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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Day 227 - Sunday, Sunday

Ahhh, there's nothing like a nice Sunday lie-in. But wait! There was a particular cold nose that woke me up at 0630. Persistently. Then a fuzzy body draped over my neck. Oh Valentina, how I love you. She didn't even want outside! She just wanted to know what was happening in the house! We're all sleeping!!! I let her hang out in the living room & eventually sneak in to Mom's room & harass her. For me? It was a few more zzz's!

I said today was my blog day to catch up, but of course, I found a million other things to do. I caught up on a few phone calls, played in Picasa to upload the blog photos to Facebook, sorted through some papers for kindling at the par-tay, visited Joe & Dave at EVIC... you know, all the important stuff!

It's amazing how time flies when you think you're going to get something done! I'm pretty stressed about the days to come & I feel like I'm walking on eggshells until I know what's going on. If I haven't elaborated in earlier posts, here are my stressors:
1. I haven't started the fertility meds yet. They take approximately 10-12 days, which puts me over my 18th June chemo start date.
2. I can't reach my Oncologist to discuss my CT scan - I don't want to nuke my ovaries right before fertility procedures!
3. I need to tell the Onc that I'm not taking Bleomycin & find out my doses for AVD so I can research & prepare.
4. I need time to let my neck 'chill out' after traveling last week.
5. I'm not excited to do 2 needles a day, even if they are small.
6. The head shaving par-tay may have to be bumped & I've got to break the news to everyone that's made arrangements to come!

Okay, so it's only 6 things, but it feels like a million. I can't shut my mind off, which is why I'm typing this at 0119 & not sound asleep... 

So, it the quiet moment between typing that last bit & this bit, I realized that it's okay. I will have the scan after the fertility procedure, giving me time to talk to the Onc about the other issues, reschedule a scan, deal with my itty-bitty needles, I'll relax & the neck will relax & hopefully more of you can make it to the rescheduled par-tay! Sigh of relief. 

Off to slumber now - have a great day & here's to a productive day tomorrow! It is Monday, after all! 
Maria & Valentina

Waiting patiently for me to finish chatting to Joe

The back deck where I used to sit & eat lunch.


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