Kerry is very easy to spot in the crowd. Gorgeous little blonde who looks like she just stepped out of a Vogue magazine. Her little boy, Mason, has the same striking blond hair. I spotted him sitting with his Dad. Kerry was sitting in the centre of the bleachers & I made my way over to her. I'd smuggled Valentina into the rink, so of course the gals sitting around Kerry had to have a peek at 'what was in the bag'. Kerry & I had a little visit while we watched Alina's team win the game! Hooray! (FYI - they made it to provincials!)
After the game we went to this fantastic Greek/Italian/French/everything else restaurant for lunch. It was wonderful to spend time with Kerry's family. Usually when I meet up with her, it's her & a few other friends, so this was extra special to me! Kerry & I met in College & although she couldn't make it, she, too, was supposed to be a bridesmaid at Wedding #3. (there were 15 bridesmaids, so keep counting!) Kerry is one of the busiest Moms I know. In fact, I don't think I know a busier one! She is always on the go & kudos to her for having the oompf to get up before her family, hit the gym & be back in time for breakfast before anyone has woken!
Although our visit was short & sweet, I'm hoping to stop in for a quick hello & hug on my way back. And here's hoping they'll make it down to K-Country this summer to visit!
After I said farewell to the family, I was on my way into the city to visit Corre. Corre is another friend from College. Her & I were inseparable during those 2 years. We would spend all day together in class & then go home & talk for 2 hours on the phone to each other. She was also a bridesmaid! She teaches near Edmonton now & recently moved in with her man. I'd never met him, so I was quite excited to meet Mr. Wonderful!
I had been texting Corre that morning, as I was still waiting for directions on how to find her house. She had said something about 'a novel', but I didn't understand her, so I just called to find out. Apparently my phone is anti-directional, as I never received the text with the directions in it! Funnily enough, I did receive a few 'spam' texts that were all jumbled numbers & letters. Sorry, but woman's intuition will only get me so far & in Edmonton, that's not even close!!! I drove forever & ever on Anthony Henday or Tenday or something like that. I thought I'd be at Sylvia's before I ever reached Corre's! (Sylvia lives north of Edmonton a fair distance)
Eventually I pulled up in front of her house & she came out to greet me. I was so happy to see her! She is next to impossible to track down & I later discovered why... She teaches full time, on top of coaching basketball & volleyball! Yikes! I met Mike & was also greeted by Zeus, their dog that Corre's former roommate rescued from the Reservation at Fort Chipewyn. Valentina loved Zeus. I'm not too certain it was mutual. If Valentina's nose wasn't in Zeus' face, it was in her, well, other end. Poor Zeus! Anyhow, we took the dogs for an hour long walk. Oh my gosh, I'm out of shape & Corre motors! I was trotting to keep up! When we got back to the house, I sat down & Corre said, 'Are you ready for hot yoga?' Gulp. 'Yeah, sure.' Oh dear, I might be here for 5 days until I can move again!!!
While we discussed yoga & supper, we threw the ball for Zeus. I've never seen such a dog. She was obsessed with her ball & would do anything for you to throw it. She would even put the ball gently into your hand, time after time. At one point, Valentina had the tennis ball. I don't know how she managed to fit it into her little mouth, but in any case, she approached Zeus & gave the ball to her via mouth-to-mouth. It was very cute!
Mike agreed to stay at home with 'the Girls' while Corre & I ventured out. She had done hot yoga before, I had not. I had no clue what to expect, only that I hadn't done yoga for a very long time. I loved it! It was so nice & warm & it felt really good to sweat! The room was chokka block full & it wasn't too insane of a workout. Perhaps the most embarrassing moment of my life came about when I accidentally added a little 'hot air' to the room & unfortunately it wasn't that silent. Just my luck the 'cutest (gay) boy in class' was on the mat next to me. What?! It could've been the girl behind me! Phew, she was sweating pure nicotine! Ugh! Anyhow, it was a brilliant class & I'd love to do it again! Hopefully a little less embarrassing!!
After our 2 malicious workouts, we went to Culina for supper. It was fantastic! Okay, so we were a little sweaty & a tad underdressed, but it was still scrumptious! I would highly recommend it! They even had rooibos tea! Sigh. A little reminder of my Honey while I'm on the road! Miss you Handsome!
On our way home, we stopped at Zellers. I got the bright idea that I wanted to get a red 'Canada' olympics zip hoodie. Yeah right. If you know of anyone who doesn't want theirs, I'm a size S! We returned home to find 'the Girls' keeping Mike company. Zeus on top of the couch behind him & Valentina on the blanket with Mike. What a great day. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful friends! This has been a great trip!
Sleep well & here's hoping my body still loves me tomorrow!
Maria & Valentina
Alina is number 6 - under the ref. And check out that scoreboard! Way to go!

Shawn, Kerry, Mason, Alina & myself.

Walkin' the dogs along the river

If I was smart, I would have taken the camera out at the start of the class, but oh well. It adds some 'ambience' to the photo! :o)

Hot & Steamy!

Culina! Funky logo!

Mike & Valentina - she just makes herself at home!

Corre & Zeus, who is thinking, 'When are you leaving with that mutt??!!'
I don't recognize anyone without their wedding attire!
I laugh out loud reading about your journey. Great to visit with you, Jill. About your car, I just didn't realize it was so close! Swimming mind. Or maybe the Head & Shoulders 'Saskatchewan' had soaked in too far.
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