Why don't we have this shop in Canada??
With bags like this, who wouldn't shop there??
The new do. Side view
Face first new do.
Whole Foods, all organic produce!
Deli, bakery, it is all there!
meats, salads, deli, cheeses, pizzas, wraps
Wall to wall goodness!
Prisila - my silent stylist
Shhh, don't disturb the artist!
Obsession Day Spa & Salon

Good chuckle & blast from the past & editing fun
Today when I started my IV, I had a little hiccup. I hadn't eaten any breakfast & as the IV of vitamins & minerals started, I began eating some raisins & nuts. Pretty soon I felt this really warm flush sweep from the funny feeling in my tummy up to my head. When it reached my head, my mouth & lips started to feel funny. My breathing became wheezy & I called for the nurse immediately. 'Okay, Emily! Something funky happening over here!' Emily was there right away & shut off the IV. She fetched a bag of saline & hooked me up to that. I put the trail mix aside & sat it out. A few minutes later, all was well & she put me back on the vitamins & minerals. It is really strange to me, as most of the symptoms are indicative of an allergic reaction, but that's something I've never had before! In any case, not something I want to experience again!
After I finished the IV, I left promptly for Karla's hairdresser. Karla is drop dead gorgeous & is a receptionist at Dr. Castillo's clinic. I really liked her haircut, so I asked where she has her hair done & she offered to make me an appointment. Mannie, the cab driver picked me up & away I went. I saw a whole new side to Tijuana. We drove past the airport, very modern & right next to the border. We also climbed a few hills, so I had a view of the city. Tijuana is 4 million people, apparently San Diego is 2 million(?). We arrived at Obsession Hair & Day Spa. The receptionist washed my hair & sat me in the chair. My stylist came along, started cutting my hair, blow drying it & styling it. She did the entire haircut without saying a word to me. She doesn't speak English & I don't know any haircutting terms in Spanish. It was so crazy! But probably the best haircut I've ever had! It was only $13, but I bought a flatiron to try & style it myself! Wish me luck! Anyhow, it was a fun experience & I'll return in 3 months to have it cut again!
When Mannie dropped me off at the clinic to catch the shuttle, I didn't wait long. At the clinic. At the border was another story. Today is the Day of the Dead. It's a national holiday in Mexico, so the line up to go the the US for shopping was cRaZy!!!!
We finally arrived back at the hotel about 1600. I made arrangements to go with Antonio to Whole Foods. He kept ranting & raving about it & what else was I going to do, so I happily went along. Wow! It was amazing! I was excited to get fresh celery at Fresh & Easy, but this place takes 'Health Food Store' to a whole new level. ALL organic fruits & veggies, amazing deli, bakery, meats, you name it, it's there! Health & beauty, clothing, wines, pizzas, wraps. It was about 3x the size of Community Natural Foods in Calgary. Wow! I was blown away!! I think I'm stocked up for the next week... My poor little fridge is chokka block! But my tummy is happy!!! :o)
Little dog had a rough day. I'm not sure if she's just getting tired of her carrier, being in heat or the fact that it was really warm today, but she was extra whiny today. I've been putting a little diaper on her at night in an attempt to keep the sheets clean. So far every night she manages to David Copperfield her way out of it. I even went to far as to put an extra long maxi pad in the diaper, wrapped it around her tail & taped it to keep it on. Nope, still gets out of it. So tonight, bless her little patient heart, she's got the diaper on, around the tail. Add to that her Christmas pj's & add to that the scrub bottoms from her Doctor's outfit (just like Daddy's). If she manages to get out tonight I'll be on the hunt for a Doggy Chastity Belt. I tell you what. Gosh. 3 weeks of this is enough to make anyone crazy!
We're working on new tricks, too. She's learning 'Hai Timida' - Are you shy? & then she covers her face with her paw. 'Gira' - spin. 'Pregiahmo' - Let's pray. 'Testa Giu' - head down. We have a lot of work on our hands to qualify for the Service Dog status. Although I'm sure being shy isn't a prerequisite! :o) She's getting very good at sitting before we cross the street & go up the stairs. She'll also walk beside me off leash from the pool to the room & she stays close & listens very well... Awhhhh, she's such a good girl!
Oh, yes, just for Laura, the Abercrombie & Fitch bags... Those alone are enough to make you shop there, let alone the clothing! :o) If I can just put Jaco's head on the top of the bag, I'll be set until we actually see each other again. Speaking of heads... I found this old Christmas card from the pre-Jaco era - Nico, I hope you don't mind, but it cracked me up when I saw it... I forgot about it. We used to send out Christmas cards every year & one year Mr & Mrs Smith was recently out... We improvised & I thought it turned out pretty good...
Have a great night...
Love & hugs,
Jill Marie(a) & Valentina
Hey girl your new look rocks. I`m sure if Valentina was not a smooth she would be sporting a new look as well.I am sure she picked up a new accessory or two. If I were Jaco I would worry about all the handsome tourists, checking out the girl and her dog. Except the mustard suit, not so Sexy. Things around her seem to be going from bad to worse. Boy do I have some stories for you when you get home. Well Maci is not feeling well her and Cohby have been battling a virus for weeks.. We will all be happy when it moves on to the next victim. I know that sounds terrible but the whinning and clinging and everything else that comes with a stomach flu, if you know what I mean .Has us all on edge. Love and keep up the good work talk soon. Oh yeah how long did it take to get threw that incredible Market I would still be there. Roxie
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