Valentina helping Mama with the blog
Deardre - my friend from Houston
Dream come true!
Already doing her job!
Today was also the last day for Deardre, my friend from Houston. She accompanied Debra, if you remember, Debra had 4 auto-immune diseases, and Deardre ended up staying longer than Debra! She decided to have a check up & Dr. Castillo kept her longer! Needless to say, Deardre was very excited to head home. I think it's because she is headed to Antigua & St. Lucia for 6 weeks very shortly! Lucky gal! She is a beautiful & fascinating woman - she modeled for 22 years all over the world, runways & the whole kit & kaboodle. She has amazing hair - dreadlocks that she has been growing for 19 years! Wowser! She claims she is a senior, but I would have to see some ID to believe it! :o) I hope her & Debra have a wonderful celebration for their newfound health & vitality! You go girls!!
I had the privilege of visiting with Antonio again today. What a story for this young man. He is 45 & had his first of 5 heart attacks 3 years ago. 7 stents, 2 of which collapsed & add to that Tourette Syndrome, how unlucky can one fellow be?! He told me this incredible story of having a heart attack while crossing the border (MX/US). A Mexican fellow helped him & the US Customs pulled their guns on him, thinking he was staging something. Luckily he was able to tell them where his Nitro was & they helped him to the hospital. Another time he ended up in the ER with another heart attack. The hospital staff wouldn't help him when they saw his tattoos & because of his tics with Tourette Syndrome they thought he was on drugs! So he sat there with an artery 100% blocked for 9 hours! NINE HOURS! There was one nurse who recognized the Tourette's & would come by & put Nitro gel on his chest. She saved his life. He doesn't know her name or if she even existed (Angel?), but nonetheless, he cheated death & is still with us! His family comes from Sicily, is married with 3 children & I look forward to the progress he will make with Dr. Castillo. To date, they have not been able to figure out exactly what is causing his arteries to keep blocking.
The young man who came in yesterday with the tumor on his femur & supposed arthritis had a good report from Dr. Rubio. He is going to have radiation to stop the tumor from growing any further & will continue with the IV treatments.
Interestingly enough, I also heard the story of another man who came to Mexico to visit his son, who moved to Mexico from Vancouver. While he was visiting his son, he didn't feel well, so he went to the hospital. They discovered that his entire body is riddled with cancer! After the runaround in Canada, they have decided to stay in Mexico & he is almost 2 months into Dr. Castillo's program. He is making positive progress.
Everywhere I turn, I am amazed at the positive happenings here. It is truly miracle after miracle. I can not wait to share my miracle with the world. My heart breaks for the people who can not open their mind to change & opportunity & progress & the possibility of hope. Which brings me to the next happening of the day. I met a my first Negative Nelly. She isn't attending the Castillo Clinic, but stays at the Best Western, so we shared a shuttle ride today. She is opposed to Obama's 'Socialist Healthcare' & pretty much opposed to anything that resembles change. How sad that she can't see the bigger picture. All that mattered was that her healthcare not change. Her healthcare was great, but what about all the other millions of Americans who can't afford it? Blech, I felt slimy after my chat with her. I'm flushing those -ve vibes down the toilet. FOR SURE!
Valentina is becoming quite the little therapy dog. There are many people who have told me they want to get a little dog like her. She is so well behaved, I am truly blessed to have her as a travel companion. She loves to visit & give kisses, and of course, belly rubs. She certainly has a growing fan base! Tonight we walked from the grass, across the parking lot & up two flights of stairs without a leash. She did awesome! She stayed close & heeled before we went up each flight of stairs & by the curbs.
I had intentions to do yoga this a.m., but I am so stinkin' stiff from yesterday's session that I can hardly lift my arms over my head! I did about 7 minutes of poses this morning & called it a day. I also had intentions to hit the hot tub tonight, but when I went down, they had closed it 1/2 an hour early. NOT IMPRESSED. Apparently neither was Valentina, as she 'left' them a little present on their lawn. Was that awful? I clean it up on the dirty streets in Mexico. Anyhow...
Today I also found a store called Boot World. For those of you who know me, this would be the dream store for me! (Un)fortunately they didn't have that much selection, but they did have the UGG boots I have been wanting for 2 winters now. They are actual out of circulation. Luckily they had 1 pair left in my size. So, after having the same winter boots since I was 15, I finally got my UGG's. Mom told to say that I needed them, not just wanted them. Whoo hoo! I am getting closer to handling this winter thing.
My victory for the day, the month & the year by far was the needle I gave myself today. OMGosh! I can't believe I did it! Hey, chemo or needle - what would you pick? Miss Emily was a sweetheart & so patient as I sucked it up & stabbed myself. She instructed me how to unwrap it, screw on the needle to the syringe, suck up the venom & push out the air. Then it was into the room to do the deed. Clean the skin with alcohol, squeeze it & stab it all the way in. Stab it all the way in. Go ahead, all the way in. Fast. 1, 2, 3, GO! After a few hesitations & deep breaths I finally did it! I landed way off target than what I had planned, but I still got it in! It is so intimidating! I will take a photo of the needle next time so you can see what kind of a sissy I am. NOT!!! I only swore once! This was by far one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do in life. I can't wait until I see my husband & he can do it for me! :o) Love you Baby!
On that high note, I am going to get to bed. I need to catch some zzz's. I am super tired & plan on attempting yoga again tomorrow morning. Please keep trying to leave your comments, I love to hear feedback & thank you for all your prayers & well wishes, I know it helps! I think you have to have a gmail account to leave a comment, but there should be an option to leave an 'Anonymous' comment. If you leave an anonymous one, just tell me who you are in your comment!
Happy Halloween & loads of love & hugs!
Jill & Valentina
p.s. - Halloween costume pictures coming tomorrow! :o)
Well here goes for the 100th time. I am so proud of you, you are certainly my inspiration and I need that right now. Things are not going well I got to have 2 ambulance rides all the same day. Valentina is beautiful I am so proud to say that I was succesful in breeding such a awesome litter. Pass the word on I will have somemore avail. Apparantly one day when I was to weak to stay out of bed, they were miss behaving. Love from Cohby and Maci who so often ask when we can see you again.They are still mad that we did not come down to the ranch this summer. I promised them next year,and they don`t forget. So you need to be well and ready to saddle up. We Love you and you are in are thoughts and Prayers. The Witzaneys
Jill I forgot to tell you I had injections every 4 hrs for a year and a half. I built up so much scar tissue the needles got bigger and bigger. After awhile it`s like plucking your eye brows. So don`t worry, once you get past the first few, its a breeze. And one more thing Cohby and I are fighting over the pictures you gave us, so come home so you can print some more. I know, it`s pathetic but anything from Africa and especially from you, is extremely cherished. Maci said she`s going to give you a big sqeezy HUG AND KISSES. Coby`s to cool he`s going to talk to for a LONG time about your stories about where you have been and what you have seen, and maybe a hug but he does not kiss girls. But your hot but I can`t tell you he said. Bye for now LOVE YA Roxie
Hi Roxie!
Thank you for your words of encouragement! I am sad that you had to be in an ambulance at all, let alone twice! Pooh! I think you should visit Dr. Castillo! He works miracles! For sure I'll bring some more photos for you both - maybe 2 of each so there's no squabbling! :o) Can't wait to see you guys either! Hopefully I can see one of Cohby's hockey games! It's great to hear from you & I will certainly be checking in on those puppies! Jaco asked me why I didn't get two... I know 2 people who said they wanted a pup & since I have been at the clinic, there are a lot more who have fallen in love with her! Miss you guys heaps! Lotsa love & hugs! xxxxx Jill & Valentina
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