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Friday, July 02, 2010

Day 253 - Like A Wet Noodle.

Yup. That pretty much sums it up. I am officially feelin' the 'chemo fatigue'. I feel like I'm either 2 or 92, but either way, I can't make it through the day without a nap. Guess I'll be getting used to taking it easy!

I woke up at 0400, took another pill. Then again at 1000. Decided I was tired of taking these pills every 6 hours, so I called the hospital & asked when I could quit. I never did feel nausea, but I was afraid to stop the pills in case I did! It's now late & I haven't had any nausea whatsoever! Yay! 

I have drank 3L of water & my lips are still chapped. The plumbing still ain't workin' properly & I'm not sure what to do next! I feel a little like I've been dragged behind a stagecoach by my ankles, but in all honesty, the day was pretty slack. 

Dieter surprised us with a visit, accompanied by Hubertus & Victoria, 2 Germans en route to Oregon, San Francisco & Las Vegas. I have met Hubertus previously - he's a cutie... Like a young Brad Pitt. Sorry, no photos of him!

Mom dashed off for a whirlwind of southern Alberta stops for the day & I was left at home to fend for myself with the dogs. I spent most of the day trying to figure out the firmware update for my camera. I apparently needed the cd that I NEVER NEED, so it took me awhile to find it. Luckily I don't often throw things out! :oP I have finally figured out (sort of) how to record video on my SLR! Yippee!!! I formatted a hard drive to give to Mike & Jenn - we made a trade, I'll edit their wedding photos in exchange for some TV shows to watch while I'm stuck at home. Works for me! 

I finished sorting through the pile of papers sitting on my desk. They are all hole-punched & tabbed in binders, neatly organized! I programmed the MagicJack to send to Africa with Jaco & attempted at organizing mine so I can actually use it! If it weren't for the plethora of cables stemming from Mom's desk & the frequent power outages this evening, I might have had a bit more success! Oh well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time ahead of me. It feels so weird not to have plans to go anywhere. I feel like I'm grounded by my own will. I NEVER stay home. Any bets on how many days until I get cabin fever???? :o)

The Burnett's arrived about 1700. They are camping in the yard for the weekend. They acquired a travel trailer & wanted to test it out, so I suggested they bring it this weekend. They have a house nearby if need be & they're not stuck in the back 40 somewhere! Harrison had a hay day. He ran & ran & ran, chasing 'Tina' & 'Nana', playing with a toy helicopter I found for him. He was still ready to run come 2230 - LONG past his bedtime! It will be interesting to see how he feels tomorrow! Every child needs wide open spaces. I am so grateful for the freedom I had as a child. I feel sorry for kids that grow up in cities & towns, without the opportunity to run wild & free. 

Anyhow, before I get too carried away, Laura phoned! She's alive! I was beginning to wonder! She's been crazy busy, poor girl! We had a great chat & I'm hoping it will work to get together this summer! I miss her & her family!

Okidoki, I'm signing off for tonight. I'm so exhausted, it's not even funny! I hope you had a great Canada Day & here's to a great weekend! xxxxx Maria & Valentina p.s. - today is my last full day with hair! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!




What intensity!

Oh to be young again!

'Tina' & 'Nana'

Day 2 post chemo - symptoms included:
-Low grade fever
-Muscle aches
-Plumbing problems
-Little to no appetite
-Absentmindedness (but perhaps this was a condition pre-chemo!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill from the Whitecourt bunch ! We are thinking of you and reading your blogs. All good things are being sent your way. You are a strong girl and we know you will do well. Some days may not feel so good, but you have a wonderful attitude and that really counts ! Don is doing well, although he has lost quite a bit of weight - June was kind of a rough month for him. Kay, take care, love to you and your family and of course Valentina !
Sharon and Don Baumle

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