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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 210 - Jessica!

Today was my 1st session with Jessica since I've been back. Oh did I miss her. I'm sure she gets tired of me rambling on & on, but boy, she makes me laugh. Half the time I have tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks! She is brilliant.

She corrects my energy & I always feel brighter, shinier & happier when I leave after our hour sessions. She has a workshop coming up on June 5th & I am excited to be going! After reading the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, I'm even more convinced on the healing you can do energetically. 

In fact, Mom was trying to convince me to take a Body Talk seminar this weekend, but when I googled it, I ended up finding a practitioner who does Body Talk & a few other things... Which led me right back to Jessica. She does it all & she does it with personality!

Her assistant had accidentally double booked my time slot, so I laid on the warm bio-mat for an hour, well, actually I slept for an hour! I then went to the CIBC bank nearby to sort out my cheque issue. I had closed my account right before I left for Mexico. When I got home I had a cheque for $2.13. But I had $21.63 in my account when I closed it. Yes, they made a typo! They forgot the 6! So I took my paperwork to the bank & they graciously gave me the correct amount!

After the session was finished, I beelined it for Costco, picked up some new cordless phones (yay!), hit Ikea for some curtains & 3 mini cactuses for Mom & then it was time for prayers. 

I hadn't been to Neil's since pre-Mexico, so it was great to see everyone! A few people were missing, but it was great nonetheless. Nancy was there & we had a good catch up chat. She has had cancer a few times in her life & she is such a Rockstar at beating it! She is a Professor & LOVES to teach. She records music & she is publishing a book in the next week or so! She's a barrel of fun! 

Anyhow, I boogied home & realized I didn't take any photos today. I did, however, record a short video clip. I have officially heard my first wolf howl in the wild. I thought they were coyotes at first, but no, they are wolves. This was lower pitched & long & beautiful. Bone chilling, haunting & soul stirring. I could hear them howling in the distance to each other & there was one close by. As we live in a open area surrounded by trees, the sound really echos & travels. It was surround sound! Funnily enough, the bulls have been silent ever since the first howl. In fact, it's been eerily silent ever since the first howl. Oh my word. I would be so thrilled to photograph a wolf in the wild. That would be right up there with a leopard in Africa. Here's to a great summer!!!! 

Lekker slaap!
Maria & Valentina

Gone all day & she's not really even happy to see me! :o(

I was happy to see her!


Jenn said...

Jill I just want you to know that you make the world a more beautiful place to be!! Not only with your radiant smile, hilarious sense of humour, but your overall outlook on life. Thank you for always finding the silver lining :) I love you and I am so blessed to have you in my life!

Jill Marie said...

Thank you gorgeous Mama!!! As do you!!! Excited to spend some days together this summer!!! Hope work is going well! xxxx

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