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Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 100 - Bebop, beop, pepop, bebopsy, BIOPSY!

Sorry, but every time I hear the word 'biopsy', I can't help but think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding when the Aunt is trying to spit the word out & gets it completely messed up! Makes me laugh! 

Yes, the dreaded biopsy is booked. I am going for blood work on the 2nd in Cochrane & the biopsy is at 0830 (!!!!!) on the 3rd. I've already decided I'm wearing my p.j.'s to the biopsy. I have some John Deere green flannel pj pants & they have cows on them. They also say 'Pasture Bedtime'. I know, cheesy, but that's me! :o) Eight-thirty! Don't they know I live an hour outta town! Yeesh! 

In any case, biopsy is the 3rd, CT scan is the 8th, biopsy results are back on the 11th & CT scan results should follow shortly after. I'm doing my best to keep my composure through all of this. It's like putting sand in my shorts for the next 2 weeks. EXTREMELY uncomfortable! To make matters worse (better?), I called the x-ray department that will be conducting the procedure & when I tell her that I'm having a core needle biopsy in my neck, she assures me that I am completely mistaken, as they NEVER do core needle biopsies in the neck. It MUST be somewhere else. Then I tell her I didn't want an incision biopsy & she says, 'Oh, then I guess they are doing it in your neck.' GREAT! So now I'm the guinea pig to see if this will actually work! Then when Jaco calls, he tells me how foolish I am to have the core needle biopsy instead of the incision biopsy. Apparently they can hit my vocal cords, aorta, nerves to my arms... Great! Even better! (Picture me looking towards the sky & throwing my hands in the air) (And wavin' 'em like I just don't care!) :o) It's all part of the journey, right? Well, if those 'trained professionals' can't figure out lump from not lump when they've got my neck ultrasounded on a screen, I'm in a lot worse shape than I thought! I'm sure it will all be okay.

I'm so anxious to get to Mexico, it's not even funny! My neck is starting to go down again - Praise the Good Lord!!!!! Who knows, by the time I get to the biopsy table, perhaps they'll need a fine toothed comb to find anything! Yay! I'm very excited to see some progress again! It's been interesting to spend these past few weeks devoted to searching for information on cancer, treatments & everything else that goes along with it! I'm learning new things every day! It is fascinating! I can not wait to be over this hurdle & share my wonderful news with the world. I want to give hope to every man, woman & child out there who will be given the scary diagnosis of cancer. I want to share with them the possibility of a gentler way to cure their disease. BRING IT ON!!!!!

Today was pretty low-key. I researched a lot for a very dear friend who had some crummy news - we found out some exciting stuff! There is always HOPE! Mom was away this evening, so I spent a little time with Valentina & worked on a new trick. 'Stenditi' - lie down & rest for awhile. I'm training her to grab the corner of her blanket in her mouth & roll over, so she wraps herself up in her blanket. She's very treat motivated, so it was a bit of a challenge, but she's getting there! She knows what she wants! We also played with the bicycle horn again - to Mom's dismay! It's very loud!

This was also shot day. In the difficult side. I think I hit the bone! Yee-ouch! I put the needle in & before I got it all the way in, YOWSERS! Something hurt like a hot-diggity-dog! I didn't dare pull the needle all the way out, but I did pull it a little ways back. I put the B17 in & quite quickly, too! I didn't end up with a lump, thank goodness! I think my angle was a bit too slanted, in any case, only 11 shots to go! Yay!!!! Just so you understand, a quick google tells me that most insulin shots are 1-2 mls. This baby is 10 mls.  Somedays I can't believe I just did that, but the days go by & I do it again. And, to be 100% honest, when I feel my neck getting smaller, it's worth every drop & every big, scary needle! Yay! I can see my health on the horizon!

Anyhow, that's about the day! Not a very exciting day, but tomorrow's a new day! I'm off to the city to visit Trisha & attend a Winalite launch for Calgary. It will be interesting, without a doubt! Have a wonderful night & I'll see you soon! Thanks for reading!!! (Jenn) (& Robyn!) :o)

Love & hugs,
Maria & Valentina

Honk! Honk!

We love our new toy!!!


Jenn said...

I am so relieve to hear that your bebop is booked as well as the CT. Try to look at it from the perspective that information is good!! At least with the right information then everyone who treats you is more knowledgable. So proud of you for tackling that monstrous needle, I know I'd pass out guaranteed.

Mike, the kids and I are off to gorgeous Pincher today to look at a rent house! Please pray it is affordable! Lots of love for you & Miss V!

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