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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 146 - Boxes of Stuff

Okay, so perhaps I haven't made the MOST out of my time to myself in the house, but I have certainly made the most out of uninterrupted phone calls! :o) I used the chi machine more than I have in a long time, did some yoga & faithfully used the treadmill! I'm certainly no fit chick, but there's an inkling of effort there! 

Today I was just getting involved in my research when the phone rang. It was the Cancer Centre. I had asked them to call me & tell me if they ACTUALLY HAD RESULTS so I wouldn't sit there for another 2 hours & then be told nothing & have a lovely parking tab! I certainly wasn't expecting what I heard next.

'Hi Jill, it's (the Nurse) from (the Oncologist's) office. I had a message to call you & let you know the results. It's Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So pretty much exactly what we were thinking all along. Are you coming for your blood work tomorrow & appointment?'

Well, wasn't that just lovely! Certainly not what I had expected. I mean everyone wishes they would receive the call to tell them they've just won some big sweepstakes & they can chase their dreams. Never did I expect to hear the words 'Cancer' pop out just like that!

So, after I hung up & sat there stunned for awhile, I slowly began to process. Okay. Not such a big deal. I mean, before I answered the phone, whatever was in my neck & co. was the EXACT same thing as it was after I hung up the phone. Now, it's just got a prettier name than FRANK. :o) 

I told about 2 people that day. I really didn't want to let 'Fear' rear it's ugly head in the hearts & minds of the friends & family out there, so I just kept it hush-hush. I also didn't need the drama of 'What are you going to do now?!?' I wanted to enjoy the remainder of my time in the house alone. 

I decided to finally haul some stuff back to the bunk house & get it out of my sight. I also pilfered through some more boxes & it felt good to clean out some stuff. I love my 'stuff', but sometimes, too much 'stuff' calls for a little purging. It was a beautiful day & Valentina enjoyed sniffing around the bunkhouse.

I came back & began cleaning up the house. Mom wasn't sure if she would be back tonight or tomorrow morning, so I thought I better do a little tidying. Good thing! I'd just vacuumed up the wicker basket disaster & she drove in the yard! Yeah, I left if for awhile. It was only Valentina & me, what's the big deal?

So, tomorrow I would meet with the other Oncologist & see what was really going on. Give me strength to handle the words they say & keep my clear thinking mind about me!

Love & healing hugs,
Maria & Valentina

This could be my all time favourite photo!

Like she smoked in a previous life or something!




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