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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 142 - Cora's, Sylvia's, Collet's & Peggy's

Up & at it early this a.m.! I was off to Okotoks to meet Sylvia for breakfast at Cora's. Neither of us had ever been there, so we were excited to discover it! I had been told it was quite healthy, so I was especially looking forward to that!

I left a little late, as usual, and when I started the car, the fuel gauge read 1/4 tank. More than enough to get to Okotoks, where the fuel was always cheaper. Well, didn't I just know it. I wasn't even half way there & the low fuel light was already on! Grrr! I'd taken the back way, so I had to try & get to Millarville for fuel. I didn't even know if Millarville had fuel, but I was sure hoping they did! 

Yeah. They did. For 99 cents a litre!!! Argh! I put $10 in & boogied on over to Okotoks. Fuel was 88.9. Ouch. Oh well! Live & learn!

Sylvia met me in the busy little diner & we had quite a time perusing the menu! Wow! Everything sounded good! And pretty much every dish served came with a side dish/garnish/art creation of fruit! What a great way to spice up breakfast & make it that much healthier! 

We enjoyed a wonderful chat & she informed me that her brother had just given Drayton, her son, a puppy for his birthday! Drayton was very excited, but Mommy & Daddy weren't quite as happy, seeing as her brother & his wife hadn't cleared it with Mommy & Daddy first! Whoops! They weren't sure if they were going to take it or not...

I said farewell to Sylvia after I stopped by to see Drayton, Gary & the new puppy... Sure is cute! An 8 month old toy Yorkie! He was the boss! He had Valentina pinned several times!

I filled up with cheap(er) fuel, washed Contemplate - Valentina didn't know what was happening - and then hit the road to Brooks.

I took a 'scenic' route which incidentally led past my brother's place. I texted to see if he was up for a visit, but there wasn't a reply. He's headed to SK for the summer, so it would have been nice to have stopped in & seen him in action! 

I made good time to Peggy & Chris'. Collet was there waiting for me with Ezra. Oh boy. It was a busy household! Peggy was babysitting 2 other kids, 2 & 6, along with Ezra. Adding in the excitement of a puppy & it got pretty crazy! But everyone was having a good time, Valentina included!

Chris & Peggy don't have any pets, so I was very grateful they allowed Valentina inside the house. I put a diaper on her (Valentina, not Peggy) just to err on the side of caution. Luckily, no accidents! We enjoyed Peggy's famous chicken for dinner & had a great chat about this, that & everything in between. Before we went to bed, Peggy showed us her routine. She is a very talented bellydancer & I was so excited to see her perform tomorrow! 

When she finished her dance, I realized that the clocks were moving an hour forward & I had instantly lost an hour of sleep on an already late night, leading into an early morning! It was off to bed! 

Goodnight & here's to a day of rhythm & entertainment!
Maria & Valentina

Sylvia at Cora's

Okay, so they make this crepe/panini with banana, peanut butter & bacon. Yup. The bacon is in the crepe with the peanut butter & bacon. Eew?

Drayton's puppy, Pitou, & Valentina - she looks like a giant next to Pitou!

Going through the carwash - she was a little nervous!

Collet setting Ezra up on the jiggle machine!

Clearly Ezra enjoys it!!! What a cutie!


Werner Grundlingh said...

If you want to see what the price of fuel is in Victoria, BC, go to
We are currently at 107.9 cents per litre. Be glad when you spot something below the 90 cent per litre mark, since it aint here GiRL!

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