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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 111 - Calm Before the Storm...

Well, tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I find out exactly what kind of critter has been attempting to invade this *svelte* little body of mine. ha ha...

I'm excited to meet with Al & Wilma for lunch. They are the wonderful couple I flew home from the ship with in January, however, I am NOT excited about the Oncologist's appointment, excited about the acupuncture appointment & of course, looking forward to Thursday Night Prayers.

Today was, again, low key. I spoke with a dear friend who is recovering from cancer & has been hitting the same 'roadblocks' as I have. It appears as though some people are quite resistant to anything outside of their 'box'. The sad part is, the people who are opposed to the alternative treatments have actually expressed a wish for my friend to be 'forced' to do conventional treatments, regardless of her health - good or bad. These people attend the same church as my friend. Where does it say, in any religion, to wish illness on ANYONE??? I think the people who are actually sick are the ones making these ridiculous statements! I can certainly say I know what my friend is going through, but I haven't experienced it on this level! Acceptance - what a concept!

I also attempted to sort through 3+ years of addresses & numbers jotted down on scrap pieces of paper. I can't even recognize some of the addresses! I think I had about 7 entries when the phone rang. Saved by the bell! The kitchen table is now covered in bits of paper! There's always tomorrow!

Adding to the list of things to do, I juiced for breakfast & also for lunch. I did eat a bit of veggies for dinner, but I must say, it was interesting to observe my cravings as the day wore on! Salt! Sugar! SUGAR!!!! No, really, SUGAR!!!! We'll see how tomorrow comes along! 

My neck has become quite raw in the last week or so. It is still ridiculously itchy & regardless of what I put on it, it doesn't seem to help. I think I'll need a straight jacket soon to keep me from scratching the lumps right out! 

Beyond this, the day was fairly uneventful... I helped Mom partition a hard drive & set up her 'Time Machine' on the laptop. We looked at Doggie Strollers (Costco - while we were searching for hard drives!) Don't laugh! They are actually quite handy when traveling on foot! I'm quite proud of Mom, she picked up a book on organizing your life & she's doing very well! I can only imagine how much further ahead she'd be without me here messing the house up!

I enjoyed a 3.5 hr Skype chat with a dear friend I don't get to speak to that often. She is an exceptionally talented photographer & keeps herself incredibly busy! We worked on ships together & she took the plunge & left for land a year before I did. I never really took the plunge, they plunged me because of my health! Anyhow, she decided to pursue a full time photography career & it's paid off! Last year alone, she found herself in Italy, Paris, Cuba & Mexico! I couldn't be prouder of her! You go girl! Check out her work & her blog! I love the Paris shots! Kim Ing Photography :o)

Well, wish me luck for tomorrow & pray for good news & good options. I know they're out there! I've got to go... I have a snuggle date. With my dog! :o)

Sleep tight & give your loved ones a little extra hug tonight. They deserve it & so do you! Only 8 days 'til Tacos, Tequila & Treatments! Ha! Well, maybe not the tequila! :o)
Maria & Valentina

Just a little face wash!

Mama, don't you know I'm camera shy?

Cuddles for Mama

Okay, I'll pose for one!

Who's the one I miss the most?? Thanks Augustine for a great photo!

Know anyone getting married? I've finally put the decorations up on Kijiji


The Yellow Team said...

Hi Jill! I'll be thinking of you and praying for good news in all of the next blog posts and updates.

I was talking to my mom the other day, and in Mexico she got awful bug bites that she couldn't stop scratching - to the point that her skin was raw. She ended up finding some mystery cream in the medicine cabinet that she had gotten from my baba's house when they were cleaning out. She snagged it because it was going to get thrown out. Anyways she said it was a 'miracle cream' and the only thing that worked. It wasn't a corporate product, but a homemade one with a phone number on it. She called, and talked to the native lady that made it. It's all natural herbs and such and for any type of skin condition and apparently really helps with itching. My mom said that the lady comes from a long line of native medicine men in her family history. Anyways I'm going to ask my mom today, and see if I can get her to get the lady to send a jar out to me, so I can send it to you. (if you'd like that is... let me know.. )

Anonymous said...

I wish you well on your Dr trip today,my dear.. I got those bites when I was in OKLa....chiggers, they get under your skin, you about tear off your skin. I used Benadryl cream, it helped & they finally "went away!"...Amber

Anonymous said...

I will give you all the support I can Jill facing fear is on the road to peace. Thank you again to for setting up the hard drives for me, really appreciate your help and knowledge. Blessings MOM

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