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Friday, February 05, 2010

Days 105 & 106 - Rock A Bye Baby...

Hello Everyone!

I hope this finds you well, enjoying the last day of the week & packing plans in for the weekend! Tomorrow I am off to the Health Show in Calgary. Here's hoping I can score a discount on some supplements & learn a little more about cancer & health! Yay! 

Yesterday was interesting... I have been extra sleepy since the biopsy, I suppose my body is trying to recover. I can barely get myself organized by 1500! Yikes! Mom & I left for the city about 1530 for my acupuncture appointment. As I was lying on the table in Dr. Mah's office, I realized... 'Wait a second. I dread giving myself a needle & here I am with 8 needles pricked into me at once!' Something is definitely wrong with that picture! Anyhow, I think all the needles are helping my health out - if only I didn't have to administer them to myself! But you learn to be (gulp) BRAVE, right??!! 

After the acupuncture appointment, we stopped at Community Natural Foods, Calgary's equivalent to Whole Foods in the US. They have a wonderful selection of health food, natural products & very helpful staff. I inquired about a few products & got an earful on new ones I've never heard of. One of the gals in CNF, Zoe, was helping me find Graviola several months back & asked if I'd tried Modified Citrus Pectin. I said 'No, I've never heard of it.' She proceeded to tell me that she was given a bottle by the supplier & had no use for it. Did I want it? Wow! Of course I said yes! I gladly took the bottle & when I went to replace the empty one, Yikes! $97!!! Anyhow, I took a second bottle & ended up in Mexico a few weeks later. I stopped the MCP until I read the Knockout book. Mom was in CNF the other day when Zoe was working & called me to make sure she got the right stuff. I told her to put Zoe on the line & thanked her again & again, sharing my news about MCP! What a wonderful gift & how generous of Zoe! 

Next up was Prayers. Mom & I joined Neil & Lawrence & shared our weeks happenings & the people we would like to pray for. It's a nice relaxed atmosphere in Neil's living room. He has tea & snacks for us, we sit & talk & then have a group prayer. I enjoy the informality of it & it is wonderful to hear the stories of these gentlemen. They have done some amazing things in their lifetime. 

When I returned home, I checked my emails before bed & sadly, my friend Glen passed away that morning. I am glad that his pain is over with, but sad that he had to leave on such unfortunate conditions. His funeral is Monday & I'm not sure I'll be able to make it, as I have my CT scan. I'll see what the weather is like & what time I finish. I am hoping to visit his wife, Stella, the next time I am in Medicine Hat. They are both such wonderful people. 

The night for me was an unpleasant one. I'm not sure if I drank some bad juice or exactly what, but at 0600 I was sick to my stomach. Only once. I finally fell asleep after that & didn't wake up until 1300!!! I haven't accomplished much today. In fact I didn't eat breakfast until 2130, I just haven't had the will to move today! Here's hoping tomorrow will be much better! 

Jaco called & we had a nice visit. He is working so hard these past few weeks. He will be so happy to make it home & relax... Although! I heard from the recruiting agency & they want to see Jaco's CV ASAP for the position in Bragg Creek! Yay! Fingers crossed he can get it up-to-date before the lady returns from holidays on the 16th. It would be wonderful if this job would materialize into our reality! Apparently they even supply a place for us to live! I know my mother wants her house back & I eagerly want to give it back to her! As soon as I can manage & my health is on the upswing, I'm outta here! When I was chatting with a girlfriend today, I said I think I know the title of the book I'm going to write when I'm healthy... 'Having Cancer Is Easier Than Living With Your Mother' :o) My Mom is wonderful, but grown women need their space. I know, I need to leave - I am counting down the days until I can afford to pack up my things & go! Until then, it's a lot of deep breathing for both of us.

On that note, I'm going to watch one more episode of House & hit the hay. I love House. What a jerk. He makes me smile though. Ever since the first episode I've been a fan. Anyhow... Continuing with the Zuma saga... Here's a little funny to keep you going... Compliments of my friend, Werner...

Love & hugs & sweet dreams (keep your daughters close!)
Maria & Valentina

Ha ha... funny funny...

Lawrence - What an amazing man!

Neil - Our humble host & also an amazing man!

Yours truly - I'll take off the toque when the grass is green & the trees have leaves!

Mommy Dearest

Seduti Bella - Sitting pretty for a nibble of cheese. Isn't she adorable?!? :o)


Jenn said...

HAHAHA! Thank you for the Obama/Zuma convo - too funny! Made my Saturday morning :) I am so excited about the possibility of the Bragg Creek clinic, that would be AWESOME! And a place to live... WOW!

Oh how I feel your plight. I am very grateful for both of our mothers helping in our greatest times of need. I really am. But I too am also ready to move on, but feel time is standing still. Soon baby, soon.

If you are still not feeling well and rested come Monday don't worry about traveling down this way, ok? I want to you to rest and get the care you need and two little babies unfortunately are not the nest for that.

Keep us posted love!

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