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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day Five - Coronado

Roberto Vigilucci wishing me good luck on my quest for health
Mom, Laura & I at Vigilucci's (bad photographer, I know)
Valentina & I having a stroll on the beach
Seaweed on the beach
Hotel Del Coronado
Valentina dashing away from the ocean

Amen! Here's to a good night's sleep! Finally! Soft bed & no noises! Whoo hoo! I woke up feeling fantastic, ready to take on the world, but the more the day wore on, the less energy I felt I had. I just could not wake up! We caught the shuttle at 0900 & plugged our way through traffic. Man, this border crossing is insane. There is no describing it until you've experienced it on your own!

Mom had x-rays right away & I was able to get in promptly for my IV. While I was sitting there visiting with the other patients, they began talking about the needles they had to self-administer. URRRRRRCH! STOP THE TRAIN! WHAT?!?! YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT??? WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Now, I ain't no sissy, but just hold on one cotton pickin' minute! I didn't sign up for that nonsense! Seriously? You want me to give myself a needle? Okay, calm down. Think about it. You can talk yourself through this. Only a needle, right? Imagine I were diabetic, then what, right? Yeah, these needles are WAY larger than a diabetic needle & a lot longer. Great.

I know, you're thinking, come on, you're married to a Doctor, just get him to do it, right? A little difficult when he's in Tahiti & you're in Tijuana! So, next best thing. Mom! Oh my gosh. The woman can't even wax the hair on my legs & you want me to trust her to shove a long needle ALL THE WAY into my backside?!?! Are you crazy!?!? But(t), since I was hardly in the frame of mind to shove a needle into myself, it was either her or me. She won. She did it. It didn't feel like more than a little thorn in my backside. Of course, I didn't see the needle go in, thank goodness! I have to do it myself next week. Oh Lord give me strength. If you see me with a bandage on my forehead you'll know I passed out on top of the needle. Gulp.

After all that drama, I really was tired! I waited for Mom to finish up her treatment & by that point we were the last 2 patients to leave the clinic for the weekend. We climbed into the shuttle & made our way to the border crossing. It's about 4 blocks worth of travel & it took us one hour. I slept in the van - at least this way I wouldn't need a nap when I did finally get back to the hotel!

Mom headed straight for the pool & I called the bank. Will I ever get any money? After the finances were somewhat straightened out, I took Valentina out for a break. While I wandered over to the pool, we met Laura. Laura hails from Alberta too! She lives near Edmonton & is seeing Dr. Castillo for Thyroid cancer. She is only 27 & has 3 beautiful girls. This is her 3 month check up, so she knows the ins & outs of San Diego. She offered to take us to Coronado on the trolley & we were delighted at the offer, as we had no clue how to get there.

We left shortly thereafter & made our way towards the peninsula of Coronado. We rode a bus across this huge bridge - what an engineering feat! Coronado was beautiful! Cute little homes with shutters on the windows & massive mansions with putting greens on the front lawn! We walked along the beach & Valentina had her first run in the sand & first dip in the ocean. She didn't know what to think of the moving water at first! It was pretty cute!

We decided to go for dinner at an Italian restaurant named Vigilucci's. It apparently just opened earlier this year & is one of 8(?) restaurants owned by Signor Roberto Vigilucci. The food was amazing & Sr. Vigilucci, himself was even there tonight! He stopped by our table & it was wonderful to have a little bit of Italy right there! He hails from Milano & his Sous Chef is from Napoli. What a great experience!

After our dinner we strolled over to the Del Coronado. It is this old hotel right on the beach. It's absolutely beautiful - tons of old wood inside & a cool old elevator - very Titanic-esque! Apparently the top turret on the hotel is haunted by a lady named Kate. We didn't see her. Maybe we'll call again on Halloween.

From there we caught a cab back to the hotel & called it a night! Oh yes, my word of advice for the day:
Be careful what you think. When we arrived at the end of the trolley line, we walked around the corner to wait for the bus. While we were waiting, I noticed bird poo everywhere & thought, 'yuck, that would suck'. I kid you not, 2 minutes later, SPLAT! Right on my shirt & the rest of it on Valentina's carrier. Gross. Oh well, I've heard it's good luck?!

Then, we get on the bus & Mom is holding Valentina's carrier pretty much in the bus driver's face. The driver says, 'What's in the bag?' I smile & say, 'Oh, you know, just a little somethin' somethin' for later on!' Close call!

Lastly, I have to figure out a way to smuggle my dog into this upscale Italian restaurant. We smoothly make our way to the table & I tuck Valentina under the table. When I saw the owner 'swanning' around, I thought, great, just my luck, he'll come over & schmooze us three luscious ladies, only to step on my dog's tail, she'll yelp & we'll all be kicked out of the restaurant forever! Well, thank goodness that thought didn't come true! Valentina was an angel! She didn't make a peep the entire meal! In fact, Mom was saying I should've have wrote on the comment card, 'Thanks for letting me bring my dog in'. She said this at the precise moment we walked past the Host outside the restaurant. Great timing Mom!!! We all giggled for about 2 blocks on that one! :o)

Thanks for checking in! Things are going great & loads of love & hugs to all of you! Miss you heaps & look forward to telling you all about it when I'm back. Although, at the rate the blog is going, there won't be anything left to tell! xxxx Jill & Kim & Valentina xxxx


Collet said...

Getting a little close with Roberto are we? hehe I wish I was on a beach right now. Needles? Not for me thanks! If you have to do needles back home, I can't be in the room or we all will be going to the hospital! it's been two nights now not talking to you ahhhhhhh! Well hopefully tonight! Dave and I are pretty sure we say 3 guys with escorts last night in Montana's, it was bizarre! Anyways, glad you finally got some sleep! Hope the weekend is good for you!

Jenn said...

Hang in there with the needles! With gestation diabetes last time I had to have 2 injections every day plus test my blood 4 times a day on top of that. I hate to say you'll get used to it, but you will. So glad you are sleeping and eating well. Can't wait to chat when I make it home! Do you still have my cell number tucked away somewhere?

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