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Friday, November 20, 2009

Day Thirty Two - And so it continues...

Well howdy everyone! I hope this finds you well & lovin' life! I am slowly readjusting to life in a landlocked area... I do miss that ocean! Today was fairly uneventful. I managed to sweet talk my way into the Doctor's office, so 1st appointment next Friday! Whoo hoo! It feels so great to see a doctor that actually cares! The Oncologist's office called again with another appointment. Gee, at least they are persistent! I suppose I will have to level with them & tell them I need more time to heal. I looked in the mirror tonight & I swear, my neck looks heaps better! I can't wait to finally wear a necklace again! I know, I know, how shallow, but hey, it's the small things! :o) Having the mass gone in my chest will be really neat to, but I can't feel it, so it's almost like it's already gone or was never really there! :o)

I managed to unpack the majority of my stuff & in the process filled a few bags of stuff for the Mustard Seed or any girlfriends who feel the urge to grab a hand-me-down or two. 

I am also off to Saskatoon on Sunday. I am going to drive a former Boss, who is kinda like another Mom, back home. She was going to take the bus & that's just cruel! So, it looks like the road trip begins, but it will be smashed in two, as I have the Doc's appointment back here on Friday. We'll see how plans go. With me, everything is weather impending!

Today was the first shot day. All by myself. Well, mostly. I will indulge you in my experience. Probably not for the faint at heart. I arranged all the goodies I would need... Alcohol, cotton balls, bottle of goodies, needle. Dropped my drawers & sat on the loo. Whoops, back up. I filled the syringe first! That was a task & a half! I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't go into the bottle! I flipped it upside down & that worked wonders. I have also been given the gem of tip for next time: insert AIR into the bottle first! Genius! So anyhow, there I sit. Ready to prick. 1, 2, Okay, 1, 2, ugh, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, okay, 1, 2, IN! Let me just say, 50 mls is nothing to take on the plane. 10 mls to put in your leg is a HECK OF A LOT!!!! And of course, I go too quickly. I want to get it over with, come on!!! I should have known better, as I would get lightheaded at the clinic if it was injected too quickly via IV. This was no different. After the first few mls are in, it kicks in. I feel hot. Really hot. I start to sweat. I feel light headed. I think I am going to puke. Or wait, maybe it's the other end. Can't put my head between my legs, there's a sharp stick in my thigh. 'MOM!!!' She comes to the door. With my head down, I ask her to open the door. I'm sweating to death. She obliges. She offers to open the window too. I said YES! She says, 'Brrr, is that too cold?' I say, 'What? I can't feel anything.' She puts a cold cloth on my neck & a towel under my forehead so I don't have it resting on the counter ridge. Oh, I feel rotten. So there I sit. Finally, 10 minutes later, the shot is in & I am done! Whoo hoo! I did it! I survived! Barely, but I am still here! No pierced fingers, either! :o) Yes, you could do it too, if you had to. It's mind over matter kids! Mind over matter! Only 44 more to go! (But who is counting?!?)

Next on the list of to do's was the missing prescription. I ventured into the city at 1930 & was home by 2130. I stopped at 2 Shopper's Drug Marts. One in the south & one in Kensington. I picked up the prescription at the south Shopper's. Valerie, the Pharmacist, was absolutely wonderful. She explained that this was not the Calcort I was after, as it's not available in Canada, but instead, I get Prednisone. Scary, yes. Better than a biospy & chemo? Yes. I only have to take it for three weeks & I am weaning off of it from the day I start it. 

The Kensington Shopper's was to pick up the Emulsified Vitamin A. I bought 2 bottles. One was the older bottle with no additives, but for olive oil & cinnamon flavour. The new bottle has a long list of junk they decided to add to it. Anyhow, I was about to comment about the rudeness of the Pharmacy Assistant when the customer beside me told off the Pharmacist for talking to him like he was a child! Okay, not the best time to comment about the co-worker! So I stuffed it & bought the Vitamin A. That makes the list of supplements complete! I am officially on the program in full-swing! It will be a challenge to travel & meet my dietary needs & take all these pills that the set times, but I can do it!

Speaking of travel... Oh dear. It appears I got my dates wrong. I thought I was joining Jaco on the 7th. Turns out I arrive on the 6th & I am only joining him on the 8th. Does anyone know of a cheap, nice, cockroach free place to stay in Papeete? I think there are a few oxymorons in there, but if you do, can you let me know? Cheers for that! I looked for awhile tonight on Google, but no luck. Very circa 1970's.

I had a lovely chat with one of my clinic buddies today & another this evening. It is like music to my ears, just to hear how everyone is doing. Sounds like the drama continues. I'm telling you, I need to write a book about the faces behind the illness. The stories are priceless, just like the people living them! And laughter! It feels so great to laugh about the silliest things. In fact, I can't even remember what it was, but we were on a rant again! Keep healing team! We're winning the battle! Whoo hoo!!!

For those of you who are still following, but haven't spoken to me yet since I've been back, first off, I'm excited to see you! But secondly, please don't panic when you see me & see that my neck is still 'fluffy'. Lymphoma took more than 3 weeks to grow in my body, so it certainly won't disappear after 3 weeks & the wave of a magic wand. Patience & prayers will help it disappear... Oh yes, a little love mixed in doesn't hurt either! :o) I'm getting there! Roma wasn't built in a day. In fact, I'm sure they are still building in Roma! :o) Sigh. What I wouldn't give for a fresh pizza from Roma... Pity about the tomatoes. Anyone care to join me in Roma for pizza when I'm CANCER FREE?!?! I know the perfect little Mom & Pop restaurant close to the Vatican right on the river. No seriously. With my husband's consent, unless he wants to come too, I am going to plan a trip to Italia to celebrate my health regained. If you're up for a little jaunt let me know... I know some great little restaurants, wonderful sights, & of course, THE BOOT SHOPS!!!! :o) I'll start saving yesterday. :o) Okay, that's me for the night... Ciao & arrivederci!

Maria & Valentina

I've decided to add a few photos of my own on the days I haven't done much exciting... Hopefully this will be a start to get you thinking about Roma... It sure takes me back! xxxx

Cistine Chapel - It really is beautiful!
Apparently you're not supposed to take photographs in there.
Good thing I didn't.

View from atop St. Peter's Basilica. 
Roma is beautiful even when it rains.


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