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Monday, May 02, 2011

Day 556 - The Day Osama Died

The news that traveled at lightning speed around the world. Jaco & I had a very late morning (early afternoon) after a very windy & noisy evening. The wind rattled everything outside of our suite. It would suck the wind straight through, blowing the bottom of the curtains away from the bottom of the door. In any case, I didn't get a lot of sleep! It didn't help that at 0300 I remembered that I had put the garbage out on the step & found a large part of it in the pool.

In any case, I woke up to check my messages & found Facebook bombarded with the news of Osama Bin Laden's death. He really knows how to make an impression. I can remember precisely where I was when 9/11 struck. On my 2nd day of flight school. Guess it was kind of a rough start! (needless to say!)

I don't necessarily agree that murdering someone is the best solution to a problem, but I certainly don't condone what he did to 1,000's of people. Where we go from there gets a little hazy. I did end up in a Facebook debate with a friend's husband & I'm just not sure what to even reply anymore. 

He equated Bin Laden to Criss Angel, claiming the 9/11 attacks were a giant conspiracy & only a highly trained magician could make the towers fall. 

Now, I'm all for a good story, but seriously? I realize Governments are largely corrupt. There is no questioning that. I see it in Africa, Cuba, Canada & even America... Gasp! But the majority of it is over financial gains - mostly personal financial gains, not organizing the death of 1'000's of innocent citizens. The whole 'Land of the Free'? Nobody's perfect, but come on?! Criss Angel?! 

As I said earlier, I don't even know what to reply back. To make matters worse, his sister & brother-in-law joined in on it & said how they feel the same way he does! Must be something in the water... There's more to share, but I just can't to save face! 

In any case, I do hope & pray that the death of Osama will bring less war, not more, less torture, more freedom & more opportunity for our friends in the Middle East. Peace. Love. Freedom. Harmony. Life.

Oh, while we're on the topic of wonderful things life should hold for each & everyone of us, would you mind saying a prayer for the court case taking place on May 5th regarding Arms in South Africa. Their current President, Jacob Zuma, is not a very good example of a Man, Husband, Father, Leader, or President. (And that's being polite) Here's an article to shed a little light on the May 5th case. Thank you!

With that, I'm off to bed. We'll see what tomorrow brings...



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