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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Days 89 & 90 - And she cried...

Hello everyone!

I hope this finds you well & living life to the fullest! It's been an interesting couple of days. Nothing enthralling, so stay where you are on your chair! 

Sunday night Mom helped me compile a list of what I am currently & consistently doing to rid my body of cancer & another list of what I COULD be doing to rid my body of cancer. Let's just say it was a little shocking.

What I'm currently doing:
1. Taking my supplements & pills
2. Following the Hoxsey diet
3. Giving myself a shot every 2nd day

Yup, that's about it, as far as consistency goes. Now for the list of what I COULD be doing:
1. Praying 2x/day
2. Walking on the treadmill
3. Using the rebounder
4. Reading 10+ pg's per day
5. Chi Machine
6. Going to bed before 11, preferably 10
7. Eliminating dairy & meat
8. Journaling
9. Yoga
10. Meditate
11. Use visualizations
12. Drinking green tea
13. Use essential oils
14. See Dr. Mah for Acupuncture & massage
15. See Jessica Taylor for the Yuen Method
16. Listen to music & sing! 
17. Dance - bellydance, samba
18. Sauna
19. Hydrogen peroxide
20. Juice fast
21. Rife machine
22. Learn to (un)cook
23. Budget & save $$ to lessen the stress. 

As you can see there are A LOT of things I could be doing. I added up the time it would take to do all of the above (approximately) & it takes about 8 hrs 40 mins. That's a full time job & a little overtime! :o) Anyhow, I'm pleased to say that Monday brought with it plenty of time to reorganize & get settled. I am finally unpacked, the desk is cleared, the room is relatively clean & I am ready. I did some reading & juiced today. I also had Mom put essential oils on my back & called for the Acupuncture appointment. Oh yes, and I prayed. Valentina prays with me every night. 

Today, however, was another story. I woke up at 0750 when someone called. Grrr. Instant bad mood. It is my pet peeve to be woken up by the telephone. What can be so important that it can't wait until 0900 or later when most people are up & about. Unless someone is in jail or close to death, hold yer horses. Don't get me wrong, I spend a good few hours of the day on the phone. Many of my girlfriends will attest to that! :o)

After helping Mom load the old treadmill in the back of the truck, I went back to bed & read for a bit. I'm loving this Knockout book by Suzanne Sommers. I finally got up & went straight for the rebounder. Then 1/2 hr on the treadmill - 4 minutes of it was with Valentina - and then I was pooped! Wow! I'm very out of shape! And apparently detoxing! 

I ate mainly fruits yesterday & I had felt slightly feverish when I went to bed. I felt achy & exhausted by the time I finished my 'workout'. I took my pills & went back to bed. I woke up intermittently, and finally rolled out of bed at 1430. I was to call Dr. Castillo at 1500, so I figured I should have my wits about me. Little did I realize that they are an hour behind us, so it was actually 1700 I was supposed to call, not 1500! Whoops! 

Now, the title of this blog post is 'And she cried...' I cried three times today. Once while I was singing a song by Lady Antebellum - Run To You. For whatever reason it moves me. Valentina didn't howl, so I guess I'm not too bad! :o) The third time I cried, I had crawled back into bed around 1900, because I felt crummy again. I had taken 2 celery stalks with me. Valentina decided she wanted to try it. I gave her piece after piece & she crunched away, shaking her head up & down, back & forth. For whatever reason, watching her nibble on it with her front teeth like a rabbit & then seeing her gnaw away at it, had me laughing so hard the tears were streaming down my face! I love that little dog!

The second time I cried was when I hung up the phone from Dr. Castillo. It seems the very thing I have been opposed to this entire journey, will be the very thing I will have to face. Nothing is written in stone just yet, but it appears as though I will have the core needle biopsy & then see Dr. Castillo for low dose chemotherapy along with something called Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). From what I have read, the IPT fools the cancer cells into thinking it is glucose, the cancer cells open & then the chemo is given the open door to enter the cancer cell & kill it, while leaving the healthy cells alone. The low dose chemo will be about 10 - 20% of what regular chemo would be. Ugh. This is the toughest pill to swallow yet. The very thing I have so opposed for all my cancer conscious life, I will now have to face. I know that I will be fine & I will sail through it, but gosh darn it, why couldn't it be without the chemo?!? 

Dr. Castillo thinks the lumps grew because I didn't 'stay put'. My energy was spent elsewhere rather allowing my body to heal. I don't think Jaco will excited to hear that! :o)  Dr. Castillo reassured me that I would be fine. There were several people at the clinic doing chemo while I was there & they were far from suffering nasty side effects. Additionally he said the Core Needle Biopsy would have less chance of spreading because of the current program I'm on. 

I have just under one month until I leave for Mexico. I believe in miracles, so here goes nothing. I'll keep you posted on how things shape up! 

All our love, hugs & wet kisses,
Maria & Valentina

No exciting photos for tonight, but here's a few from the Falkland Islands & Antarctica...

Gentoo penguins

Sneaking up on that handsome husband of mine while he's hard at work!

Moi & the penguins!

No clue which island this was, but it was the only sunny day we had in Antarctica! 


Jenn said...

Be brave honey! I know that you can and you WILL conquer this too!! You are an amazing woman of God, walk in His victory - He already paid the price. Please let me know what I can do for you/with you... if you want someone to go to your appointments with you I'm there. Nothing is impossible with God!

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