Hope you had the best birthday yet!
Bill & Wenda from Brooklyn, NY
Mika keeping us healthy!
Emily & Mika on a rare break!
First of all, Happy Birthday to my wonderful & amazing husband! I wish I was there with you to celebrate your life & the incredible man that you are! I'm so lucky! I hope your day was extra special & somebody on board brought you cake, or sang for you!
For the rest of you, I hope your day was wonderful & filled with sunshine & laughter! Today was a great day. We were back to the hotel by noon! That's the earliest yet! It's nice to get back early, as you have the entire rest of the day to do as you like.
Unfortunately for me, that was sleep! I went to bed at 1300 & woke up at 1900! Whoops! I guess my body is telling me it needs some extra slumber to heal! Bring it on! Okay, so it makes for a boring blog, but I'm enjoying the extra rest.
I felt a little achey in my joints this morning & it has stuck with me throughout the day. I was excited about this, as I have not had a cold since 2006! So far nothing else has happened, but I'm optimistic that something will budge!
Today was the last day that John & Margaretha will be at the clinic. They will be back in 3 months, so perhaps I will see them when I am back too! Bill & Wenda were also supposed to finish today, but they have decided to stay until Wednesday. I am happy I will have another opportunity to visit with them! Wenda always wears bright coloured socks to brighten her day & in turn, it brightens my day too!
I've also met 2 lovely gals from Victoria. Inez, the Mom, is a really cool gal. I have no idea of her age - 60?70? & she has so much character! It's awesome! Her & her daughter have sailed many, many places & they are heavy into juicing & raw foods... and she's the only gal her age I've ever heard use the word 'funky' to describe something she thought was really unique!
When I was leaving the clinic, I saw Dr. Castillo at the front desk. I wanted to ask him about the one prescription I am on & how long I had to take it for. He said a long time! Then he asked how things were going. I told him my blood work showed the continued escalation of my WBC. I told him that Dr. Rubio put me on the anti-biotic, but was talking about low-dose chemo. Dr. Castillo said to follow him & took me to his office. He sat down & reviewed the blood work on the computer & said he would make me an appointment with the Oncologist. I have the appointment tomorrow to talk about how it will work & what will happen. Dr. Castillo knows the apprehension I have towards chemo, but he reassured me the low-dose they will give me will not bring with it the nasty side effects. We will see how things go tomorrow. Hopefully the antibiotic will kick in soon! Dr. Castillo said it would take about 5 days for the antibiotic to take effect. Today was day 2! I was so impressed that Dr. Castillo stopped whatever he was doing & took the time to talk to me.
So, it looks like chemo may be around the corner for me. I am not excited about it, but at this point, I am happy that I have the option for low-dose chemo & I am so excited to be done with these lumps in my neck. Let's get on with life!
Tonight I was going to walk over to Coco's for dinner to see if they had liver - let's boost the RBC count! I took Valentina out for a break before I went & while I was outside here comes a fire truck & ambulance. It stops right in front of Antonio's door! Oh dear! I walked over & asked his wife if he was going to be okay! She said he was experiencing a lot of pain & couldn't handle it anymore. They left in the ambulance. No liver at Coco's. My goodness, I hope Antonio is okay.
There you have it! That's the day! Not too much excitement, but yet, more than enough for one day! Here's to a great tomorrow & a little more energy! Love & hugs from Maria & Valentina... xxxxx
Hello comrade! Crazy week! The house is coming along good now! The trade show on friday, I saw a women selling Winalite! She started in July. Guess what? The diapers are in! I bought half a pack from her because that's all she really had in the size I needed! They just came in and they are awesome! Ez really likes them case when I ran out, the first night Ez woke up with a rash on both legs and the diapers don't leak either, they lasted all night with no leak! Now everyday Ez complains about his diaper and is always trying to take it off. I need to sign up as soon as possible with Winalite. The lady said I can sign up at the $90 and I have 56 days to work my way up to platinum. So I can go up to levels if I sell the amount of boxes it would cost to sign up at the platinum. Plus these pads are awesome and I got my mom wearing them and she loves them. I don't want to do it for the money but for the health. I honestly don't care if I make money, I just love the products. Wow you have had a crazy week! Talk about a roller coaster! I am praying for you! Dr. Castillo sounds so awesome! I tell everyone about the guy you said came down for treatment and ran into his Dr. Everyone is shocked and they laugh. Cute costume! I sure the antibiotics help. Isn't there something natural you can take to decrease the WBC and increase the RBC? Hope tomorrow goes will for you! Miss ya and love ya!
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