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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day One - Hmmm

Helping Grandma with her Yoga moves

Note the damaged door in the background & Valentina's innocent face.

Outside Saverio's

Helping Mom write the blog

Today was the first day at the clinic. We were there at 0900 & the first stop was blood work. And of course, peeing in a cup - why didn't they tell me that earlier? I suffer from ridiculous Stage Fright - 4 hours later, I'm bursting at the seams, they get their cup. TMI? Sorry! My next stop was Dr. Rubio. He is a kind Doctor. A Neurologist since 1975 - more years than I am old. He asked me every possible medical question in the book - very thorough! He did a physical like I've never had before - poked & prodded & all sorts of fancy tricks. All with a great sense of humour! In fact, sometimes I had a hard time telling when he was joking & when he was serious! When he told me to eat raccoon & possum I guessed he was up to his tricks! He sent me for my first IV treatment & also some X-rays. Even the X-Ray Tech was funny!

All of the people I have encountered have been very friendly so far. It's quite a relief & you feel right at home. I even met Cary Walker. Who's that? Well, if you check out the 'Testimonials' section on Dr. Castillo's website, Cary is the first person on the list. He arrived at Dr. Castillo's clinic 24 years ago & he still comes back... For treatments? Yes, but more so for a 'tune up' than curative treatments. Cary brings plenty of folks to Dr. Castillo - he said he averages about 15 calls per week! I've met folks from Toronto, Hinton, Slave Lake & Surrey - just like home!

The IV treatment was a bit odd. It felt cold on my arm, but the nurses were really nice & having people to talk to made it go that much quicker. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

As for excitement in TJ, well, I found out that the money transfer got rejected - nothing like racking up a bill in Mexico & having the Policia on my tail! All will be well in a few days, I'm sure! There is also very little in the line of food (groceries or restaurants) near the hotel, thus I am thinking of moving house to the American side. I need to see what can be found in the line of pet friendly places, but I will pretty much starve if I am to follow the strict diet they suggest staying in TJ!

That said, Mom & I had a great dinner! We went to a fabulous Italian place called 'Saverio's'. It was recommended by the Front Desk staff. Yummy! Delicious organic spinach salad & chile poblano... So full! Great dinners make it tempting to stay down here! However, I long for some familiar fresh fruits & veggies!

Little dog did much better today. We practice 'heeling' on the way to the clinic & tonight she stayed on her own & didn't shred anything! She helped Mom do yoga this a.m. - Mom was in Downward Dog & Valentina was in Upward Dog. She is so much fun & I can't imagine being here without her. Valentina too. Ha ha.

Okay, super pooped. Off to bed & see you tomorrow! Thanks for all the wonderful words & keeping in touch... Miss you & can't wait to come home as version 2.1!
Jill, Mom & Lil Miss V


Anonymous said...

I am amused at how you started this blog entry out. Your mom's ass in the midst of yoga made me want to read on.

What a great way to stay up to date on how things are going with your health and your day to day experiences in the tropics.

Best of luck and I'm checking everyday...

-Mikey Bebe

Collet said...

jill you need to write books because I think they would be the only books I would read. You are hilarious! O, micheal you are sooo funny too! Wow, scrafs, coats, capris, mexico is not looking to promising for weather right now! I am very glad your mom is there too, then you both can learn about the treatment first hand.Ezra saw the pics of valentina and started saying nini, nini! he loves her so much!

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