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Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 458 - Overwhelmed!

Yikes! I'm exhausted! We had a blood draw between 7 & 8 a.m., weigh-in & blood pressure, green juice for breakfast (& a little quinoa), and then the lectures began. As did my appointments. I didn't really make it through one entire lecture today. I had interruptions the entire mid-morning & afternoon. They had scheduled 3 different consults at the same time as other lectures. It was a bit frustrating. I left my voice recorder with some gals & asked them to record what they could. It turns out they also had conflicting appointments! Oh well!

I had a live blood analysis, but my live blood was 'too active' so we looked at the dried slide first. (We never went back to the live slide, so I need to inquire about that!) It was quite interesting. Apparently my body is already detoxing. I have some inflammation as well. The Nurse wrote me out a long list of supplements, but I'm over that - taking them & spending the money on them. I saw a Doctor later on & I asked him to whittle the list down. He told me his top three. I haven't added up that cost, but... And the other appointment was with a bio-feedback machine. I don't really know what it was, but Cea (yes, like Sea, but with a 'C' - she needs to get together with Bleu) took my pulse a bit & put some contraptions on my spleen, neck & abdomen. She told me a little about my body regarding my pulse. I'm not too sure what the purpose was, but it was included in the course, as were the other appointments. I saw a Chinese Doctor in Calgary who did the same thing, but without the contraptions. Maybe I'm a little negative today, but I much say, I didn't really get the 'drift' of the appointments today. I'll do some more sleuthing to see what I can find out.

We had stuffed avocados for lunch. I ate one. That was dumb. I also learned how to do the wheatgrass juicing. I had 2 oz of that. Not a good combo. I got a belly ache & started to feel nauseous. I also carried with me the headache that onset last night. Not really fun! I left near the end of the afternoon lecture (1600) & went to the room for a sleep. I missed 2 lectures & nearly missed dinner. My tummy still feels 'icky', so I didn't really eat all the stuff on my plate. Maybe the detox is really kicking in!

I enjoyed ginger tea with lemon for most of the day. It was quite cool today & I nearly froze to death last night. It was so cold & I didn't have enough blankets. When I napped this afternoon I slept with 2 sweaters on & was just right! Yeah, I know, there isn't any snow, but I still felt cold!

I didn't get any exercise in, unless you include all the running around I did from point A to point B! I hope tomorrow is a little less rushed & I can settle in to the routine here at Hippocrates. I also missed my 11 & 4 green juice. I'm not sure I'll do the evening wheatgrass, as I don't want to try & sleep feeling icky!

Not a great start, but tomorrow is a new day. I booked my weekly massage & yes, the colonic too. They close the internet joint down at 2100 every night, so I'm usually online between 1900 & 2000.

Oh, I finished dinner 20 minutes ago & I feel hungry already. I think my body is getting grumpy from the lack of sugar, sweets & processed stuff it's used to. The music just lulled & I heard the speaker say something about 'doing the program & focusing on the stuff you can't have... dreaming about cheesecake...' I guess that's me! Ha ha!

xxxx solamente Maria

Enjoying dinner. Yes, that's a sprout dangling from my fork.

Eat up, Buttercup!


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