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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 115 - The Best Laid Plans

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

I hope your day was filled with love & all that mushy stuff. I hope you spent it with someone or several someone's that you love. Although Jaco & I were apart, I was still fortunate to have a 2 minute phone call from him this morning! That completely made my day! He is still flying from London to Cape Town, but should be arriving in the next couple of hours. I'll be anxious to hear from him!

Today was supposed to be a movie & Lacrosse, but alas, it was not. When I woke up this morning, I could not move my neck. The muscles had seized. Again. This time was the worst so far. Adding to that my coughing fits & I was again in rough shape! 

But it was Mom to the rescue! She rubbed peppermint oil on my back, got the hot water bottle ready & sent me to her bed. Oh yes, there was also a shot glass of Buckley's in there too. Buckley's has been my stand by for any cold or flu. Mom gave it to us when we were kids. Yes, it tastes awful. But it works! I was trying to sleep in her bed, as mine apparently isn't too comfy for my neck. I can remember moving positions in the middle of the night & feeling all the blood drain back into the entire one half of my head. Hmmm. Not so great!

I had just fallen asleep in Mom's bed when I heard the phone ring. There was no sitting up to answer it, but that's when I heard Valentina whining frantically at the door. She's never done this before. Mom didn't get the call, so when the phone began to ring right away again, I figured it was time to move. I literally rolled out of bed - luckily she has a high bed - & made my way to the phone. Hmpf, don't know the number anyway, but know that I'm up, I'll see what the dog wants. I open the door & she's excited to see me. She didn't want out, okay. I walk to Mom's office only to have her hand me the phone. It was Jaco & he literally had about 40 seconds to talk before the card ran out & he had to board the plane. Call it coincidence, but I think Valentina knew it was her Papa calling. :o) Hey, it makes me feel good!

The next bizarre part of the day occurred while I was talking to Mom2. We were having a good ol' chat when all of a sudden she says, 'Oh no! There's water coming out from underneath my washer & its going all over the place!' I agreed that yes, this was very unfortunate, when not 10 seconds later, I hear a very loud buzzing sound in my house. The septic tank alarm! Oh no! We both hung up & tended to our water issues. Mom was outside & said that we better be careful, because the tank was all the way to the top & it could start backing up in the house soon! Great! Needless to say, our company's dinner dishes are still sitting in the sink! However, I did check the alarm & it's turned itself off during the course of the evening. Here's hoping it's fixed itself! It's certainly warm enough, the pipes shouldn't have frozen! Tomorrow will tell.

I asked Mom if we could have Lawrence & Vivian out for supper, seeing as we were unable to do the movie & game. She agreed. She cooked a sweet potato shepard's pie with ground turkey for supper. It was fantastic! I actually did something as well! I made a raw hummus dip from cashews! Thanks to Collet & Roxy for the recipe, it turned out great! Although we have enough for the next 2 months! Neil ended up driving out & brought Vivian with him, so there were 5 of us for supper. We enjoyed a wonderful meal & great conversation. 

I also spoke with my Granny today. She will be 95 this month. Unfortunately I will be in Mexico, so I will miss her special day. We have made plans to celebrate when I am back. She is now in a nursing home & although she would much rather be elsewhere, she makes the most out of every day. She is an inspiration to anyone who has taken the time to get to know her. 

Tomorrow I will call my other Grandma - Grandma B. Her birthday will also fall while I am away! I saw Grandma B's picture on Facebook today. It always makes me giggle to think that my 83 year old Grandma is hanging out on Facebook. She doesn't have a profile, but pops up in random photos. I think she's the 'Where's Waldo?' of Facebook. Yes, this is the same Grandma who loves Bon Jovi. The picture today was of her & her favourite bull rider, Justin McBride. I'll admit. She's got good taste. Must run in the family. In fact, she told me after the wedding, 'You're lucky I'm not any younger, I just might try & take him off your hands!' :o) 

I checked the temperature in Tijuana today... 26! Yes! It is only supposed to be about 20-23 for the rest of the week, but I don't care! That's awesome! Yippee! I'm so excited to go! Oh & today was shot day. I only have 2 left to do in Canada & then I'll be in Mexico. If they don't do it via IV, well, I'll cross that bridge when I get there! I've survived 43 needles! Yay! Okay, so 15 of them my husband did, I botched 3 of them, but the rest I managed & got it done! Oh my gosh, if I was still in Brownies, this would be the most significant badge I've ever earned!!! 

I have wrote out my To Do List for the week & it's fairly hefty. I'm not sure what day I'll get to town, but it could be messy! Wish me luck on the last week of running around before I get to unwind & rebuild! 

Love & hugs,
Maria & Valentina
Love, Hope & Faith. But the greatest of these is Love.

Valentina's Day Supper

Maybe next year we'll be together! :o( I'll love you a whole year more!


Grandma B & her hottie Bull Rider, Justin McBride


Jenn said...

Hehe, Granny on facebook! Love it! Are you planning to continuing to write while in Mexico? I hope so, cause this is how I catch up with you when my kids are crying and we can't chat on the phone :) Oh the joys of motherhood! Wait until I can write about potty training...

Love & prayers for you!

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