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Monday, March 01, 2010

Day 130 - Long Lost Laura!!!!

Another fairly early start to the day, I snuck back to bed for a little longer after I let the pooch out. Drayton was up at 0800 & quietly playing with his toys & watching a few cartoons. Sylvia was soon up & the three of us played & laughed & carried on for the remainder of the morning.

Pretty soon it was time for me to pack up & hit the road again. Sylvia led me to the highway, as the roads had softened up considerably & we weren't sure Contemplate would make it through the muck! Of course, she did! I let Valentina ride with Drayton & Sylvia to the highway. They have both taken quite a shine to her, but who can blame them?? :o) Drayton fell asleep on the way & as I'd told him I'd follow him & he could see me out the back window, imagine his disappointment when he got home, woke up & looked out the back window... No Aunty Jill & no Valentina! He was crushed!

Kristina had given me her souvenir sippy cup & plate from Sea World - I passed it on to Drayton. The best words I heard all day - "Wow! Look at the whale! I'm SO HAPPY!" How cute is that?!? 

Anyhow, I was on my way. I had a few texts from Mom, asking me if I'd spoken to Laura. I hadn't, so I wasn't sure what was up, but I was hoping that she was going to be home, as that's where I was headed! Laura & I met in Mexico at Dr. Castillo's. We hit it off right away & had a blast sight seeing & shopping & getting healthy! She wasn't a bridesmaid, but had I known her, she sure would have been! 

I drove towards a map dot called 'Linaria' via Athabasca. It didn't take near as long as I had anticipated, although I did get a little confused when I had to change road atlas pages half way through. 

I called Laura when I was just the other side of Athabasca & managed to get the answering machine. Great. Are they really not home? Now what? I suppose I could just keep going south to Roxy's?! I thought I'd just keep driving & see if I could find Laura's house. When I spoke to her the first time on the phone, I asked her exactly where she lived. She told me while I marked it in the road atlas. Four months later, I was really happy I'd done just that! 

I knew I was on the right road, but I had no idea what I was looking for as far as a yard/house was concerned. I knew they had a dairy barn, but I had no clue how close or how far it was from their house! I passed the first few & thank goodness for mailboxes with last names on them! Finally, I was beginning to think I was lost, so I called. Henk answered just as I was approaching the next yard. I asked if they had a brown & white house, a blue car & a white truck... Yup! I was there! Yay!!!!

I had never met her husband or their girls, so I was excited to finally put faces to names! Henk, her husband, is one amazing guy! He's extremely creative & talented when it comes to making his life as a Dairy Farmer more streamlined. I've never seen such a barn before in my life! Laura gave me a tour & she casually says, 'Yeah, they built this last week.' It was a wall to section off the office... Add to that hydraulic gates, hoses that roll up via air pressure... The list goes on! What a guy! He's a great Dad too! Before I met Henk, there was a standing joke that I was Laura's 'other other half'! :o)

Their girls are absolutely gorgeous! The youngest two are twins. They certainly take after their parents! Both in looks & demeanor. We had a blast playing with Valentina. I laughed & laughed as they would throw the toy & watch her fetch it. Then Valentina would run under one girls bed. The three girls would run to that bed to try & catch her, meanwhile, Valentina would sneak out the other end & run under the other bed! It was priceless! Of course, they put her in a little cradle with blankets & pillows - and she did fall asleep in it! She even crawled in it on her own! 

Laura & I ventured over to her Mom's to use her ion foot bath. It was awesome! I couldn't believe the junk that came out of my body! Wow! Heavy metals galore! Laura & her mom have both had Thyroid Cancer. In fact, about 10 women in the community have had Thyroid Cancer, along with a wide variety of other health issues. ***Sniff, sniff*** What's that? Erin Brockovich you say? I agree! Something fishy is going on there! 

Laura created the most beautiful scrapbook for me! I was floored! She put photos of us in Mexico & California & all the wonderful people that we met while we were there. The little turkey had me in tears in the first 5 minutes of my arrival! How blessed am I to have such wonderful friends?!?

Laura & I have shared many chats about our choices regarding our health. We have experienced a lot of similar challenges & it is so reassuring to have someone you can talk to about what you're going through who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS & GETS 'IT'!  

Henk, Laura & the girls are leaving for Mexico shortly, as Laura is due for her check up & this time everyone is going along! The girls already have their suitcases packed & I am so anxious for them to come back & tell me all about their adventures! I'm so happy the girls get to travel when they are so young. Travel is the best education money can buy, in my personal opinion. 

Anyhow, we returned from her Mom's later than planned, so it was off to bed, as we had to take the oldest daughter to school in the morning! This was a great day!

Lekker slaap,
Maria & Valentina

The girls put Valentina to bed.


The start of the ion footbath...

The end of the ion footbath!!!

The new sign! Pretty spiffy!

Inside the barn

Henk & the neighbour having a chat.

Valentina's first trip to a dairy barn!

Milk Cow Races!

Outside the barn...


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