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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Day 135 - Level 3 Yuen Method

Today was another early start. Up & at it & on my way into the city. I was pretty excited about the weekend. I had a lot of questions remaining from the 1st level of Yuen, so I was anxious to learn some more & cement it all together. 

I met some pretty amazing people & learned a whole heap in the first day. I think I wrote about 20 pages of notes! Jessica is absolutely gut-wrenching hilarious! I seriously think she should consider a career in comedy! I would come to classes every weekend!

She had me up at the front for a short while to work on my neck. It was pretty cool! I must say! I had been having intense neck & shoulder tightness & pain for the better part of the day. After she finished working on me, the tightness & pain was gone! Awesome! Shortly after that I could feel little 'bubbling' inside my neck (the puffy side). Later on, after the class was over, I was in line at the grocery store. I was trying to crack/stretch my neck. It hadn't cracked in a few months, when all of a sudden - CLICK! Oh sweet relief! I was so happy! When I got back to Mom2's, where I was staying, the other side cracked too! Yeah! The craziest part of all this neck stuff was about 0200. I woke up & felt this 'Woosh' - like a clogged pipe that suddenly breaks free. It was pretty stinkin' cool!

We were lucky enough to be serenaded by one of the students who was also playing for the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra that night. She played the trumpet & did 'What a Wonderful World' for us! Awesome!!! Nice job Linda!

I chatted with Mom2 about life, the course & her business until about 2230 - we were both wiped & I desperately needed to get some sleep. I had a headache coming on strong! I fell asleep in the warm glow of my salt lamp - bring on the negative ions!

Here's to a great class tomorrow! Sleep well!! 
Maria & Valentina

Linda prepping for our serenade

Yes, it is a Wonderful World!

Duke - Guarding the couch!

Mom2 & her Super-sexxy new haircut!

Mom2 cuddling with her 'Grand-Baby'


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