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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 61 - Bora Bora No More... ** sniff, sniff, weeping... **

Okay, to say I LOVE BORA BORA is an understatement. This place is so magical. The sea life, the ever changing colours of the water, the mountains, everything is wonderful. I just can't get enough. I will come back here one day!

This morning I had a tour taking me to see the stingrays & then snorkeling at the Coral Gardens. I must say, I forgot how freaked out I get by stingrays. I have snorkeled with them in Grand Cayman & I also did a scuba dive & fed them. Perhaps it was the crushing of my fingers in the grinding plates when my fingers got sucked up or perhaps it is the whole fear of being suddenly barbed by their tail when they realize I have no food for them... I don't know, but whatever it is, THEY FREAK ME OUT!

Werner, the Videographer, was also on the tour. I worked with Werner on my second contract on the Coral, way back in 2003. He's come back to ships only to enjoy the South Pacific. It's been great to catch up with him! He was kind enough to lend me his underwater camera, so again, I promise, some underwater photos are coming! I just need to get organized. Don't worry, I've got plenty of sea days coming up to do just that!

So, there I was, arms tucked in by my chest, standing up in the water, trying my best not to squeal like a girl (& mostly not succeeding). And to make matters a little more exciting, there were sharks. Yes, sharks. Okay, so they were only 4-5' Black tipped sharks, but they were still sharks. With a mouth full of teeth & freaky little eyes, swimming a little too close for comfort. At one point, a shark swam between myself & another lady. I was perhaps a foot & a half from this shark. Okay. A little too close for comfort. Time to call it a day. I gracefully made my exit & went back onto the boat. I'll wait there & rather snorkel with a few smaller & less intimidating fish! They are beautiful creatures & don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. However, when they swim that close & I turn around to see where he's going to next & then I see 3 of his buddies, THAT'S MY CUE!!!!

While I waited for the stingray portion of the tour to come to a close, I marveled at the reef surrounding Bora Bora. With the strong currents, it brought with it some fantastic waves. It was incredible to watch them smashing & crashing, rapidly racing around the barrier created by the coral reef. I could have sat there all day & watched the waves go by.

On a side note... once I'm back to fast internet speeds, I'll upload a video to YouTube... This lady rocks up on another boat to visit the Stingrays. She doesn't speak much english, but I understand her high-pitched squeals as she panics amongst the stingrays. It is quite entertaining... I feel her pain, but couldn't help but giggle, knowing exactly how she felt & realizing how silly I must have also looked! :o)

The Coral Gardens were amazing. We had a strong current today, apparently it arrived yesterday, and it made for some good swimming practice! The fish were amazing. I haven't learned all their names, but they were beautiful. I think my favourite were some tiny little black & white striped ones that hung closely to the coral. There were plenty of trigger fish & butterfly fish to be seen. I was also amazed at the clams. The colours of them were beautiful! I'm talking everything from browns to purples to turquoise to blues to pinks! It was incredible! I was tempted to touch, but don't worry, I didn't! Apparently they have quite the CLAMp! :o) I saw some anenomes & watched them for about 20 minutes. I would wave my fin in their direction & they would suck themselves into their little tube. I would watch for a few minutes & slowly they would emerge again. And I would wave my fin again & away our game would go.

It is such a fascinating world under the water. Some of the coral was even purple! I marveled at the sound of the coral as it crackled... It sounded as though I was swimming in a bowl of Rice Krispies. Next time you have breakfast & you're eating Rice Krispies, close your eyes & just listen. You'll be right there in Bora Bora with me, snorkeling amongst the coral. Just don't breathe in while your nose is in the bowl. I'm not there to save you! :o)

After our snorkeling time was (sadly) up, we climbed back onto the boat & made our way back to the pier. I returned to the ship & had a quick bite to eat before Jaco & I left for the beach. We hopped into a shuttle & made it to Matira Beach. Jaco swam out into the current & I dog paddled out a little bit, decided it was too much current & came back to shore. I laid on the beach, looking at little shells, awaiting Jaco's return. We marveled at the beauty of Bora Bora & how lucky we were to be there together. Life is good! A quick trip back to the pier, he left for the ship & I looked around the shops. Hmpf. $37 for a t-shirt is just not acceptable. I wanted to get him an extra little Christmas present, but that is just ridiculous! I guess he'll have to wait until Peru or something!

I came back on the 2nd last tender & sadly said 'Adieu' to my beloved Bora Bora. My time here has been short, but oh, so sweet. I can't wait to return to this wonderfully magical place.

Here's to the next chapter of the cruise... Next stop, Pitcairn Island & then Easter Island! In the meantime, Merry Christmas & I'll be in touch soon!

Love & hugs,
Maria & Jaco

En Route to the Stingrays

Behold! A slimy, sucking, yet beautiful & graceful Stingray!

The Ever Spooky Shark!

Egad! There are plenty of them!

The next lot of Stingray seekers... already in the water!

Another Shark

A pair of 'rays!

Werner bidding his Stingrays Adieu until next season!

Pure Bliss

Even the waves can't wait to reach Bora Bora!

Our Guide - Typical Polynesian Mama! Her heart's as big as her pearl necklace!

Now that's accommodation!

The water is the same temperature as the air!

Matira Beach

Adieu my beloved Bora Bora!


Jenn said...

Ah-mazing! You are one blessed woman to be able to share time with your honey is such a gorgeous place. The way you describe Bora Bora is just like how I've dreamed it would be all these years. Maybe one day I'll be able to wear a bathing suit again and Mike can take me there!

Christmas is only 4 days away (3 for you I guess?!) I hope you and Jaco have a wonderful first Christmas together. We love you & can't wait to talk soon!

Anonymous said...

The ocean colours are stunning! Have a lovely Christmas with Jaco. Janis

Anonymous said...

I went to Bora Bora in 1984. I see it hasn't changed. I will never forget how the Polynesian women treated me so well. I saw the fish swimming right inside my bunglaow, there was a window on the floor of my bungalow. It was hot but I also took a tour around the island and saw many artifacts from World War II. I loved it. Helene

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