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Friday, January 15, 2010

Days 85 & 86 - Uh oh... Falling behind!

Hello Everyone!

I am sorry for not keeping you up to speed! Things are getting out of control so quickly!! I've been home for 2 days now. Still not unpacked & I'm leaving again today! I'm off to visit Roxy & meet up with Janis & hopefully Robyn tomorrow for lunch. Then it's back home for Saturday night & off to see Madelaine (Mom2) on Sunday morning. Yikes!

Anyhow, I'm supposed to be long gone for Roxy's house, but I'm not even showered yet & I'm awaiting a call from Dr. Castillo. I figured I would take the time to try & catch up while I sit & wait. Did I mention the car has been running since 11 this morning??!! The battery was dead & Mom had the bright idea to boost it & then leave me at home alone. Never mind the fact I wasn't planning on going anywhere until later this afternoon!!! There goes my carbon footprint! :o)

So, back to those sea days, not too much exciting happened. The evening we left Costa Rica, things got rough. No, Jaco & I didn't have a massive fight & no, my health didn't take a turn for the worse. It was the ocean. She was angry about something! We crashed & bashed & floated around like twig on a river. It was next to impossible to walk anywhere. I would pick up my foot & it would end up somewhere other than where I thought it would land. I would shake back & forth, grabbing onto whatever I could to keep upright. We had to slow our speed to about 9 kts in order to withstand the storm. It was crazy! The worst bang was about 0030 - a massive wave struck the side of the ship & made a very loud BANG! We shook back & forth & the cabin rocked about. A few glasses fell off the table, but luckily they didn't break. It was difficult to sleep, as with every wave I would shift in bed. It was crazy! 

The next day was somewhat smoother, but not a whole lot. We managed to pick up our speed a little & then caught a ride on a current to make up for the lost time the night prior. It's very strange to be on a ship that moves about so much. I got out of the shower, put my lotion on & then proceeded to have a pee, if you will. We were rocking about so much, I thought I was going to slip right off the seat! :o)

Jaco was busy working long hours, trying to prepare for his handover to the next Doctor, taking care of everything happening onboard & also trying to pack. Luckily I managed to pack up most of my stuff well in advance. 

It was very sad to say goodbye. I was pretty much a mess. We didn't get to sleep until 0300, as Jaco was busy with work. We were up at 0630 & I was off the ship by 0800. I was ready to get off the ship, but not ready to say goodbye to Jaco. He has been absolutely wonderful these past 40 days & I am now finding it difficult to fill my days without him. 

The ship was great for my heart & poor for my health. As wonderful as they say the food is, if you take away the white flour, white sugar, vinegar, tomatoes, alcohol & pork, there isn't a lot on their menu to enjoy. And the few things there are, well, after 40 days, if I never see another baked potato again, it will be all too soon!!!

I was at the airport by 0900 & my flight didn't leave until 1500. Oh boy. I managed to meet a lovely couple from Calgary, who had also been on the ship. I hadn't seen them before, but we enjoyed wonderful conversation in Fort Lauderdale, Toronto, & Calgary. I am going to visit them one of these days & meet their cat, K.C.. 

Yes, my luggage was overweight. Instead of 50 lbs, they were 55 & 68 lbs. I somehow managed to escape overweight fees, as they told me I could only take one carry on bag & therefore I HAD to put some stuff into my suitcase. I picked the heaviest one & piled it in. When they said it was too heavy, I asked what I should do, as they just told me to eliminate a carry on bag! ;o)

Mom was at the airport to meet me with Valentina. She remembered me! I have never seen her so excited! Kisses & kisses & wet willies - it was perfect! I missed her a lot! We have a lot of training to do to get her up to par for a service dog!

Thankfully it's been above freezing every day so far. I'm loving the non-icy roads! Hence the little side trip today! Keep the warm weather here! 

Yesterday was my appointment at Tom Baker. Apparently they were going to drop me as a patient because I rescheduled 2 appointments. I'm not sure if this was just a scare tactic or what, but in any case, my Oncologist was at a meeting, but then, last minute, he walks in through the door. Hmm, something fishy is going on. 

The last time I saw him, he tried to scare me into chemo. Telling me I'm going to die if I don't take it & no shark tooth cartilage is going to work. (I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but teeth don't have cartilage!) Anyhow, I was excited to go & see him because when I left my neck was getting smaller. Now that it's big again, well, not so exciting. 

He wants me to do a core needle biopsy. Basically it is similar to a FNA - Fine Needle Aspiration - but they use a much (MUCH) bigger needle. Apparently it's the size of a pencil lead. Now, you know they aren't saying, yeah, it's the size of a mechanical pencil lead, it's the size of a giant souvenir, lasts forever kinda pencil lead. Great. Well, I did a quick search on the internet about 'biopsy seeding' & apparently when they poke into the tumor, cancerous cells escape from the entry point of the needle & spread elsewhere, rather than staying contained within the original tumor. Great, again. http://chetday.com/needlebiopsy.htm 

I will say, in the past, the 3 times I had FNA's, the tumors did increase in size much quicker than when they had been left alone. I am also having great pangs of panic in taking the chemo pills. Thus I am awaiting the call from Dr. Castillo. 

Oh yes, the needles... I'm back to doing my own shots again. Left thigh, no problem. Right thigh, well, I keep getting those little pockets. I just can't seem to get it into the muscle. Argh. And, I nearly broke my little toe again. I stubbed it on Jaco's bag - I broke my toe this past summer on my bed post. Yeow!

Moving along... I spoke with a lady last night who has been to Dr. Castillo's clinic for Lymphoma. We had an amazing chat. There were a lot of very serendipitous moments! It was the best thing I could have done, considering the current health situation. I'm very excited for what's to come!

Lastly, Mom bought a new treadmill!!! Yay! Her old one had a really narrow tread & a dial with which to control the speed. I'm a bit particular when I'm on a treadmill; I like to know exactly how fast I'm going, how many calories I've burned, etc, etc. The new one is awesome! I can't wait to get on it! Which brings me to my next point. I feel like Renee Zelwegger in Bridget's Jones Diary. You know, the part where she writes in her diary about her weight & pounds lost. I weighed myself at the clinic yesterday. 158 lbs. I'm a porkchop! Okay, so on the bright side, I've finally got boobs, but I'm in sweat pants, as the rest of my pants don't fit! Thank goodness for that treadmill! I've gained a whopping 35 pounds in 2 years! And 25 of them were in the last 6 weeks! On the bright side, I'm not one of those cancer patients who is experiencing 'rapid weight loss'! :o)

So there you have it... Back to Bragg & cuddling with the critters. I wish you all a warm winter & hope that life it treating you very, very well! 

All my love & hugs & sorry again for the delay between posts!!! 

Lovely. Snow. But at least it's not the deep freeze! More like a refrigerator.

The new treadmill upon which I shall shed my ghetto booty.

Tweet Pea!

I wanted to photograph Valentina sitting sweetly in her little bed with her toys, but when I got the camera ready, I accidentally tipped my piece of toast with peanut butter & banana & 2 pieces of banana fell off. Valentina quickly jumped out of her bed & licked the peanut butter off. Oops! :o)


Enlightened Savage said...

Welcome home, girl! Don't be a stranger - I'm only 200 metres away! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for meeting in Red Deer! It was great to see you - kind of tough to visit with Caleb getting more active...he was asleep before we even got onto Hwy 2! Good to see you! Janis

Jenn said...

Welcome home! It was so great to chat with you the other night, sorry Heidi was being so demanding and we had to cut it short. Of all the times she decides to be a diva :) Hope you are RESTING!!!

love you!

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