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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 216 - Grumpy Pants

Today will be another short post. Clearly I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything I touched or did, fell apart. 

I attempted editing Mom's day planner layout. I changed all the little corner calendars (52 of them) & when I finished, I realized I'd changed the dates to 2012, not 2011. Grr. Then I had to change the fold-out calendar at the back. Thinking I would save time, I copied 2011 to take the place of 2010 & then I would only have to change 2010 to 2012. I was halfway through 2011 when all the text disappeared. I could NOT get it back. Then the shortcut for pasting an object into place quit working - half way through my re-editing edit. 

My pills gave me a nice flush, followed by some nausea, then some heat in my face, followed by EXTREME itching on my neck. Seriously, I wanted a straight jacket & the fetal position.

I have so much to do to get ready to leave on Friday & tomorrow is a late night. I wanted to get to town, but by the time I finished the edits, it was too late. Now tomorrow will be a rat race to get it all done. 

I tried to pack most of my things, but as usual, I have too much stuff. You'd think it would be easy to take one bag for 7 days. Ha! I'll revisit it sometime tomorrow? Hopefully?

Oh yeah, Jaco called & his procrastination caught up with him & it's a hefty price to pay. Then I found out that I overpaid on my Westjet flights, as they have a seat sale on right now. They won't price match, but instead wanted to charge me the $50 change fee, which ends up costing me more. Then I discovered that the companies I ordered my wigs from has double charged me! One company I couldn't even finish the order because of shipping/billing address complications & they still charged me! CHEEKY!!!

Lastly, the straw that broke the camel's back... It really urks me when people call & ask how I am. Okay, I get that people are concerned about my health & if I've kicked cancer's butt. BUT(T), sometimes the people doing the asking aren't really concerned. They just go through the motions, to be polite. It really bothers me that they don't even ask to talk to me or email me or leave me a comment on the blog... They ask my mother. Call me crazy, but it just REALLY TICKS ME OFF. Yeah, it's a bad day & maybe tomorrow I won't mind so much. I asked Mom to be vague. Be nonspecific. They don't need to know the details. Just tell them I'm fine. If I'm on my deathbed, then we'll let them know I'm not so good. In the meantime, read the stinkin' blog & send some prayers or white light this way. (Perhaps prayers for patience?) :o) I started the blog so I wouldn't have to send 40 emails a day & tell everyone the exact same thing. It's the same for Mom. She's got a million & one things to do... Next time you call, ask her about her 'nitty-gritty's' & see how vague & non-specific she becomes! Okay, last comment & then I'll stop... It's very RUDE to talk about someone when they are in the same room or within earshot, even if you're concerned about their wellbeing. FULL STOP.

Alas, the blog has now evolved into an 'online journal' of sorts. It's a way for me to de-stress, unwind & express what's been happening. I know some of you read it faithfully & I am grateful for that!

On that horribly not-so-positive note, I'm going to get some shut eye & wake up on the sunnier side of the bed tomorrow! Lekker slaap,

Maria & Valentina

Okay, so fair enough, I broke the handle on the frying pan at the back of the image. It was still attached up until a few days ago. I replaced the broken one with the pan in the foreground. I'm beginning to think my Mother has a hard time letting go...

Here lies the handle from the old frying pan. I replaced the frying pan in March. I'm just sayin'...


Anonymous said...

I'd have my grumpy pants on as well if I had a day like that. Here's to some sunshine coming your way! Janis (oh, and the only way that your packing is going to get any lighter is if Jaco is the one coming to see you - soon, right!).

Jill Marie said...

Ha ha! Sunshine? What sunshine? It's SNOWING HERE!!!! Come on out for a walk anytime!!! xxxx

Anonymous said...

If someone calls and asks how is Jori doing I feel complimented that they were courteous enough to ask. An AUNT inquiring about a neice witha health issue shouldn"t have to be another "drama case"' I love you, wish you wwell and GOOD HEALTH" AND pardon my sorry ass for askin, being nosy, and whatever else you think i am...AMBER

Jenn said...

Hope the sun shines on you daily during your trip! I know how it is when people "spy" on you through other friends/family contacts, or FACEBOOK! That is my BIG peev... Facebook was NOT designed to maintain FAMILY relationships!! GRRR. End of rant.

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