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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 94 - Let It Snow. Sigh.

Well, if nothing else, the snow does look beautiful! I suppose if I was energetic & felt like dressing up like a funky coloured marshmallow I could go out & frolic & play in the fluffy new stuff. Nah. I will do that tomorrow when I walk to work to visit Joe!

Today was a great day. Mom was in Winter Housecleaning Mode. She made great progress, but then managed to bring me her leftovers right before bed. Which now means I need to find a place to stash it before she wakes up & decides it is a mess. YES, we are both excited for the day to come when we each have our own personal feminine space. Lord, the the healing take place! Amen!

The first issue of the day - Prayer Request Please! I spoke with my dear friends, Glen & Stella Bell. I met them at the clinic in Mexico & Glen has been dealing with cancer. Well, sadly things got a bit more complicated with blood clots & such. He has just been sent home from the hospital in Canada, and the Doctors have given him one month. First of all, I think it's absolutely criminal that ANYONE can tell someone how much time they have left. Nobody controls when anyone else comes or goes, thank you very much! In any case, I would ask that you say a prayer for Glen that he can find something, anything that will help him stretch things out. And in that time, let's pray he finds something else that will help him stretch it out a little longer & before you know it, he's better! He has Stage IV cancer. Please pray for his appetite to be voracious & that he can continually gain strength to fight this disease & regain his life back! Thank you thank you thank you! Please pass the message along to anyone else you can! We know prayer works!

After all that, pretty much everything else takes a back seat! My Dad surprised me & stopped in for a nice visit. We enjoyed a few cups of tea & he filled me in on all the happenings in his life. I helped him with Skype & passed along a few email addresses for folks he was wanting to get in touch with. I was pleased with our visit, as often if it's not a tightrope, it's eggshells or broken glass. We are very much alike & things can get interesting! His girlfriend is currently in Mexico for a few months & he told me he doesn't have much desire to go to Mexico. He prefers Arizona or California. I told him he was getting old & should see some more of the globe besides 1st world countries! :o) And he doesn't like Mexican food? What's not to love? :o) Each to his own, I suppose! If we all loved Bora Bora, it would be over run!

I forgot to mention - yesterday Jaco & I spoke about getting our own place, which at the moment isn't practical money wise, but anyhow, he said to pick wherever I wanted. So I searched Turner Valley. Nope. Black Diamond. No pets. Bragg Creek. $1900/month! Definitely NO! Okay, how about Victoria, BC? Jaco says it's too rainy. Hmm. I know! Sydney! Australia! Now you speak-a my language! :o) Needless to say, we didn't settle anything. But it had 'endless hours of sunshine thanks to the reflections on the sparkling harbour'! :o)

Also, I looked a little further into the IPT treatment. It appears as though the grandson of the gentleman who coined IPT works in Tijuana doing just that! He has 22 years experience & I enjoyed reading about the procedure. To my surprise, the video on YouTube showing the IPT experience features a lady I met while I was in Mexico! We rode the shuttle together one day & she was the first & only 'Negative Nelly' I met! I even mentioned her in my blog post from that day! How ironic! I asked the receptionist how she was doing & she said fantastic! I'll be happy to see her & see if her attitude has shifted! Dr. Donato has trained every Physician currently practicing IPT across the globe! Dr. Castillo's IPT Physician doesn't have as much experience and I don't want to mess around with chemo. I'll meet with Dr. Donato when I go to Tijuana & discuss my options with Dr. Castillo, as I would still want to build up my immune system & detox the dead cancer cells out. I'm still waiting to hear back from Dr. Castillo regarding his Physician's experience, so I'll keep you posted! 

I'm booked for a session with Jessica Taylor for the Yuen Method on Tuesday & with Dr. Mah for chiropractic work & acupuncture on Thursday. By Friday, I'll be a whole new me! :o) Somewhere in there will no doubt be the biopsy. Blech. But, I know, it's time. Anyhow, I'm off to bed & tomorrow will be very exciting! Jenn & her husband, Mike, are stopping in with their little boy, Harrison, & their brand new baby girl, Heidi! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet her!

I was convinced that Jenn's first baby would be a girl, so I bought this adorable pink jumper with hearts all over it when I was in Sweden. I wrapped it up for Christmas & everything. To my surprise, she had Harrison, the cutest little boy! Hmm, so much for the pink jumper! I thought surely to goodness one of my girlfriends would have a little girl. Nope. Two years later, I found the wrapped up little jumper in my hat box. The only miscellaneous item left in the hat box - the exact same place I put it two years ago when I wrapped it up! Guess it was finally meant to be! :o) And I've also got the little baggie of Bora Bora sand as per her request! Perfect to dig your toes in one days like today! 

Anyhow, have a wonderful night, thanks for sticking with me in this rather rocky patch of the journey & here's to smoother sailing in the not so distant future!

Let Love Rule!
Maria & Valentina
Snow Angels & Puppy Dog Kisses

Grandpa & Tweet Pea - the next grandchild will be less hairy!

Tweet Pea with one of Grandma's discards. Note the motion in her tail indicating the level of glee!


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