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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 248 - Sundaes.

Today was a typical lazy Sunday. I chit-chatted on the phone with a few friends, checked in on my Granny, convinced myself to eat something - I swear my tastebuds have gone on holidays as of late, strolled to EVIC to pester Joe & Shauna... The usual Sunday stuff.

On my way to EVIC, the cattle have been hanging around the road. I'm always nervous around cattle I don't know. Protective Mamas & of course, the bulls. Naturally they were by the road & perked right up when they saw me. I grabbed a branch from a fallen down tree & started to whoop & holler. I was impressed! They just lazily meandered through the trees & out of my sight. Thank you very much... Now, if only I could get them to leave their giant, splattered cow pies in the grass & not underfoot...

Joe & Shauna kept me entertained with the happenings of their past & upcoming weeks. Joe is determined to get Jaco to work in Bragg Creek. Tempting! Shauna just finished a backpacking trip with her parents. I told her she should start a blog about all the crazy hikes she does... I'm sure Everest is around the corner! She loves her mountains! I'd pick her to get stranded with any day! :o)

I set up the Magic Jack & got it up & running. Handy dandy little gadget. It will save some bucks when Jaco is at home! It's $0.80/minute for me to call him or he can buy calling cards. It is cheaper for him to call me, but still, it costs money! Skype is free, but sometimes the line isn't great & it's frustrating to sit in front of a computer & not be able to move about! Magic Jack should do the trick! Ha ha...

Mom whipped up a yummy supper - shish kebobs & corn on the cob, followed by ripe, juicy Rainier cherries - my favourite! We went over the necessities for the party this weekend. She's not sure if she'll be here or not, but she will help with the groceries on Thursday. I haven't had too many people decide to come, so if you're bored on Saturday & you're close by, come on out! It will be a lot of fun! We measured my hair tonight & it is long enough to donate! Yay!!! 

Dave stopped by to let me know he can't make it this weekend. :o( I was quite sad about that. He is tired of his long hair & he has to work that evening. I tried to entice him with the opportunity to meet some single ladies... We'll see if he pitches up! :o)

I had a wonderful visit with Jaco - that is until he started talking about wanting to live in the Arctic. I think the ship is really starting to get to him. It must be time for holidays!!! I quickly googled 'real estate australia' to counteract the thought of living in an igloo! :oP Maybe he can sleep in a tent for a few nights while he's here & that should set him straight! All joking aside, I'll be very happy when he's here.

All's well on the ranch... Time for some shut eye...
Valentina & Maria


Little paw on the pillow... Awwwh!


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