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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 157 - Go Potty! Pee Pee! Poo Poo! Deposita! (Per Favore!) (!!!!!)

A large chunk of the day was spent in an attempt to train Valentina to go potty in a 4x4 box of wood shavings. Yesterday was much the same, but Mom let her outside in the evening (& morning) by 'accident' & of course, she did her business elsewhere. 

She clearly had to go. (Valentina, not Mom) Every time I would walk near the porch, she would run to the door & look at me. Okay, I'd put on my shoes & take her outside. I'd plop her down in the shavings & say the commands: 'Poo poo, pee pee, deposita, go potty!' And she'd just stare blankly at me. I put the wire corral around it & left her out there for awhile. Nope. Nothing. I fed her some canned food. Nothing. Water? Nothing. I could feel her little belly wanting to burst every time I picked her up. I put grass in the shavings. Nothing. Some of her earlier 'deposits'. Nothing. Feeling exasperated I asked Mom, 'What do you think would happen if I pee'd in a cup & put in on the shavings?' She laughed at me. I did it. STILL NOTHING!!! Come on!!! Then Mom said to take out some shavings so the grass would be available. Maybe I had too much shavings. Okay, we shovel off the shavings (with gloves, of course, now that I contaminated it!). I put her into the grassy patches. Nothing. 

Mom's next idea was to let her go on the grass, but put shavings underneath her when she went so she would realize it was okay to go on the shavings. Okay, worth a try! I had Valentina's leash & was ready to say the command. I told Mom to get ready with the shavings, because I was betting it wouldn't take long! Not a split second onto the grass & Valentina let 'er rip. Mom was gawking somewhere else, so I harped, 'HURRY UP! Get the shavings under there before she's done!' Poor Valentina had no clue what we were trying to do. Of course, I told Mom to grab another handful quickly, as #2 was in hot pursuit! Mom's lucky she didn't wait a second more, it would've been nasty! I was laughing so hard I couldn't see what was happening for the tears in my eyes & running down my cheeks! 

So, Valentina went on the shavings, just not in the spot I'd prefer. I took her out later this evening, & nothing. Again. Oh please let it happen! Her poor little kidneys will be suffering! 

The packing drama is nearly complete. I think one case is SLIGHTLY overweight, but I've tried my best. Tomorrow I'll be running around like a chicken with my head off, but hopefully I'll manage to get it all done! I've hardly packed any clothes, as I'm so overweight, not much fits! Frustrating as it is, you'd think that would free up some space in the luggage! Not so! 

Mom made homemade Caesar dressing tonight, so despite the fact I'm no longer on DMSO, I still smell pretty funky! Here's hoping it's gone by tomorrow morning! 

Speaking of meds, I've managed to pack my pills into my luggage. I hope Customs isn't too suspicious! I have nothing to hide, but I hate it when they rifle through my stuff. I've got enough vials, needles & pills to open up my own Health Food Store! 

Alrighty, enough potty talk for one day... I'm off to bed... Hope your day was a grand one & I'll see you soon!
Maria & Valentina

She loves her red ball!

Let's play Mama!


Anonymous said...

I take it you're going back to Mexico soon. Is this for further treatments or tests? Take care! Robyn & Dawson

Jenn said...

Hey Momma! Glad to hear you arrived safely and Mexico/San Diego is treating you well. We are both potty training :) I'm sure to have my own blog about it soon. Keep up the good work, consistency pays off! Love you!

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