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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 429 - Boxing Up On Boxing Day

So today was a day of boxing. Yes, it's Boxing Day. That's what I did! All day. I think I may have overdone it. In true chemo recuperation style, I wake up on day 2 thinking I am feeling fabulous & can take on the world. So I try. And without fail, by the end of the day I'm exhausted. But! At least I have made progress in the task of packing up my things to finally give my Mother back her entire house! I think she's as happy as I am about that!

I packed away butterflies, books, bathroom supplies, bathing suits & beads. Oh and sweaters. I'm keeping a detailed inventory, so when I need something, I can find it easily. Excel is my friend! So is my point & shoot so I can refer to photos!

I've managed to make quite a mess in my room, but rest assured, there is a method to my mayhem!

I hope you scored some fantastic deals on the REAL Boxing Day! xxxxMVO&A

The Butterfly Collection from Panama


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