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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 154 - Speedy Gonzalez AKA Contemplate

After an exceptionally short night, I found myself somewhat coherent about 0900. I got up to let Valentina out & by the time I came back in Collet was up too. We chit chatted for a bit & then Ezra woke up. He was not too happy to be up - until he saw 'Nini'! 

They played & played & played all morning. It was fun to see the two of them getting along so well! I was amazed at Ezra's growth. When I saw him 2 weeks ago, he was saying words. Now he's saying sentences! My goodness they grow quickly!

Collet took me for a tour of True Hope. Dave's family has this incredible history of helping people with illnesses of all sorts. What began as a solution for bi-polar has evolved into, well, how about you just check it out... http://www.truehope.com I take several of their products to give my body the nutritional support it needs & I've heard so many amazing stories of the products helping people with depression, Parkinson's, MS, cancer, Cerebral Palsy... It's incredible!

I was shocked at the size of the office. Completely not what I expected, but it's always nice to have your expectations exceeded! My only disappointment... No Mac computers. Sigh. If they only knew that ALL of GAP Adventures computers are Macs & they have 5 concept stores in 3 different countries plus head office! Once you go Mac, you never go back. :o) (Just a little dig for the IT boys at True Hope!) Everyone who worked there was friendly & fun. I guess it feels good to know that you are making a big impact in so many people's lives, health & vitality! Bring it on!!!

We returned to the house & I packed up the car. I woefully hugged the family goodbye & made my way towards Calgary. (3 hours late!) I had called the Oncologist's office & told them I was running behind & could I squeak in at the end of the day. She told me to get there as quickly as I could. I left at 1500 & by 1633 I was entering the south end of the city. It took me well over 1/2 an hour to get to Tom Baker. Crowchild was at a stand still. So much for making good time! Luckily the Doctor was still there when I ran in! 

He told me to have a seat & wait. Wow. 3 hours late & I still get to wait! Imagine what the parking bill would have been had I been on time! :o) 

Well, I must say, he drives a hard bargain. I brought up the comments made from the previous week with the other Oncologist...

  • Q:If I do 1 month of chemo & the tumors are gone, why am I still doing 5 more months of chemo?
  • A:Well, we have to be sure we get it all & sometimes these cells lie dormant.
  • Q: If you do a scan at 3 or 4 months & it's clean, why do I still need another 2 months?
  • A: (see above)
  • Q: The other Doc mentioned they are doing studies &/or tests to see if they can shorten the time/amount of chemo given. Can I get in on those studies?
  • A: Well, we don't have any studies being conducted here, but I tell you what. You can do 6 months of chemo (no variation in the dosage) OR you can do 3 months of chemo followed by 3 months of radiation. We'll do radiation on your chest, underarms & both sides of your neck. 
  • Q: Do I look stupid?
  • A: (Don't worry, I didn't really ask that question, I just thought it REALLY LOUD in my head!)
The Doc also said the last 2 months of chemo are usually the toughest with the worst side effects. I'm thinking to myself... 'Duh! That's because there isn't any cancer left to kill! You're killing healthy cells!!!!'

Sigh. I then proceeded to tell him that I wanted to see my husband before I started chemo. Either I go see him or I wait until he can come to see me. The Doc proceeds to tell me that it's time to put me first. The cruise lines can find another Doctor to fill his spot. What the Doc doesn't quite understand is that Jaco would have to sign off own will, pay to fly to SA, get a visa, pay to fly to Canada & have no income while he was here & obviously nor would I! So the Doc says, give me his name & date of birth, I'll write up a letter & we'll send it to the Canadian Embassy in South Africa requesting an expedited Visitor Visa so he can come here. (!!??)

Next he says, 'Is money an issue?' We can put you in touch with a Social Worker who can put you on disability & get you some income to help out.  I'm beginning to think, 'Is there anything this Doctor can't do?'

Anyhow, he knows I'm stubborn & I want to think things through, so I politely tell him I need time to think about things. He tells me he wouldn't expect anything different, but that he wants me in treatment by the end of April. Oh please God let me find something that works between now & April 30th!

I leave the hospital at 1800 & pay my parking ($3.75 - not bad!) upstairs. As I drive past my Filipino friend from the previous weeks, I honk at him & offer a friendly wave. It's his lucky week, he doesn't have to put up with my coin purse this week! :o)

Exhausted from driving, I motor home. It is prayers tonight, but I don't have the energy to go. I am happy to be home, as is Valentina. I see Laura has called! She's back from Mexico! I can't wait to talk to her & see how things went... Did the girls have fun? Did Henk enjoy his time away from his 'other girls' (the cows)? How did treatments go? OMGOSH! The best news I've heard all year - SHE'S IN REMISSION!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!! AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!! She doesn't have to go back for 1 year! Way to go Girl!!!! I'm thrilled to bits for her! She found out on her 8th Wedding Anniversary. I sure hope I don't have to wait until my 8th anniversary to hear those words!!! :o) 

Talk about a long day... Up & down & all around... Life is a roller coaster! Holy cow! I am about to crash when Mom asks me if I'll drive to Mossleigh tomorrow morning to pick her up. She needs to take Jeff her truck. Crap timing that is! I told her to ask me in the morning after I've had a good night's sleep.

Lekker slaap,
Maria & Valentina

Best buds, enjoying breakfast!

Hangin' out at True Hope!

The True Hope IT boys. I guess there's always 'hope' one day they'll see the light & switch to Macs. :o)

Awh! What a gorgeous family & look at little Ezra's smile! Too cute for words!

Where would I be without my amazing friend? Lost.

Just a few questions for the Doc.


Anonymous said...

Yay for Laura! Fabulous news. Also great to hear that the doctor is so helpful! Janis

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