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Monday, November 30, 2009

Day Forty One - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Hello one & all! I hope this finds you well & warm! Brr! We had our first big dump of the season. I left for town about 1300 & it was just beginning to snow. I despise driving in the winter & knew that an impending stressful drive home was around the bend! 

I quickly hashed over my To Do list & decided what could wait until another sunnier day. I stopped at only 3 places & managed to leave Chinook Centre at 1630. It was crawling traffic & what normally takes me 1/2 an hour, took 1 1/2 hours! I stopped in Bragg Creek to pick up a few veggies & then headed out to the ranch. 

I pretty much plowed my way into the yard. I wasn't too sure if I was even going to make it up the hill! I had to take 2 attempts & on the 2nd attempt, I added a bit more speed & away we went! Whoo hoo! The deck was covered in a good 8-10" of fresh snow. When I left home this afternoon, there wasn't a flake on the ground... Different story now! I must say, I'm looking forward to Tahiti! Bring it on!!! Whoo hoo! I can't wait!

I thought I would be kind & shovel off the deck & steps, so when Mom came home, she wouldn't have to wade through the snow. When I finished & finally came inside, I realized I was covered in snow. So I dropped my drawers & left the wet jeans by the entrance. I put on my sweats & puttzed around the house for a bit. I had just answered the phone when I decided to clean up my mess by the entrance. I picked up the jeans & gave them a good 'flick' to get rid of the snow. I got rid of it alright! All over myself! I was covered in snow from my head to my toes! Yeesh! Whoopsie!

Anyhow, I managed to spend the entire evening on the phone... I would just hang up from one call & the phone would ring again & again... It's a good thing I don't have a TV - I'd never watch it anyhow! It was really wonderful to speak with some very dear friends I've been missing! 

And the biggest news yet... 

I cooked a meal! 

Okay, so it's not that exciting for you, but it is for me. For those of you who know me, I am pretty much Domestically Retarded. I don't enjoy cooking in the least bit. Tonight I decided to make a stir-fry. After searching for the rice for 10 minutes, I found it in the bottom of one of Mom's tins in the storage room. I put it on to boil. Next up were the veggies... I sliced peppers, yellow & red, mushrooms, purple cabbage, celery, broccoli & cauliflower. Btw, if you're wondering how to properly pronounce my new last name, it's like cauliflower - CAUL-it's... Just a tip! :o) Anyhow, back to the cooking thing... I put the veggies in the frying pan & try to spray some olive oil on them, then the lid on top. I check the veggies in a bit. Not much happening & the pan is so full I can't stir them. So I take a few out. Actually I take a really large bowl out & the frying pan is still full. Okay, so I haven't mastered the art of cooking for 1 or for 4 yet! In due time, I'm sure! 

The veggies are looking a little hungry, so I put on some coconut oil. Lid back on. I rummage around in the storage room & find the sauce I bought the other day. Good stuff that I can have, or at least I'm hoping it will be good! Some kind of Indonesian Pineapple Lemongrass sauce. Sounds yummy! Hmm, pineapple... I rummage around for pineapple & find a can of crushed stuff. 

I end up with an upside-down stir-fry. (One more reason to move to Australia - my stir-fry's would be right-side up!) I mixed the sauce & some pineapple in with the rice & it ended up on top of the veggies. Hey, it all goes down the same tube, right? Oh, the sesame seeds were the garnish. 

I will say it was quite palatable & I definitely have leftovers - about 3 more meals worth! I have a bit of a tummy ache, but I'm blaming it on the Soy Egg Nog I drank instead! 

So there you have it! I prepared my first meal of the year & it's only November! Just in case you're wondering, I worked on ships for 5 years & they prepare all our meals for us. I haven't had to cook a meal in a really long time! I just ate what was put in front of me or opened the bag/box/etc. 

Today was also needle day, just to keep you in the loop on the health side of things... I am getting better & don't hesitate quite so much. I think my thighs will be permanently bruised for the next 3 months! I discovered that the needles I'm using are only 1.25" long. I thought surely they were 1.5-2". Ha! Gulp! I am looking forward to seeing Jaco & he can do that job for a day or two!!! :o) I am also pleased to report that the ridiculous itching I was suffering from on my belly & neck has pretty much all but disappeared! Whether it is the meds or what, either way, I am tickled pink! I have a slight red spot on my neck where it was quite raw previously, but for the most part, it's all gone! Yay! Also, my neck continues to feel different every day. I know it is certainly changing. I am not sure if the interstitial fluid is dissipating, the lumps are shrinking or what exactly is happening, but either way, I believe that change is good! Stuff is happening & it's not just a giant stagnant lump anymore! Bye Bye Lymphoma!! Hello Life!!!

I've decided to do a little list...
Reasons Why I Should Live Somewhere Warm & Sunny, Near the Ocean...
1. The air will have more than 2% humidity thus reducing the chance of electric shock every time you touch something, i.e., car, dog, blanket, jacket
2. My hair will not stand on end every time I take off my jacket
3. My socks will not come off every time I remove a boot
4. I will not suffer from nose bleeds due to the driest air on the planet
5. I will not lose my fingerprints from cracked, chapped hands
6. I will not have to drive like a Granny with my hazards on because there won't be any snowstorms
7. I will not have to wear 10 layers of clothes & feel like the Marshmallow Woman every time I walk out the door - down is warm, but so not sexxy
8. I will not experience hot flashes when I enter a shop to purchase something & need to remove 8 of the 10 layers of clothing in order to stay conscious
9. My nose will not run profusely when I enter a building
10. If I want to have a white Christmas or go skiing, I can fly to Canada for 2 weeks in the winter
11. Because sand between your toes will always feel better than snow between your toes

Okidoki, on that note, I'm going to sign off for the night. I have the place to myself, well, Adios, Valentina & I do, so I'm going to take advantage of the peace & quiet... Sleep well & see you soon!!! 

Love, hugs & snow angels,
Maria & Valentina

Parking lot in Bragg Creek

Opening the gate to come into the yard

Oh where, oh where could my boots be?

Fresh fall on the deck

Covering the truck

Um, excuse me, but you have something on the end of your nose...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE those snow pictures :) Yes, it can be scary & nerve-wracking to drive in, but it's so pretty! Take care. Robyn

Jenn said...

I am SO, SO, SO happy to hear that your itchy rash is gone!! YAY!! Just think of the snow as a blessing... of course it makes things difficult but it also makes them beautiful, especially where you live. I will make going away that much more appreciated too! Can't wait for our visit if you are not in a pinch for time :) Love ya!!

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