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Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 93 - Holy Red Tape!

Okay, so the next time I get a parking ticket, I'll just pay it early. Even if it's NOT MY FAULT, it's far worth the experience of going down town (paying for MORE parking & fuel to get there), running from 2nd floor to 9th floor, from this window to that window. Oh my. 

Some fellow named Lorne, who had enough hair gel for three people, decided to make small talk outside the courtroom. Oh dear. As if the hair gel, leather jacket & completely polished boots weren't enough, it was the smoke & booze on his breath! Wow! Don't let the judge smell ya! I don't think he made out too well, as he was later in line behind me cursing away!

What a gong show the entire ordeal was. First it was the 2nd floor to speak with a Justice of Peace. Wait in line. Write my 'story'. Swear on the Bible that it is true. Honestly, has that poor Bible ever been read & how many sad lies have been sworn on it? And shouldn't they have a Koran, Bhagavad Gita & Book of Mormon & all the other official books for other religious groups? I mean, we all know that ALL of the criminals aren't just those who believe in the Bible! Up to the 9th floor, courtroom 908. Wait for court to be in session. (This is when I met my buddy, Lorne) I walk into the courtroom, the security (police?) instantly tell me to remove my hat. Pretty soon, it's 'All rise for the honourable blah blah blah...' I didn't think they really did that anymore! For traffic fines? Anyways, the chick who said it, had the lovely black cape with oversized bow tie on & she looked fierce. Beady eyes, hair slicked back & penciled in eyebrows, permanent scowl. Thank goodness the Judge was young & looked as though she had a heart. Too bad she didn't see my naivety as actually being honest. The only part that really got to me was when a clerk or someone relatively important whose title I don't know, called her 'Your Worship'. Really? Huh? Anyhow, it was back down to the 2nd floor to see the Justice of Peace to set a trial date. Then it was changed to seeing the Crown Prosecutor now. Then back to the Justice of Peace to sort out payment. Then, lastly, it was over to the Cashier to give them my $30. I felt like I'd been violated in more ways than any parking ticket could come close to! Yeesh!

When Mom finally came to get me, she realized she was lost & couldn't find the truck. Great! Freezing our butts off walking from block to block to see if it looks familiar! And to think I'd just read in my book about cancer patients having a lower body temperature, as cancer cells don't like heat. With every teeth chatter, I'm feeding a whole new fire! Ha! Well, that's just one more reason to go someplace sunny & warm!! :o) BTW, according to the 2010 Best Countries to Live, Australia was 2nd! 

We made our way home & I proceeded to spend the entire evening on the phone. The gift to gab? Maybe! :o) I've got a headset & I burned through 2 cordless phone batteries! It doesn't help that when Jaco phones, he's only allowed to speak for 8 minutes. He then has to hang up & call back. Ships! Try having a serious talk - you just get into it & 'Can I call you back?' 'Okay. Love you.' 'Love you too. Bye.' And on & on it goes! In any case, we are caught up & I enjoyed some wonderful chats with good friends!

The best part of the day - Valentina was sleeping in her little bed by the island, in the kitchen. All of a sudden, I hear this little 'thump, thump, thump'. I look over, she's sound asleep, but obviously having a happy dream, as her tail is wagging, hitting the island! It was adorable! Check out this poor sleep walker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BgjH_CtIA
I hope she doesn't progress to that level!

I am also pleased to report that I did yet another needle without any issues! I was sweating like a piggy before I did it, but it went great! Thanks again to my Angel Nurse! Only 14 needles left to go! And to add to matters, my chest hasn't been as pressured, nor is my neck, so perhaps things are settling down. I've finished my iron supplements, which I recently read can cause free radicals & inflammation, so who knows if that is part of it? I also started Modified Citrus Pectin. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it a few days back, my mind is failing me as of late, but in any case, it's pretty nasty tasting & textured stuff. I thought I would be clever & mix it in with my oatmeal. Ugh. Ditto on the oatmeal being nasty tasting & textured too! I think I'll go back to my Red River. Blech. Some things do NOT get better with age. Apparently my mind as well as oatmeal! 

Anyhow, please heed this information:

Please, please, please tell them to do themselves a favour & invest in a $90 bottle of MCP or over the counter heartburn medication called Cimetidine. I'm not sure what Cimetidine costs in Canada or if it's even the same name, but... the reason you want to take this - 5 days prior to you procedure & for as long as you want after the surgery - up to a year! 14 g of MCP & 800 mg of Cimetidine. Why? you ask? Well, in my experience & in the experiences of several others I have spoken with, once the tumor is agitated or broke open, the cancerous cells are free to go. They can spread to other parts of your body - metastasis. The MCP & Cimetidine both help to prevent cancer cells from being able to stick to blood vessel walls. I'm not a Doctor & your Doctor might tell you 'That's rubbish'. But, what do you have to lose? The tumors in my neck consistently grew much larger each time they were poked for the Fine Needle Aspiration. Remember my little link to Biopsy Seeding? Well, proof is in the puddin'. Any Doctor who tells me otherwise doesn't have my best interests in mind. Natural or not, if it reduces the number of chemo/radiation sessions any one needs, why not? I'm telling you... It's a good thing Christmas has just past, as I would be broke(r) giving everyone their very own copy of Knockout. It's THAT good. If you know someone with cancer or you have it yourself, do yourself the favour. I don't want my copy to end! I want to keep learning!!! It's fascinating! There is always hope!

So that's my speech on the soapbox for today! Hope you enjoyed it! Love & healing & prayers for our friends in Haiti. 

Maria & Valentina

Don't we look happy??!!

Tweet Pea & me!


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