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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 488 - Grenada

This morning the four of us went on a Catamaran snorkeling tour. We weren’t sure if we were actually going to dock, as there was a strong swell & we couldn’t dock at the usual pier. We ended up tendering into the harbor downtown, which is a little more sheltered. Mom2 was slightly nervous on the tender boat. I did my best to be understanding & remember that it was her first time, but it was hard not to giggle as her eyes turned to saucers each time the tender bumped into the side of the pontoon.

Thankfully we were in the Caribbean, as it pretty much poured rain the entire time! We were supposed to snorkel at an underwater sculpture park – the first of its kind in the Caribbean – but with the heavy rain, we wouldn’t be able to see anything!

We carried on a little further down the shoreline & stopped in another cove. There was a heavy swell where we stopped, but we got in the water regardless. The visibility was quite poor, due to the rain. When you mix fresh water with salt water, you get these strange swirls as the two waters mix. It makes it very difficult to see clearly. We did manage to see a few fish, but not much. M&D2 were happy to be in the warm water either way!

After our snorkel was over, we headed back down the coast & went to Grand Anse Beach. The catamaran anchored just off shore & we hopped into the water & swam around – both to the beach & around the ship. M&D2 found a stray dog on the beach & fell in love. They also found a beach peddler & bought a few necklaces for friends back home. Mom2 & I rolled around in the surf & I came out with sand in places I didn’t know I could have sand! In fact, after I washed my swimsuit in the evening, it STILL had sand in it!

We headed back to the pier, signaling the end of the tour. The boys went back to the ship, while Mom2 & I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Mom2 bought cans of tuna & lovingly fed the stray dogs in the back alley. We also bought spices from the stalls outside the pier area. Grenada is known as the Spice Island, so the prices were reasonable & the quality high.

Back onboard, M&D2 spent the night together – enjoying a nice dinner at the Steakhouse, and Jaco & I spent our evening together. Tomorrow is a Sea Day & their first formal night, so we’ll go for dinner & have some portraits taken. As you do!

Having fun in the sun! Or rain!

Heading out to sea!
The scary tenders!
Mr & Mrs Happy At Sea
My favourite fish!
Sergeant Majors
More of the same
Downpour! Doesn't matter! We're already wet!
Enjoy the swim!
Ridin' the waves
Trying not to drown next to my fish.
That's better! (I can touch the ground here!)
Chillaxin' on da beach
Puppy snooze
Heading home
Feeding the locals
Dinner at the Steakhouse
Sexxy shoes!


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