Just a few of the commands Valentina has learned & is working on.
Funky Door at Bio Medical Clinic
Parakeets (?) at Bio Medical
View from Bio Medical - Dr. Castillo's Clinic is just to the left of the 2 tallest buildings on the far right of the photo.

Valentina sleeping sweetly

Houdini - just before her next trick.
Today was a day. Just a day. I slept poor - very cold & up lots through the night. Woke up feeling hungover, no, it wasn't even the tequila! Not sure what did it, but lots of 'stuff' in my throat too, when just yesterday I'd been thinking that it wasn't near as bad! Whoops!
Did 15 minutes of yoga until I thought I would be sick to my tummy & decided I should shower & attempt the new hairdo. I made out alright. Not quite the 'just stepped out of the salon' look, but we'll get there!
Today was Chelation treatment & it went well. I also received something for the inflammation & itching on my neck & tummy. The neck looks worse than it is & the tummy itches so bad! I can see where insanity comes from! If I had to tolerate this all my life, OMGosh!
I've met a few new faces at the clinic as well. Myrtle & Pearl - sisters - Myrtle is from Jamaica & Pearl is from New York. Sweet, sweet ladies. Also Aida & Sam, from Wisconsin. They are Amish & from what I understand they traveled 36 hours non-stop with 2 brothers trucking to get here! Crazy! And I also met Lauren & Stacey from Red Deer. He looks so much like my old Photo Manager, Barry, it is scary! I'll take a photo & post it to Barry before I go! Cary Walker was also back for 2 days, he was after me about the Service Dog thing, so I'll see what we can do!
I walked part way to the mall when Mario, one of the shuttle bus drivers, picked me up. He dropped me off at Plaza Rio to pick up Mom's sweater, but they didn't have her size anymore! I'll check back next week.
When I returned to the Clinic to take the shuttle back to the hotel, Jose picked me up & we went to the Bio Medical Clinic to pick up 2 more patients. Wow! What a view from up there! It was amazing! It was beautiful! They had a huge balcony, it was quiet, even though all you could see was city, incredible tall wooden doors & an enclosed gazebo that was filled with parakeets (?). Tijuana has some pretty steep hills. They would give San Francisco a run for their money!
We didn't want long at the border at all! It was great! I enjoyed visiting with Bob & Karla, a couple from Minnesota. Bob has stage IV gastro-intestinal cancer & his body isn't responding to chemo, so they came down to Tijuana & he is going to do the Hoxsey Tonic & try to regain his health. He was mildly frustrated, as you can't eat pork or tomatoes & they just butchered a pig & made a bunch of tomato juice! He'll get used to it!
Once back at the hotel, I finally popped in my Spanish/Italian DVD's. The Spanish one is pretty good. I know more of the words than I thought I did! The Italian will need a little work, but I'll get there! I've tacked up Valentina's command cards & she's getting them down pat!
We walked over to the little mini-mall nearby & had a look around. It was really bizarre - we went into a store & I was in a tank top, shorts & flip flops. It was sunny, but very slightly cool. When I came out of the store 20 minutes later, it was socked in with fog! Crazy! Glad I took a sweater!
We weren't back too long when Glen & Stella called for measuring help. Glen got his Hoxsey Tonic today & needed to mix it up. I just so happened to have my Winalite syringe with me & it is exactly 2 oz., just what he needs! So I popped down for a little chat & pretty soon an hour had blown past. They are really sweet people. Glen has already gained 14 pounds since he's come! They arrived the same day as I did. Luckily I haven't gained 14 pounds too! Haven't lost any either! :o( Oh well! I'm thrilled at his progress! I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Wenda has also gained 5 lbs., so all around excellent news!
Their daughter phoned & so I came back to my room. I phoned my mother to tell her about her sweater, then Jaco called, then Werner Skype-chatted with me... Now, I'm attempting to finish this before midnight & get a decent night's sleep! I also have fasting blood work tomorrow, so I want to feel good! The phone line has been really crappy - apparently it sounds like I'm talking through a tunnel. Well, tonight I realized while talking to Jaco the phone cord was plugged into the Data Port! No wonder! So, it's still a lovely 1980's phone, but at least you can hear it now!
Oh, by the way, Little Houdini managed to escape from her diaper twice last night, while keeping the pj's & scrubs on. I don't know how she does it. We showed Grandma our new tricks tonight. We're getting there!
Anyhow, that's about it for excitement way down Mexico way... I'm sure tomorrow will be exciting! Love & hugs & see you soon! xxxx
Maria & Valentina xxxx
(nobody can pronounce Jill in spanish. It's either Hill or Jail. I'm going with Maria.)
Hi Mom! You can post too! xxxx
Hi Jill, Just visitd your blog for the first time Seem you are having an interesting time, Hope the treatment is not too bad and that it will be a great success I know Jaco would have loved to be there to support you Ja, he is a wonderfull man He just has a wonderfull calmness and strength about him and supported me so well with all the problems with Hennie. I was very emotional and he gave me such practical and logic advice. I do pray that the two of you can be together in the very near future! Love you Jill and go well Love Petro
Just letting you know we're thinking of you. I've been reading your blog and keeping up to date with your progress.... I pray everything continues to go well with you, and your spirits keep up. Wish I was there to take you out dancing or have some laughs and shots of tequilla.... but I'm glad to hear you're finding great people along the way to share your adventures with! Chin up, and know we care!
(Nathan's wife incase you didn't figure it out :)
Funny picture of Valentina in her diaper and pjs! It made me laugh out loud!
I'll call soon! Take care! Janis
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