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Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 151 - Driving...

Why is it that I can always find the snooze button before I gain consciousness? I hit the snooze button at 0740 (consciously) & the next time I heard the snooze button, it was 0805. Where did those 25 minutes go when my snooze beeps every 5 minutes?

Needless to say, I was late getting going this morning, but managed to get out the door & arrive at Jessica's right on time! We had a great session - how can I have a bad session? She makes me laugh for an hour & I get to lie on this really warm bed. Oh yeah, I get healthy too! Bonus!

Mom & I left for SK, but only after a stop at the insurance place & Planet Organic for a bit of lunch. She drove to Brooks & I drove the rest of the way. We had a good chat & were serenaded by Valentina & her squeaky toy. She still hasn't decided on the puppy, but I guess I'm optimistic she'll make the RIGHT choice & I'll meet Annie next time I'm home. 

We arrived at the junction at 1600. Mom was picking up a used car from my Uncle Darryl & he had left it at the junction for her. Phew. It reeked of cigarette smoke! I sprinkled lavender oil all over the seats & dash to try & eliminate the smell of smoke. We said goodbye & she headed for home.

I headed for my former home - Dad's place. It is always strange to go home & see what has changed & what hasn't. Buildings, businesses, family farms, and all the faces that I hardly recognize anymore. I politely visit & then when we're out the door, I ask Dad, 'Who was that again?' 

Dad had to take a few cows to town & his dog needed some shots, so we stopped at the vet clinic. Dad's dog, Mac, a border collie, is quite the character. He's a little large for a lap dog, but he'd sure like to be one! His tongue was out the whole time & he was happy as a pig in mud! 

We took a drive out to the 'Cabbage Patch' when we got back home & checked on the cows & calves. Valentina started to give her little 'woof' from the cab of the truck. Yeah, she is catching 'Little Dog Syndrome'. I'll bet she'd crawl right up my leg if I put her out with the cows!

Once back at the house, Dad made supper for us. (I survived my own cooking, but barely!) He made brown rice, asparagus, salmon & a garden salad. We followed supper with a pot of Rooibos tea. Quite the entertainer he is! I remember the days of microwaved perogies, so he's come a LONG way! Remind me one day to tell the toilet paper/microwave story...

We visited about a wide variety of topics & then Dad's eyelids began to get heavy. He can be mid-sentence & fall asleep. I knew it was time to hit the hay. I'm pretty wiped too! Here's to a fun filled day tomorrow...

Maria & Valentina

Having a nice lie-in.

My rear view helper. (When she's conscious!)

Sleeping on the road again.

The big trees in the yard where I grew up. We used to have some swings in the trees.

Mac & Dad. Mac is the happiest dog in the world. Dad is cleaning the trail mix out of his teeth.

Grandad's Herd

My Cowdog-In-Training


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