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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day Thirty Three - Bellydancing & Shipmates!

Okay, so I'm finally unpacked! Just in time to repack & head out on the road for Saskatoon! I hope the weather will cooperate, as I'm a little like a Granny when it comes to snow & ice on the highways. My theory is, I speed in the summer because I have to drive so slow in the winter, therefore, I'm making up for lost time... :o)

The day was fairly uneventful. I managed to squeeze the stuff back into the closet I call my room & haul the rest of the stuff down to the bunkhouse for storage. It's a bit of a death trap in there, as the rubbermaid bins are a bit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa (yes, we're back to Italia again!). Hopefully I won't need much from there until spring! Oh where for art thou Spring? 

I made a few more phone calls & connected with a few more folks. It's great to hear familiar voices & catch up on what I've been missing! I had a phone call from a friend of mine, Sonja, today. Sonja & I worked together in the South Pacific shortly before I was medically disembarked. We were both photographers at the time. Sonja is from the West Coast & her best friend recently moved to Calgary, so she is out to visit this weekend. Lucky for me I caught that tidbit of information on Facebook, so I jumped at the chance to meet up with her! We met at the Broken Plate in Kensington, only to discover it was closed for a private function. So we headed over to Pegasus, another fine Greek dining experience. I love Greek food, but I was a little apprehensive about the Hoxsey diet & menu choices. So rather than pick something out that I thought I would like, I wrote down what I couldn't have & asked the server what I could have. Luckily they had quite a few choices. Additionally, they had a belly dancer there to entertain us! It was a great experience. All that was missing was a little plate smashing... Next time! For those of you who might not know, I took 1 1/2 years of belly dancing when I was in college. Great fun! You should try it! 

Sonja & I chatted about ships for a bit & it turns out she might actually be sent to Jaco's ship, so who knows, maybe we'll be seeing each other sooner than we both think! Andrew & Brandy, her friends, were wonderful. We enjoyed discussions about health & nutrition, as well as GPS. I didn't know this, but you can purchase GPS trackers, smaller in size than the ones they offer for vehicles. I have often thought of getting some for my luggage when I fly so it doesn't go completely missing! Touch wood, it won't before I get some trackers! Ingenious idea & about time they come up with it! In addition to that, I've often had the idea in relation to car alarms... Why don't they ring your cell phone when the car alarm goes off? Lo & behold, someone else has had the idea & put it to action! Wonderful!  Now if only I had a car worthy of an alarm... Awh, I love my little Contemplate. (I call her that because she doesn't have a stereo, so I have plenty of time to contemplate life) :o) Some day I'll share the edamame bean story with you regarding the car. It's pretty cute.

And that was another day done & dusted! Tomorrow is injection #2. Slow & steady wins the race! I may be leaving for Saskatoon tomorrow depending on Mom & my brother's decision regarding our early Christmas dinner. If I do, it may be a few days between blog posts, so bear with me! Although I am sure you can rest assured there will be plenty to report after the trip! 

Speaking of trips... 2 weeks until TAHITI!!!! 16 days until I see my Baby!!!! Let the days pass swiftly! 

I've posted a few photos of my cat, Adios. He is a bit of an unsung hero these days, as Valentina generally steals the show. Adios is the sweetest cat. He's more like a dog than a cat. Abnormally affectionate & very large, he wins the hearts of all who visit. He is 9 years old & keeps the mice to a minimum around the ranch. I rescued him from a neglectful mother shortly after his eyes were open & he's been my 'Shnookie' ever since. He growls at strange vehicles, plays 'ice hockey' with ice cubes, listens attentively to your conversations & chases Valentina from time to time. He's my little tiger. I hope you like the photos...

Love, hugs & healing...
Maria & Valentina & Adios

Shake whatcha Momma gave ya!

Pardon me, just going to shimmy past you here... Mind your hummus!

Andrew, Sonja & Brandy

Sonja & I 

Adios on the chair

Getting interested in the camera strap


Anonymous said...

If you are zipping (or should I say crawling) near Beaumont on your trip to Saskatoon please call as I would love to see you! Janis

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