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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 95 - Friends Make Life So Much Better!

Happy Sunday!

As I listen to the last few notes of Flower Duet, I can't help but wish for a better singing voice, but I'll keep imagining I've got what it takes! What a great song! I love music. Always have, always will. I introduced my parents to Abba. Yes, something is definitely wrong with that picture! :o) My 1st favourite band was The Emeralds - Bird Dance. I think I nearly drove my parents around the bend. Then it was Crystal Gayle, you know the country singer with hair to her ankles. Next came Cyndi Lauper & it was all downhill from there... There is very little that I don't listen to!

Anyhow, on another 'note'... Today was a wonderful day! I had a fantastic visit from the Burnett's! They were on their way back home & stopped in to introduce me to Baby Heidi! She was born on the 28th of December at a cost of -$20,000! Isn't socialized medicine wonderful!? Anyhow, we enjoyed a quick visit & then they had to hit the road. I'm not used to newborn babies. They scare me. They are so tiny & delicate. If you didn't know, Grace is NOT my middle name! I held her. I did okay. She didn't even cry. I guess the DMSO smell isn't that bad after all! :o) I'm thrilled they are closer & I am looking forward to visiting them in their new home in Pincher Creek once they get settled! Lookout Waterton, here I come again!

After they left, I piled on the puffy clothes & went to visit Joe at work. I'm so proud of Joe! He had the most unhealthy diet of anyone I have ever met. I have told him the only reason he's still with us is because he has such a wonderful sense of humour & outlook on life! Come on, slurpees for breakfast, microwaveable Kraft Dinner for lunch & Doritos some where in there, just to mix it up?!? He's now utilizing his iPhone to count calories & actually drinking non-carbonated beverages (even some water!) I didn't check the fridge, but I bet if I did, I might even find some green things, and I don't mean moldy! :o) He has set some goals & I'm so excited for him to keep going & stick to a MUCH healthier lifestyle change. GO JOE!!!! 

Tweet Pea & I walked home & quickly found the hotspots to warm up! Brrrr! Today was shot day. I waited until Mom came home (she went to visit Jeff) before I did the shot. Nothing bad has ever happened, but just in case, I didn't want to be alone. I told her to stay awake for another 15 minutes while I did the shot. I finish & half an hour later, no sign of Mom, the dog or the cat. I go into her room & she's reading a book. Adios is curled up at her feet & Valentina is curled up beside her. Hah! Some support! :o) 

That was pretty much the day. Of course, I spent a while on the phone & reading my book.  Found a few new friends on Facebook & thought about typing some emails. Only 2 more sleeps until I meet Jessica & then it's drumming time! I'm super pumped about the Tao: The Martial Arts of Drumming show I'm off to! I have heard that drumming can be very healing & I managed to snag the last front row seat, so let the vibrations begin! I took a Brazilian Samba class once & the music consisted of 4 drummers. I remember weeping when they began to hammer the rhythms as we danced around the room. Amazing! Anyhow, you'll undoubtedly hear all about it when I report back! 

Enjoy your evening & I hope this Monday is better than all the Mondays before! 

Love & hugs,
Maria & Valentina & Adios & Mom


Proud Papa who really didn't want his picture taken! He has much to learn about Aunty Jill! :o) Thanks for being a good sport Mike! You can take my picture twice next time we visit! :o)

Thank goodness Heidi is a forgiving little girl! She didn't make a peep! Except that one loud rumble before I picked her up! :o)

Harrison enjoying Inspector Gadget's Go-Go-Gadget Neck!

Joe - holdin' down the fort at EVIC! He says Brad Pitt won't hold anything on him come July! Sorry girls, he's taken! You'll have to get through Dara & that ain't happenin'! I saw the last girl who tried! Not a pretty sight!

My support team - close by & ready to jump at any given moment in case of needle failure! :o)


Jenn said...

You brightened our day!! Thanks for the "speed" visit. I had some serious guilt on the drive home that we didn't have a quality visit. I don't mind if it's short if I feel we actually caught up but I feel terrible because I couldn't give you my undivided attention. Please forgive me? Hopefully we can have a visit in Pincher very soon where we can chat over tea while the babies sleep :) That will be wonderful!

Jill Marie said...

No guilt! Just excitement for the wonderful visits to come! It's all quality & I understand - you have a newborn & a 2 year old who missed his nap! I'll bring the tea next time!!!! xxxx

Jill Marie said...

Hi Lucy!

Thank you for reading the blog! It's great to know that someone out there is reading & following along! I'm assuming you have little girls? Email me & let me know, I've got a few girlfriends with girls... albeit most of them have boys (!) but there are a few girls!!! mychestisfl@gmail.com Keep well & thanks again! xxxx

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