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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 241 - Ultrasound. Again.

Another early morning. I had an ultrasound & blood work at the Fertility Clinic again today. Thankfully it was a Sunday, so traffic was a breeze. I slept in an extra 15 minutes & still arrived early! Free parking too! Yay!

The waiting room was packed! There weren't even enough chairs! It was interesting to me to watch the behaviours of the couples. Some men gave their wives the chair, while others did not. Some men went with the wives for the ultrasound, some did not.

I had my blood work done promptly (ouch today) & then barely settled in when they called my name for the ultrasound. I was quite excited to see what was happening today, as the other day I had more follicles than I had expected. Dr. O'Keane was the Physician doing the ultrasound today. He was quite friendly, but swift. He didn't waste any time! 

I was becoming a bit apprehensive with the procedure, as when I had asked about the charges for the entire process, including the drugs, I thought when our drugs had been covered, they HAD BEEN COVERED. In the past week, it has cost an extra $900 for the additional drugs! Ouch! Adding to that, they mentioned another procedure in the beginning, but no one had brought it up again, so I assumed it wasn't necessary. Now, THREE DAYS before I am supposed to tie things up, they tell me we'll need a procedure costing an extra $1500! Argh! And they want me to take some more drugs ($$$)!!! I guess it wasn't all covered! These kids are already costing an arm & a leg & they're not even here yet!!! :o)

I'm pleased to say that Dr. O'Keane said I could come back tomorrow for an ultrasound, no bloods & then retrieval on Wednesday. Yay! The end is in sight! The follicles were almost the right size. They needed to be 1.8 & most of them were 1.4-1.6. It's all working marvellously! 

I motored home with a few more needles & found Unka Jer & David just getting going. We sat outside & chatted for a bit. When we went inside, I made a comment about taking a photo of the 2 of them for the blog. David said he would prefer it if I didn't. Pardon? You don't take pictures & now you're not in them either?!? Dude. You're in a house where TWO Photographers live. It's part of the 'accommodation package'. No understanding at all, he did his best to sell me why. He claimed that he could remember a moment better by referring to the energy of the place & how he felt when he was there. I said a photograph is a great reminder of the moment & just seeing the image would bring back a flush of memories associated with that time & place. He asked me if I would be impeded in describing the memory to a blind man. I said of course not, the photograph would remind me of the memories associated with the event. Of course, my clever friends later asked me - 'Why didn't you ask him if he would be impaired describing the event to a deaf man?' I never think of these things at the time. Anyways... here's the description of David from my PHOTOGRAPHIC memory:

- British - Long curly brown hair with some grey - 40-ish - pierced ear (2x), lip & septum - 5'10-ish - medium build - kind eyes - goatee - few wrinkles - slightly crooked teeth - worn out 'Public Works' shirt from Burning Man - Green coloured canvas type work pants. 

Keeping with South Park Style, here is a composite of David:


Which brings me to my next case in point. The whole Burning Man Festival. I'd heard of it before. I didn't know a whole lot about it, but David was quite 'fired' up about it. He was soon making his way there to help set up. It was the highlight of his year. For those of you who don't know, http://www.burningman.com/ will get you started. I was pretty skeptical when he mentioned orgy, lesbians & 'stiffy lube' within the first 5 minutes of describing it.  Hmm. I haven't had much exposure to hitch hikers. I'm not sure if they are all like this, but I don't think I quite feel comfortable with it. He has no money, one back pack & that was it. I get that you're into 'energy' & how things 'feel' to guide you in life, but when you stop & talk excitedly about a festival that brings you free beer, orgy 'camps' & the mention of drugs... Not really 'feeling' that energy! Guess I'll stick to my photographs...

On that note, I took my usual Sunday stroll down to EVIC while Unka Jer & David left for Golden. Oh the drama at EVIC! They had a mouse! A brave, gutsy mouse! He scooted all over the place - right in front of the visitors! He even crawled up the wall! I had Valentina with me, but she was more interested in her ball than the mouse. Sigh. I offered some feline services for tomorrow. We'll see what ol' Adios can accomplish! Eeek! I don't enjoy mice in the least!!! I LOVE Adios though! 

Okidoki, that's it for today... Enough excitement for me! Sleep well! xxxx
Maria & Valentina

Growing like weeds! Yahoo!


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