Now... where were we??? Oh yes, hot yoga & perogies... I was up around 0900 at Corre's the next morning. I wanted to get a good start on the day & make it to Sylvia's before dark. I enjoyed another great visit with Corre & Mike in the morning & said farewell around 1300. I wanted to swing past the Bay & see if they had any hoodies left, but nothing. I texted Sylvia from the mall to see if she needed anything. I didn't hear from her, so I guessed that was a 'no'.
I managed to find my way out of the city thanks to Corre & Mike's directions. I must say, I find Edmonton crazily confusing to navigate. Perhaps it's the mountain view I'm missing to help me keep my sense of direction! Regardless, I was en route towards Redwater. I had told Sylvia in my text that I would text her again from Redwater to let her know I was getting close to Boyle. She had emailed me a few days ago & said she would meet me in town. I took that as either she thinks I'm terrible with directions or she lives way out in the middle of nowhere. Either way, I was excited to see her!
I made it to Redwater & still no news from Sylvia. I checked the number I'd texted & lo & behold, it was her old cell number. I texted the new one & no reply. I called. No reply. Hmm. I sure hope she's home! I certainly don't know anyone else that lives this far north! :o) (It's really not that far after all, the map just makes it look intimidating!) Finally, I pass the sign that reads:
Boyle 54 km
Okay. Time to call the house & cross my fingers. I call. She answers! She casually chit chats & I come to realize that she doesn't know I'm on my way to see her! I ask her if she still wants to meet me in Boyle & when she says yes, I tell her I just passed the 54 km sign. 'OH! OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE ALMOST HERE! YOU'RE COMING!' I love Sylvia! Her reactions are worth their weight in gold! She quickly says goodbye & hops into the truck.
Sylvia & I met when we both worked at Three Bars Ranch in Cranbrook, BC. We were both Wranglers, taking guests out on the trails & boy did we have a blast! We were both set to work on cruise ships together, but those darned boys kept intervening! Anyhow, she's happily married with the most adorable son, who steals my heart every time he calls me Aunty Jill! Yes, Sylvia was a bridesmaid too!
So we met at 'Hooters' - don't worry, it's the name of the gas station! I was beginning to wonder what kind of a town Boyle was when she said Hooters! :o) I followed her along the highway & when we turned off the pavement, I understood why she met me. It was a maze! Curves, turns, north, south, east, west, I've never been so lost! But it was well worth the trip. She has a beautiful home, tucked back in the woods & her husband, Gary, has done a marvelous job to create the yard, garden, tack shed, & corrals just for her! What a sweetheart!
Drayton, their son, had a blast playing with Valentina. They put a lot of miles on in a few short hours! We went for a walk outside, met the ponies & pooch, as well as their nearby natural skating rink. Little did I know, but there are a lot of lakes around that area & just a few minutes from home, there are 100+ summer homes. But the best part is the beautiful playground & park area. What a wonderful place to spend your days as a child! Picnics with Mom on the dock, swing sets & a jungle gym! How fun is that?!?
Gary was off to work that evening, so Sylvia & I enjoyed a wonderful visit while we watched the closing ceremonies for the Olympics. We were both wiped, so we called it a night & planned to be up around 8 or 9.
Sweet dreams!
Maria & Valentina
Out for a stroll...
What a cutie!
Time passes by.
Big dog, small dog.
Tweet Pea has a sleep with Drayton!
Valentina's first slide ride!
Born to be buddies!

The Family!