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Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 329 - Snow Melts

Still feeling rubbish, I slept as late as I could. The dogs were noisy throughout the night & I was up several times to let them out. Oceana messed in the tent & in her kennel. There are no clean dog blankets left. Adding to the fact that at some point in the night, Jaco burped in his sleep & forcefully exhaled in my face. I love married life. I tossed & turned & finally woke up somewhere around noon. 

When I walked into the kitchen, there was a mess by Adios' scratching board. Gross. Adios had also made his presence known in the night & he was let outside. I guess this was why. Or was it? I looked a ways past the 1st mess. Another. And another. What the...? I then saw Jaco sitting on the couch. With Oceana. On a blanket. There was vomit ALL OVER THE COUCH. It was on the back of the couch, the arms of the couch & everywhere you could have sat. It was on the floor by the couch, on the kitchen rug, the kitchen floor... How could one little 8 lb dog possibly have that much inside of her? Poor thing! I have no idea what caused her illness, but what a mess... It was like the Tasmanian Devil stormed through the kitchen & the living room with a horrid case of the stomach flu. What a way to start the day.

Of course, now was about the time I looked out the window & saw Jim attempting to chase the forestry cattle out of our yard. Jim is 80-something & doesn't move too quickly. He was driving his covered quad, but not quite swiftly enough to move the cattle out & through the gate. 

Remembered that it snowed yesterday evening. The ground is white. It looks like Christmas, only it's September! So, keeping with the Christmas-y theme, I decide to run out & help Jim. In my red housecoat & grabbing a green toque & mittens, I certainly look like Mother Christmas woken up too early! We manage to chase the cattle to the other side of the fence (grass is always greener, right?) & close the gate. Phew. There went my energy for the day!

No really. I spent the rest of the day moving like a sloth. It was all I could do to shower & get to town for some groceries. I managed to get a migraine last night right before I fell asleep. It lasted the better part of today. By around 1700 it was finally gone. It sucks to not be able to read, watch TV or use the computer. Jaco made me a few slices of toast & we went to town to get some fruit & water.

He made chicken & an sautéed an entire onion. I had a veggie sandwich & soup. We watched House. Or rather, I watched House while Jaco googled a bunch of medical terms that House & his team tossed out during the episodes. I think he's starting to enjoy House! 

And that was our night! Here's hoping today is the last day of the chemo drone. May it disappear as quickly as this snow did! Yay!

xxxx MJV&O

Adios is deep in Dreamland!

Enjoying the Good Life

Cuddles for Papa


Jenn said...

Oh no!! Sorry you had to witness and deal with that awful mess! But thank you, thank you, thank you for not posting those pictures!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I was thinking the same thing, in fact I scrolled down VERY slowly (jsut in case). Janis

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