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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 233 - Finally! The Sun Shines!

Tonight's cup of tea (Yogi - Lemon & Ginger) had a bag tag. It read: "Don't take pride in taking. Give & you will be given virtues." I think I drink the tea partially because I like the element of surprise every time I open up the packet of tea! (Hey, it's the small things!)

Sweet sleep, oh, how I have missed you! I had a nice lie-in, mildly interrupted by Valentina's wet & cold nose & by my Mother coming in to study her appearance in the full-length mirror. I suppose it could have been worse. I piddled away on the laptop for a bit & tried to figure out in my head how on earth I was going to juggle all my pills. It's tough! I've only added 3 more, but it's a struggle to get it all in!

Here's the schedule:
a.m. - 5x EMPower (Super Multi-Vitamin), 1x Thymune, 2x Curcumin, 1x Green Tea, 1x Beta-Glucan, 2x Probiotic, 1x Garlic, 1x Quercitin, 2x Fibre, 2x Graviola, 1 tsp of Vitamin C, 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda, 1 tsp of Hoxsey

mid-a.m. - 2 BMD (Calcium/Boron), 3x Wobenzym

Noon - 5x EMPower, 2x Curcumin, 1x Beta-Glucan, 2x Graviola, 1 tsp of Hoxsey

mid-Afternoon - 2 BMD, 3x Wobenzym

Supper - 5x EMPower (Super Multi-Vitamin), 1x Thymune, 2x Curcumin, 1x Green Tea, 1x Beta-Glucan, 1x Quercitin, 2x Graviola, 1 tsp of Hoxsey

Bedtime - 2 BMD, 3x Wobenzym

What's the big deal? Well, I have to take the EMPower & Hoxsey with food & the calcium & Wobenzym without. The antibiotics from the fertility clinic are taken morning & night & have to taken WITH FOOD, but nothing with CALCIUM or IRON. Add in 2 shots at 1300 hrs & it's a full day! Eat, pills, wait. Eat, pills, wait. It will be a happy day when the antibiotics are finished! (The needles are a laughing matter after my 10 ml shots!)

I finished up my 7 loads of laundry, seeing as I've been home so little, it's really added up! Thank goodness I bought 35 new pair of undies when I was in San Diego the first time! :o) 

Valentina & I had a stroll out back & it was rather short lived. Her short legs & the number of fallen trees & massive mud puddles & bogs to trek through has us back home in a 1/2 hour! Oh well. I bought her a new bouncy ball & we had a blast playing fetch in the yard.

I used the clothes shaver on my lulu lemon duds. They look like new! De-pilling could be my new obsession! I sat outside in the glorious sunshine & de-pilled. I also finished a book by Katrina Bos. She's a Canadian author with an interesting family history of cancer. The book is entitled 'What if you could skip the cancer?'. Funnily enough, my friend, Jenn, told me about it & I ended up finding it in Superstore. It's been an insightful book. It discusses the personality traits of people who get cancer & helpful ways to overcome it & move your life in a positive forward direction. She discusses the challenges of change & I couldn't agree more! :o) I'll be making my best efforts to heed her advice. Here is a quote from the book I enjoyed:
Chapter 15 - Becoming Who You Really Are
Katrina was looking for guidance & she had begun to read the Bible, after much resistance. She shared this:
"One time, I was reading the parable of the talents. It is a story about a master who goes on a journey & so he entrusts his property to his servants. He gives a number of 'talents' to three of his servants, according to their abilities: five to one, two to another & one to another. While he's gone, the first two use these talents & make more money for their master. But the third one digs a hole & hides his talent to keep it safe. 
   When the master comes back, he is thrilled with the first two servants. But he is furious with the third. In fact, he even takes away the talent that he had given him & gives it to one of the other servants. 
   Well, I had read that story before. But on that day, it completely took my breath away. I was that third servant! I had been given talents & had chosen to hide them away. I had been given talents! But because I was choosing to live as someone else's second-in-command, I was not using them.
   But I couldn't blame anyone else. It was me who didn't have the courage to use them. I didn't want to cause a stir, although deep down, I probably would have loved to cause a stir - to be the centre of attention for my talents. But that just didn't fit into what I could imagine at that point.
   So now that I had buried my talents, was I in jeopardy of having them taken away? Or had they already been taken away? I supposed that it was a moot point because I wasn't using them anyway.
   It was time for me to become who I actually was. It was time to unearth those talents & start honing them & using them. No more hiding. No more pretending to be less than I am. 
   It was time to truly become me."

These words resonated with me. I had just been having a talk with Jenn, the friend who recommended the book, about what I wanted to do with my life & how I felt stagnant in my creative life. And I will be the first to admit that I have buried my talents FAR, FAR away, as I am PETRIFIED at the thought of criticism, failure, rejection... all those yummy things.

So, I paged through my jewelry design catalogs, picked out a name for the company, also inspired by Katrina's book, listed my old camera for sale on Kijiji & hopefully the gear will sell & I can get crackin' on being creative. I've also read here (scroll to bottom of page) about the lymphatic system being emotionally related to one's creativity: 

"Sometimes we get stuck in a particular pattern of stress that reduces our capacity to make positive changes. Your lymph can become blocked when you are feeling stuck or unable to express yourself. Remember that your life, too, is a progression, and “our biography becomes our biology.” If you find the same situations arising over and over, you may want to take a closer look. You may find that as your lymph system unbinds, so does your spirit."

Makes sense to me!

So, it was a big day! Now it's just to put it to action!

I have had the realization today, also through the help of Katrina's book & recent events in my life, that ultimately, I am alone in this whole ordeal. No matter who I think is supporting me, they will inevitably let me down. I can not count on anyone to be here 100% for me. I suppose that would be asking too much of anyone anyhow. Regardless of the percentage, it's no one else's Game of Life, but my own. A big depressing & a LOT disappointing, but this is the reality of it all.

On that bright shiny note, I'm going to finish my cup of tea & go fold 7 loads of laundry. :o) Sweet dreams & see you tomorrow...

Maria & Valentina

Okay, so despite the rubbish, I always like this little patch of grass...

One of Valentina's obstacles that I thought was pretty.

Another obstacle that neither of us cared to conquer! Reverse! Short legs in bog... not a good idea!

Pretty trees, pretty pathway.

 A little surprise clematis

Moss growing on the ?? side of the tree

Little Miss

Every day is a winding road...


Anonymous said...

“All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.” Buddha.

Take care and find that creativity you've been keeping tucked away lately. Janis.

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