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Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 249 - I Drove All Night...

First off - did I mention my dog is experiencing a false pregnancy? Yup. Lactating & all. Nesting, collecting toys, whining, depressed. Guess who is getting spayed as soon as this is over?!? Are you kidding me?!? Who would have thought...

Second, I heard the wolf again tonight! Sweet! Only once. I ran for my camera/video, but I haven't heard a peep since. I've been sleeping with the fan on lately, so maybe he's been here for awhile.

Today was my CT scan. I was 1/2 an hour late. I didn't think Canmore was that far. Yeah, it's been awhile & I usually just keep plugging on to Banff. I had to drive Mom's car because, lo & behold, my battery was dead! Mom's car was a bit freaky to drive, as the steering isn't quite right. It's really stiff & hurky jerky. 

When I approached the Diagnostic Imaging desk, I had to fill out a consent form. Before I filled it out, I asked how much radiation I would be receiving. It was like I'd slapped them across the face. They all sat there for a moment, deer in the headlights look, and I thought, 'Oh boy. Here we go.' To my delight, they were WONDERFUL!!! They called around & found out as much information as they could & sent me home with some googling to do. 

The gal who helped me out was really sweet. She's getting married next March, either in Panama or Cuba. She was asking me about different islands in the Caribbean, so of course, I babbled incessantly about my favourite islands. She was really good at her job too. She was very explanatory & was gentle with the IV. Also, in the past, when they inject the contract dye, it is a big flush & you get that I-just-peed-my-pants feeling. (You don't actually, it just feels that way. Weird, I know.) The gal was re (just hear the wolf again! AWESOME!) She was really gentle with the injection, so it wasn't a mad, overwhelming rush of heat & flush. Much appreciated! 

As I left the Imaging area, I dropped off a note with Kim Ing's details. When the gal mentioned Cuba, I remember Kim having shot a wedding in Cuba & perhaps they could work something out... You just never know! 

The hospital had wonderful artwork decorating the halls - most of it was for sale. The piece in the Imaging waiting area was donated by EVIC's Boss' Boss! Hah! Small world! I will say, if I had to be hospitalized, I would prefer to stay at Canmore. The view is spectacular! You're surrounded by mountains - Wow!

I stopped at the Rocky Mountain Bagel Co. as mentioned by Dave yesterday. It was so good, I nearly did a yooee (UE, u-ee, U-turn?) on the #1! It's been a long time since I had a bagel that light & fluffy & delish!

I motored to Calgary to return/pick up a few last minute things, then boogied back home. I slept for 1/2 an hour & then motored back into Bragg Creek for dinner with Karen!

Karen is a Teacher in Pincher Creek & today was a field trip to Calaway Park, so we agreed to meet afterwards for a quick visit. Karen was my roommate several summers in Waterton. She also introduced me to hiking & sparked the adventurous explorer in me. We had a great meal at Infusion (again!) & I enjoyed hearing about her plans for the summer & her BIG trip around South America! Including the Galapagos! I wish I was tagging along! I can't wait to hear ALL about it!!! It was so great to see her & catch up before she gets caught up in busy summer plans!

After we said goodbye, I raced back home. I was supposed to meet Mom at Infusion at 1830 & we were going to go to Cochrane together. I pulled into the yard at 1827 & no truck. But the inside door wasn't shut. And there were no dogs. What's going on? I called her cell. No answer. I called again. And again. x5. Finally she calls me back. She was down in the field helping Jim. His Arctic Cat quad was stuck. Quite bad too. Mom said the front wheels were 2 feet off the ground! He'd pounded a crowbar into the ground & was trying to use that to winch himself out of the mess. Jim is 83 or 84 & is quite the character. He doesn't get upset or angry. He always calm & finds something to chuckle about! Needless to say, Mom was a bit late leaving for her meeting. I dropped her off & headed over to Mike & Jenn's. They were using Mom's truck to pick up a mattress & box springs some people had been storing for them, but were unable to do so any longer. 

My heart nearly broke when I pulled up I could see Harrison sliding open the patio door calling, 'Tina? Tina? Tina?' I had left Valentina at home, with Oceana while Mom & I were gone. He was so sad that she wasn't there to play with! Poor fella! He had a hair cut & I am pleased to say that we'll look like twins after Saturday night! Although I think he looks much cuter in a buzz cut than I will!

Jenn & I had a good visit while Mike ran to get the mattresses. I am so happy they are here. They are wonderful friends & such good people. I've enjoyed spending time with their children & seeing some fantastic examples of good parenting! I'll know who to call when the totsicles are finally here! :o)

Mom & I drove home & were in the house by 2200. Both of us exhausted, we had a bite to eat, played with our dogs until we were crying from laughing so hard & then it was bed time. Oceana was really funny tonight. She jumped up & put her front paws on Mom's leg. When that didn't work to get her attention, she starts digging on Mom's leg. She digs so fast - it's a flurry of paws & claws! When that didn't work, she give one big leap into the air. Then another leap! Mom was giving me a play-by-play of how it usually goes down & Oceana acted right on cue. Priceless! Then Mom got up to grab a tissue & both dogs came over & jumped up. Mom jumped, the dogs jumped, again & again... About 4 times in a row! Crazy dogs!

Anyhow, enjoy your day tomorrow... I hope it's a good one!
Maria, Valentina, Kim, & Oceana

The artwork donated generously by...

My old Boss' Boss!

The view from the front entrance of the Canmore Hospital

Sometimes I make words/abbreviations up with license plates. I thought this one was 'Tom Baker Centre' & my immediate afterthought was 'BAH!' That's when I saw the next plate...

I'm not sure if the spelling is right, but this word means 'poo' in Afrikaans. Struck me funny that it was the next plate I saw!

Karen & I

Mom was miffed the cops didn't stop the old cars from holding up traffic, but made her call a tow truck & not drive any further!


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