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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Day Forty Three & Forty Four - Knocked Out Internet!

Hello everyone!

Sorry for not giving you an update yesterday! Our internet was knocked out! :o( How dependent I have become on modern technology! Lucky for me, it was back on today. 

I have a lovely visit from Collet & her son, Ezra last night & today. Collet & I met in flight school a few years back & we have been inseparable since. She is an amazing gal & I count my blessings every time I see her! We had our usual chats, enjoyed some good food & of course, we were entertained by Valentina & Ezra playing together. Ezra just turned 2 & he adores Valentina. He calls her Nini. I visited Collet shortly before my trip to Mexico & after Valentina & I left, Collet informed me that Ezra now has her play fetch with him & he won't release the toy (from his mouth) until Collet says, 'Lascia' - which is Italian for 'drop it'. How cute is that! And today while I was playing with Ezra & Valentina on the bed, Valentina shook her head... Next thing I know, there's Ezra, shaking his head too! Melts my heart!

I won't type too much tonight, as I am quite tired & I need to get down to business tomorrow regarding the packing... I haven't made too much progress & I have a lot to do! The Prednisone I am on is really sending me for a loop. I have gained a lot of weight in a small amount of time. Most likely from the increased appetite. I am pretty much rumbly in my tumbly every hour! Oh bother! Adding to that, my knees have become ridiculously stiff & swollen. I can barely crouch down to the ground to pick up my dog! Yesterday I wore my largest pair of jeans to town & the 'muffin top' was so uncomfortable, it was all I could do not to stop at Wal-mart & buy some sweat pants... Which leads me to my next point... This girl (me) is getting Ghetto Booty so fast it ain't funny! If Beyonce's not careful, I might just try my hand at singing & give her a run for her money! I'm telling you, I have been waiting 30 years to get a little cleavage... I finally do & it's on the wrong side of my body! What gives!?!? Luckily I only have 2 more weeks left on the Prednisone & hopefully all will be back to normal... Well, all but the weight. Apparently I'll be sweatin' to the oldies to get rid of that! Thanks!

While I'm on my rant of health issues... I thought I ought to let you know. I stink. Yes, you read right. I stink. This MSM I'm on makes me smell. Some say it's garlic, some say corn. According to my brother, it's bad breath. Yesterday, it was oysters. Either way, it ain't roses. Mom went into Wal-Mart the other day & I sat in the car & had a beautiful visit with Wenda - you remember Wenda from the beginning? She's doing great in NY! Anyhow, Mom comes out to the car, opens the back hatch, puts in her stuff & gets into the front seat. I was off the phone by now & she says to me, 'Wow! It's pretty rank in here!' 
I asked her, 'Rank of what?'
'You', she replied. 
'Oh. Is it that bad?', I said in disbelief.
'Yes. It is.'

I can't smell it! Lucky for me, sorry for you! Sorry for my poor husband! He gets a bride back 2.5 months later who reeks of something foul & is 25 lbs overweight! I guess it was good while it lasted?!?

Anyhow, our next stop was Merle Norman so I could get my eyebrows waxed. I apologize to  Crystal, the Manager, for my smell, as she needs to get up close & personal to wax my brows. She shrugs it off (so polite!) & just as I was about to pay at the front desk, a Therapist walks up to the desk from the back room. She says, 'What's that smell? It smells like oysters.'
I pipe up, 'It's me.'
She says, 'No, I smelled it way back there.'
I said, 'Don't worry, it's me. I'm sorry! I'm leaving soon!'

You can see how this could have a dastardly effect on one's social life! Thank goodness when I visit you, it's not for very long. That is, unless you're my husband & we're going to be confined to the same small room for the next 5 weeks. Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted if he makes me sleep in the shower! :o)

And now, for the needle update. Yes, just when I thought I was getting good at it. Yesterday was my right leg, my favourite leg, as I am right handed. It's easier to inject on that side & easier to finish off. I'm getting better at less hesitation, not quite so many 1's & 2's... So, here I go, 1, 2, whoop! We're in! Away we go... inject the liquid, whip out the needle, on goes the cotton ball, no pain whatsoever, no light-headed spells... I'm about to put the tape over the cotton ball, when... WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!? OMGOSH! I've got a massive goose egg on the side of my thigh! PANIC! I've completely missed my muscle & injected 10 mls of my medicine into who knows what on the side of my leg!!!  I am completely freaking out... I'm thinking OMGosh... It's going to stay there forever, no, worse, it's going to go straight to my heart & I'll fall over dead, no, it could be worse, no, wait, what's worse than death?!?! PANIC!!! So, I limp out into the living room in my bra & panties, hollering, 'MOM! Come & look at my leg!!!' I call Dr. Castillo right away & speak with the Nurse, Mika. She says, 'No problem, just massage the leg & you will be okay.' I'm thinking, 'That's it? For sure? Did she really understand my question? She speaks Spanish, then English. Did we just have a communication gap? Am I still going to die?'

So, I knew I had to get to Black Diamond & pick up my medical papers from the Doctor's office. I thought, surely there is a nurse there who I can ask about this 'nest' on my thigh. I quickly finish getting ready & we make our way to the Clinic. I ask the nurse & she looks at me like I'm insane, injecting myself with 10 mls of who knows what from Where?!?!? Anyhow, she says, 'Well, if the swelling doesn't go down or it gets red or you develop a fever, come back & see us. Right away!' Great. I'm picturing myself on the 8.5 hr flight to Tahiti, feverish & on the floor, like a scene out of an episode of House or CSI or something!

I'm pleased to report that it's the next day, in fact, almost 2 days later, which means I'm due for the next shot! Argh! Anyhow, I'm pleased to report that I know have a much smaller lump - think squished peanut - & a lovely black bruise that extends from the injection sight down to where the liquid sat & makes a nice little blob of a bruise there. Lovely. I can't wait to see my husband so he can jab me with the needle for a day or so. Phew. 

So, now that I've done a lot of whining... I would like to ask you to say a little prayer for me. My dear friend Joanne has had some serious troubles with her health. She is in need of a little TLC from all of us. If you have it in you to say a prayer for her please do so. I don't care if you believe in God, Buddha, Jesus, Angels, Fairies or nothing at all... Please send some healing prayers her way, be it your favourite scriptures, prayers, verses, white light, pixie dust or energy, she needs it. I can see why God wants her for himself, but she's got far too much to offer this world to go now. She's my Laughing Buddy & I can't afford to lose her now! It took me 30 years to find her! Thank you for helping her...

I'm sad to say that I don't know how the posting will go over the next 5 weeks. I will do my very best to post everyday, but satellite internet on a ship can be rather sketchy! Bear with me & I will do as much as I can! With that, I'm going to hit the hay! :o) I hope you have had a great few days & thank you for the comments! Keep 'em comin'! See you tomorrow!!!

Love, hugs, HEALING, & snow Angels,
Maria & Valentina xxxxx

Greg & Mom2's Colourful Christmas Decorations!

Their cute lil' Penguins & Rudolph

Valentina's Early Christmas Present from Collet & Ezra

Trouble & Lil' Miss Behavin'!

My Gangsta Pooch to match my Ghetto Booty

Valentina models outfit #3 from Collet & Ezra, while Ezra sits on the squeaker mat

Clearly Ezra did NOT want me to pack for Tahiti! Or he just wanted to come along...


Anonymous said...

It's been a long time. I have been keeping up with your blog and have had a good laugh a few times. I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing hubby again. Say hi from us and Merry Christmas.
I remember when Lori had to start her injections and the stress it caused her, so understand how you must feel. Glad to hear that you think your lumps are going down, and feel that your regimen is working. The predinoze thing, that just is cruel in its own right. What a person has to go through to get better.
Gotta go, we are hauling wheat today and sounds like the weather is going to be nasty in awhile.
The kids are doing fine, actually Kel and Anita are down in Cancun for this week, and Schafer's are babysitting. We just got home from Myrtle Beach last week and are off to Edmonton for a few days next week. Oh the life of people with no cattle!!!
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Take care
Tarry and Audrey

Jenn said...

Oh Jill! I hope your legs heal while Jaco does your injections and I REALLY hope that you avoid the House episode on the plane!!! I hope you have a wonderful time, I can't wait to send you some photos of Audrey :) Love you!!

The Reed Family said...

Hi Jill...I am praying for Joanne!! I just started taking MSM--I have to say that I'm scared I'm going to stink now, Haha. Ron's doing well...the lump under his arm seems to feel smaller...YAY! We will be at Dr. Castillo's once a month for three days at a time...hopefully we will run into you again. When do you go back? How's Wenda? We think of you all often and you all are in our prayers. I enjoy your blog...you have a talent. Take care!

Jill Marie said...

Hello Tarry & Audrey! Glad you had a wonderful holiday & are enjoying life sans-cattle!! You deserve the freedom! I will look forward to a visit in the New Year for sure! Merry Christmas & God Bless!

Jenn - Thanks for the great chats & take good care of my new Niece! Keep warm & I'll send some tropical weather your way!!!

Laura - I'm so THRILLED that the lump under Ron's arm is getting smaller! That's AMAZING! It brings tears of joy to my eyes!!!! (o; Hey, at least if you're both on MSM you can't blame it on either one of you!!! :o) Wenda is doing great! The will most likely be back just before I am & I am hoping to be there 20 Feb-ish... Can't wait to see you guys again! Thank you for the prayers & thanks for 'tuning in' to the blog! Love, hugs, & WAY TOO MANY SNOW ANGELS!!!! Muchos besos! Maria & Valentina xxxx

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