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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Day 435 - Happy New Year

Well, after my marathon last night, I didn't go to sleep until 0400. I slept until 1330 this afternoon & woke up with a doozy of a headache. Probably from the chocolate overload from yesterday. I might as well have had that bottle of champagne! The hangover would've been the same!

I exercised the dogs - they are trotting at 2.5 mph 2x/day. Valentina has lost about 1.5 lbs & Oceana has lost about .75 lbs. I'm proud of them! If only I had the same discipline for myself!

I sorted through a few boxes - found 17 old polo shirts from my Princess Cruises days. I think I can start my own basketball/volleyball team! I also found my old high school jacket & my flight suit from the helicopter days! Even managed to find one of the button caps, well half of it, in my pocket! Who needs landing lights anyhow?! Ha ha!

I have talked myself out of paying for storage for the time being. Since I've been told I only have to the end of the month to get my stuff out of my Dad's place, I'm not really looking forward to going down there, when I only have a week between Cuba & Florida. We're going to try & visit Granny as well, so hopefully that will work out! In any case, the stuff that is left at Dad's, well, some of it is Granny's, some of it not. I don't think I want to pay $80+ per month to store the stuff when chances are high that Jaco & I will want different things for our home - when the day (finally!) comes. I've asked Dad to snap a few photos & email them to me so I can get a head's up on what is actually there.

I spent a large part of the day on the phone - SHOCKER! I called Jenn to talk blogs, Mom2 to talk travel, Trisha to talk, well, just to talk! She's called 5x & I haven't been getting the messages. We're up to speed now! Jaco called, Mom called... Busy day on the phone.

I also watched the latest of the Twilight series. I am not a patient person, so I wasn't happy when Eclipse ended leaving me in limbo. I googled for the Breaking Dawn plot & found out what happens. I won't spoil it, but I'm pretty disappointed. I guess the entire vampire 'thing' is whacky, but Breaking Dawn seems to push the envelope just a little too much. In any case, Eclipse ends with a big question mark.

I then proceeded to google Taylor, Rob & Kristen. I'm not too impressed with Kristen & Rob. Rob takes 'bed head' to a whole new level. Cute accent, but I like 'juicier' lips. And Taylor. Well, great name for starters, those muscles & that smile. And the little tyke is only 18. What a life he has! Did you know he's a martial arts expert? Anyhow... Looks like I can put the Twilight series to rest for the time being.

The dogs are passed out under the covers, the cat is sprawled out on top of the covers. I think I'll join all three of them... Tomorrow brings a bit more packing & sorting with it... Wish me luck on the purging of 'schtuff'! I'm going to need it!

xxxx Maria, Valentina, Oceana & Adios


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