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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 366 - Hello Shermans & Strilchuks!

This morning we were up & at it bright & early. By the time Jaco & I got up, Henk was already out in the barn & Laura had all the girls up & dressed & was busy braiding the last one's hair. Oh, and she had breakfast ready for everyone - Quinoa, omelet & fresh cinnamon buns. How does she do it, Folks? How does she do it?

I took along my blonde wig for the trip, but forgot the little bank robber stocking that goes under the wig. It helps a lot with the itching. I hadn't worn the wig & was having fun showing off my henna. I wasn't sure if the church we were going to today would be ready for my henna'd head or not. Laura told us that 500+ people go to their church every week. When I tried the wig on for the girls, they liked it. I told them I was now Mommy's sister (because I was blonde too!). I decided to wear the wig. Thank goodness I did, as we ended up sitting in the very front row! I guess they would have only stared at the back of my henna'd head, but this way I couldn't see either way!

I met Laura's friends, who have a daughter with a rare medical condition called AVM - Arteriovenous Malformation. She is taking treatments in Colorado, as they have much success in treating her AVM. Canada offered to remove 1/2 her face & do reconstructive surgery & by the way, she might not survive the surgery. Did I mention their daughter isn't even old enough to drive a car? TRAGIC! (Insert prayer HERE!)

We drove back to the house & had a bite to eat. It was then time for us to dash away. We hugged & said our farewells. I sure do miss those guys. What a wonderful family they are! I wish we lived closer. (Did I say that already?!)

We made our way towards Beaumont. We were stopping in to see Janis & Dustin, Caleb & Baby #2. Janis is due in March. I think it's a girl. But I always think every Mom-to-be is having a girl. Janis is the ultimate Mom. I've never seen a woman handle pregnancy so smoothly. I think it's her general laid-back attitude. It rubs off on Caleb & their two Goldendoodles, so it's only naturally that pregnancy would go smoothly as well. I hope I'm like that one day! She looks stunning & I've never heard her complain about ANYTHING. What a gal. My hat's off to you!

We were planning on staying for an hour or so, as we needed to get to Rocky Mountain House before dark. Well. If Dustin didn't come home & start making thin crust Italian pizza. They asked us to stay & I think they asked right about the time the garlic was sauteéing on the oven. Psychologically they could have asked me for my first born child & I would have handed over the baby for a piece of pizza. Yeah. It was that good. Seriously, I haven't had pizza like that since... Italia! Bellissima!

While Dustin was preparing the pizza, I went to the living room to play with Caleb. This kid amazes me. He's 2 years old & he has the craziest vocabulary & best pronunciation I've ever heard. Not that I'm a Speech Pathologist or anything, but he's pretty clever! He read me a book full of animals. Lion, bear, giraffe, zebra, tiger, butterfly... I was VERY impressed. Note to self: Read your child PLENTY of books. Note to self: Read your self PLENTY of books!

We were on the road with full bellies & memories of homemade tomato sauce dancing on our tongues. We arrived at Le Strilchuk Château just past 2100 in the snow. I scared the daylights out of Mom2. She didn't hear us drive up, or come in the house. They were all watching a movie in the living room, with a fire burning. She screamed & jumped. Whoopsie! We had a wonderful chat & enjoyed a cup of Toasted Walnut tea from David's Tea. I sat up & watched the last of the Karate Kid. It was good! I like Jackie Chan.

The girls were happy to see us. I think. Valentina cuddled with Ricky, Mom2's nephew, & Oceana cuddled with Mom2. All the dogs got along fine! It's a miracle! I think it was great for them to have a few more 'pack members'.  We'll see what happens once we're back home!

I went to bed after the movie & what a cozy bed! The mattress was nice & cushy & the duvet was big & fluffy. Great sleep!!!

While I was paging through a magazine in bed, Jaco went to the loo. I heard someone get up, I think it was Mom2. She walked in on him in the bathroom. So did Laura at her house. So did Drayton at Sylvia's house. I think it's quite funny. For all other parties involved, maybe not. What are the chances of this happening at EVERY house you stay at? Maybe they don't lock doors in South Africa? They lock every other door, that's for sure!

Tomorrow we motor home... Lekker slaap!


 Soooooo Yummy!!!
 The Master at work!
 Caleb enjoying his ice cream
 Smiley Guy!
There's a bit of a belly bump there! 
 Laura, Henk & the girls
Tianna playing shy!


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