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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 250 - 'Twas the Night Before Chemo & All Through the House...

Not a creature was stirring, well, except for the patient. Yup, it's 0200 & I can't fall asleep. I'm so tired, but I know what I have to wake up to & I'm not excited about it. At all. 

Today was the last day of my life as I know it. Tomorrow I will begin a journey that will forever change the course of my life. It has been an interesting journey so far & I'm sure that it will continue to evolve into bigger & better things, but I realize these next 6 months will be a challenge I never dreamt I'd have to embrace. I joked with a friend tonight that Chemotherapy was never on my Bucket List. Not even at the bottom! But I suppose if it will help me attain the things that are at the top of my Bucket List, then why not?

It has become blatantly apparent to me that although I am the patient, I am the one enduring the treatments, the side effects & the health complications, some people in my life are not ready to deal with MY illness. This has been a difficult acceptance for me. At the time in my life where I feel I need the biggest amount of support, the ones I thought would be by my side are the very ones hiding in the shadows, no where to be seen. The beauty of it is that I understand the value of support & friendship & I am grateful for the friends I do have that have pulled on their 'Big Girl Panties' & taken me by the hand. It is so touching to have people come out of the woodwork & fill me with hope, faith & reassurance that I'm not alone. Yes, the journey is mine to walk, but it is wonderful to know that I have amazing friends helping me take the steps I need to. The mountain ahead is high, but it's one step at a time!

Mom & I had a spontaneous photo shoot today. We went to town for some portraits with a local Photographer, Peter Gold. He showed us the photos immediately after the shoot & they look fantastic! I wanted to get a few portraits done with my 'old' hair & of course with Mom. I called Mom2, but sadly she was busy with work today. Not to worry, we'll have some 'new' hair shots when it's finally back!!! 

I came home & decided to tackle the bunkhouse for awhile. I keep a lot of 'stuff' in there & decided I would pilfer through a few boxes. Well, 2+ hrs later, I'd emptied about 10 boxes of junk, consolidated several other boxes of junk & cleared a few things out of my life. There is still a lot of work to do, but I've got 6 months. One box at a time! 

I also started laundry, but my sheets seemed to ball themselves up, with a nice wet towel inside, so here I sit, no duvet cover & a partially made bed. Oh well... Valentina is keeping me warm. 

I spoke with an old friend today. She had recently ventured to Kentucky for a photo workshop on horses. She has found her passion & her niche in life. I am so thrilled for her! I can't wait to see her work! I just need to find/pursue my passion & get this show on the road! My camera is twitchin' for some clickin'! Don't tell Jaco, but my dream is to spend every sunrise & sunset in a game park in Africa photographing wildlife. :oP

I also spoke with 2 other dear & cherished girlfriends. They both asked if they could pray for me. Of course I said 'YES!'. I appreciate any prayer immensely & I have compiled a list of specific prayers, as per Jenn's request. If you have a minute & care to take a 'lucky dip' & pick a prayer to through my way, here's what I'll be praying for these next 6 months:
1. The Lord will keep me calm & relaxed throughout my chemotherapy administration.
2. God will watch over me to ensure I  have little to no side effects from the drugs.
3. He will send the chemotherapy straight to the dark cells in my body that need to be targeted, destroyed & eliminated in order for me to live a healthy, long life.
4. He will send me Doctors & Nurses that are happy & positive & kind & the best in their field.
5. The Lord will heal me quickly & help me remain strong in receiving & recovering from treatment.
6. He will help me find & follow my purpose throughout this trying time.
7. He will make his presence & love known to me - Let Him stir my heart like it has never been stirred before!
8. May God help me to keep a positive & laughing attitude throughout my treatments.
9. May God guide Jaco here safely & swiftly & may He give Jaco the wisdom to care for me emotionally, mentally, physically & physiologically.
10. Frank is big, but God is BIGGER.
11. May the Lord take the darkness from my body & fill it with his light & love.
12. May nothing but goodness come from these next 12 rounds of chemotherapy & let there be a 100% cure at the end of it.
13. May God use me as a testimony to His power & grace & mercy.
14. May He ensure I eliminate swiftly & easily the dead cancer cells, toxic drugs & other bodily waste, leaving no residue of cancer or chemotherapy behind.
15. May He ensure I get adequate rest, nourishment & exercise throughout the chemotherapy sessions so I can finish stronger mentally, physically & spiritually than when I started this journey.

Well, wish me luck. Tomorrow is the big day. Finally. May Frank finally take that hike he's been meaning to for 2+ yrs. 
Maria & Valentina

Get cher grin ready!

Peter in action!

Thank you Peter!

The last day as me as I know me.

Yup, here's a sneak peek at what's to come! (This is a new shade of shocking red that's not so Courtney Love-ish)


Anonymous said...

Hey Hot Blondie!

Just wanted to send my love and some positive vibes your way as you start this journey. Know that you have my unconditional support and prayers! You are strong and determined and you will kick this challenge in the butt! Your life will change but along with that change...you will grow and teach all of us that no matter how high that mountain is...you can conquer it! Love you lots Jill xoxo Milla

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