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Friday, November 13, 2009

Day Twenty Five - Feeling the Pangs of Separation Already!

Glen & Stacy getting all better, shiny, happy & new!

Glen & Stella Bell, en route for Alberta!

Valentina is chewing on the part of the
maxipad that releases negative ions. That's a good thing.
Yes, you can ask me later.

Seduti Bella! (sit pretty!)

Still chewing away! Hey, it got me a free trip anywhere in North America. 
What's Tampax done for you lately?? :o)

Lovin' her anion strip!

Hello All!

I hope you had a great Friday! I sure did! Today I was finished at the clinic early! 1100!! I managed to sneak onto the first shuttle & make it back. I didn't even sleep away the day! But let's back it up a bit...

Glen & Stella left today. :o( I was very sad to see them go. I have grown quite attached to my new family & friends over these past 3 weeks. I realized that I was supposed to be leaving with Glen & Stella, as we started on the same day. I am sad! I don't want to leave! It's a new little cocoon filled with hope, positivity, encouragement, support & people who share the same beliefs about their health as I do... Going home will be scary! All the judgement, disbelief & distaste for the decisions I have made... Hmm, welcome home, eh?!?

Anyhow, I went down early this morning to be sure I could say goodbye to Glen & Stella. I set my stuff on the grass & took a few photos of Glen & Stella, was just saying farewell when my attention was suddenly drawn to this 'shhhhhhhh' sound. I looked over at my bags (purse, lunch bag & Valentina's carrier) only to see them being DRENCHED by the sprinklers. Ahhh! I ran over, but none too soon. Luckily the camera was in my hands. Valentina's bag was soaked! Now what!? I took the blanket out & ran to the room to fetch the other one, even if it was dirty & covered in peanut butter. So here starts the day! :o)

I had my last bag of antibiotics this morning & laetrile. Tomorrow is blood work. If you've got a few spare minutes, I'd love some prayers for low WBC again! Let's keep that biospy at bay!  Thank you! 

I visited with some new faces - a couple from Dawson Creek, Cranbrook, Bow Island, Creston... There are so many wonderful people coming here. I have met a special lady named Joanne. She is from Prince George, BC. She found out in September that she has liver & pancreatic cancer. She is a beautiful lady with an incredible life about her. I know that she is far from the end, but I can sense her fears. If you have a moment, please include her in your prayers. I know she is in good hands, but that extra little bit always helps! :o) I would love to stay longer just to see her succeed! I would love to write a book about the wonderful stories that have come from Dr. Castillo... speaking of which...

Dr. Castillo has been on a long deserved holiday since Tuesday. He will be back this coming Tuesday. I sent him an email a few days ago & lo & behold, he emailed me today & asked if my specific issue was urgent I could have Dr. Rubio look after it, otherwise he would see to it on Tuesday. When was the last time your Doctor emailed you while he was on holidays?? Okay, so my Other Doctor emails me while he's on holidays too, but that's a little different! :o) I am amazed at how attentive & patient the Doctors here are. I would love to bring a plane full of people with me next time I come! Heal the World! 

Valentina had a near brush with death today. Yes. It was my fault. She was yelping when I was just finishing up in the treatment room (she stays out in the reception area). When I went out, she wasn't in her carrier. A lady beside the carrier gave me a snotty look & asked if that was my 'poor little dog stuck in there'. I said yes. Lorraine had just taken her for a walk... I fed her before I went in & I guess her innards told her she had to go, hence the yelping... Bad Mama. Thank you Lorraine! Anyhow, after she came back, I decided I would throw the ball down the sidewalk for Valentina to fetch off leash. We threw it back & forth a few times, when I went over to a dirt patch & threw it a little further. Whoops, here she comes limping - she found some glass. Oh dear. So, I check her little feet & she seems okay. When I was checking her feet, the ball rolled off the clinic steps to the grass patch by the street. When Valentina hopped down, I assumed she would run straight to the ball, but she sails right past it, RIGHT INTO THE BUSY, BUSY, BUSY STREET. I have never yelled Valentina quite like that before & hopefully never again! Thank the good Lord that she listened! She came crawling back to me & I picked her up & held her close... all the way back to her carrier where she stayed until we were safely back at the hotel. Yeesh, my heart rate still climbs just recalling it! 

Today was also the first day I was actually asked for any paperwork on Valentina at Customs. Twenty-five days later & they finally want to know if she is vaccinated. Good thing I paid $60 for that letter! Ha!

She has been wonderful therapy for me. She just finished helping me with my hygiene. I was trying to take a few photos on the laptop to send to Papa when she decided my ears needed a good cleaning. Apparently I also left some dinner on my shorts, as she's climbing over my lap to rescue the leftover bits of pasta & pesto! 

Anyhow, I won't bore you to tears with puppy stories... I'm sad to know that my days in California are numbered. It has been a wonderful experience & I hope I can share more of the journey with you next time I come down. (February) (start saving - the shopping is insane!) (not that I would know) I'll do my best to keep up with the blog as I make more & more progress & of course, if my travels take me somewhere exotic, like, oh, I don't know, TAHITI?!?!? :o) On that note, sweet dreams & see you tomorrow!!!

Muchas Besos,
Maria & Valentina


Anonymous said...

You're still in our thoughts and prayers Jill!
-Nate and Cher.

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