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Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 148 - Music & Mangoes

Well, today was a great day! I woke up to a ground covered in a fluffy white blanket. It wasn't meant to stay long though, as the clear blue sky above let the sun work its magic! 

I woke up earlier than I would have preferred, but decided I might as well stay up & break the late night cycle I seem to have going as of late. (I'm not doing very well, as I'm typing this & it's late again!) 

I hadn't been up for very long when the phone rang & it was Jaco. I love the fact that I can speak to him on such a regular basis! We spoke for quite some time about results, options, scans... Ha! Talk about miscommunication! The poor fellow! When I told him my scan results at the beginning of February, he understood me to have said, 'It's everywhere'. I have no idea how that came about because it hasn't spread anywhere else & if it has grown at all, it is not very much! So here he's been thinking for the past 2 months that I'm pretty much a goner! Oh dear! Thank goodness we cleared that up right now!

We still haven't decided 100% on our plan of action. I'm having a really tough time making a choice. I've always been a tad indecisive - why do you think I have 15+ pairs of Italian boots & a closet filled with so much colourful Lululemon that even Rainbow Brite would be envious!!! I can't choose! I can't even pick one flavour of ice cream! I always have 2 flavours! I hope this ends soon! 

I spoke with a few Doctor's & their offices today, a few girlfriends & then did some yoga. I guess I was still a little tired, as I completely conked out in corpse pose! Valentina was asleep on my legs too!

I had planned on heading to Lethbridge today to see Collet, but when I woke up to snow, I changed my mind! Then I thought I could go to Banff to see Janis, but what fun is a day in Banff by myself while she's a little Snow Bunny? And then there was the live music in the city by Jessica & her hubby. I called Janis & we're meeting for lunch tomorrow. I left late for the Regal Beagle where Jessica was playing. 

I have to say, I haven't been to a bar in a VERY long time! I felt a little awkward walking in alone. Obviously I'm not drinking & they didn't have any bottled water or tea for me. So, like a bump on a log or a wart on a frog, I sat there. Pretty soon I worked up the nerve to go & visit a girl I'd taken the Yuen classes with. We chit chatted for a bit & then I sat down with a girl having a delicious looking beef dip. I sat there for the rest of the night! She was a riot! Bronwyn was her name - you know with a name like that, she's bound to be a blast! We covered a broad spectrum of topics (she likes travel - I'm good for a week - & meeting her made the trip worth it! Of course, Jessica's singing was amazing! Did you even have to ask??? She was her usual hilarious self! 

Much to my surprise, Friends of Otis were there as well! Their lead singer, Calvin, knows Jessica quite well. I know Calvin through Corre (Edmonton, hot yoga, Culina). Calvin & Corre were roommates when Corre was in University. Corre took me to Calvin's first CD launch a few years back. What can I say? It's a small world! Check out their website: http://friendsofotis.com/ & you can even get their music off of iTunes! Kick Back is their album & they're awesome!

A tummy ache had me leave earlier than I planned, but I was glad to get home. A hot cup of tea & a bit of mango. The mangoes I bought at Costco have ripened up beautifully! It's like I went to Peru & picked it myself! Dee-lish! 

On a side note - Valentina may be getting a sister!!!! Mom said she'll miss Valentina terribly when I take her away to travel. I suggested she call Roxie & talk to her about her pups! Mom said she'd get one, but only if I trained it! Ha! She already picked out a name - Anastasia - Annie for short. Mom's middle name is Anne & Anastasia is a Russian based series of books Mom is currently reading & loving. I told Mom she'll have to train her in Russian! Maybe not. It took 10 minutes to 'master' the words 'no' & 'thank you'. So maybe we'll just stick with English.

Okay, that's enough blog for tonight. Sweet dreams!
Maria & Valentina

A Little Less Jaded at the Regal Beagle

Jessica & Ty - Doin' what they do best! Well, one of the things they do best!


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