 2 beautiful boys, Joshua & Micah.
We enjoyed a fantastic dinner outside in the front yard & unfortunately Marcus got called to work, so we didn’t get to visit with him as much. But after the boys were asleep, Celia, Jaco & I had a great visit.
I’m very sad that we won’t get to see them again for another 4 months, but I’m looking forward to the next time we do! I’m sure the boys will have grown so much more!
Here are a few photos I snapped of them in the front yard.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Leaving Kronenhoff & Leana
Posted by
Jill Marie
I'm still alive... Don't hold your breath, but here's a start!
Okay, forgive me while I try to retrace my steps over the past few months… Where, oh where does the time go?
The last post I did had Jaco & I experiencing the amazing wildlife in Africa – Schotia Safaris to be exact. Where were staying at Kronenhoff Guesthouse in Kirkwood, close to Addo Elephant Park.
We were quite sad to say goodbye to Jurie & Hendrien, and of course, the luxurious Honeymoon Suite we were staying in! We had a quick brunch & packed up our things & hit the road running. We were running a few hours late – as we do!
Hendrien gave us a bag of GIANT avocados from the tree in their yard. I’ve never seen such HUGE avocados! Wow! Impressive!
On our way, we stopped at the Storms River Bridge for a pit stop & quick peek into the canyon. The bridge is impressive! Even more impressive were the photos on the walls of bridges around the world. Lethbridge, Alberta made the cut! Who would have thought?
We rolled into George just before 6 p.m. Leana had phoned to see where we were & we made plans to meet at Sails restaurant on the seafront. It was beautiful! We had a wonderful dinner & fabulous visit with Leana. Jaco just finished working with her on the Sea Princess. She’s now left ships & is working in George, her feet firmly planted on land. Leana is one of the most special people I’ve encountered on ships & I am sad she won’t be with us on the next ship. But I’m happy for her to back at home & enjoying life in the ‘real world’. Big hugs Leana!!! We miss you!!!
We were supposed to stay at Leana’s, but Jaco was pressing to drive home, so we left, pulling into Hermanus just after 1a.m. Welcome back…
Driving endlessly,
Storms River Bridge