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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Day 133 - INR & Back To The Ol' Routine

Well, back home & back at 'er. I had a nice lie in this morning, as did Valentina. In fact, she was so tired for her 9 days of playing, she slept until 1700! She didn't even get outta bed to come with me to Bragg Creek for the mail, nor did she come with me to Cochrane! She was wiped!

I checked the messages that morning & much to my panic, the chemofit folks had left a message on the 25th saying that my package was held up at customs & if the solution wasn't kept cool enough, it might not work! Today was March 4th! Argh! Of all the messages my Mom listens to, why couldn't she have paid attention!!! I raced into town to pick up the package & raced back home to call New York. Dr. Bradford asked me a little bit about the colour & consistency of the liquid in the bottle & said she thought it would be alright. Phew! That was close! There certainly wasn't time to have another collection kit mailed out, as the biopsy is tomorrow!

After that mess was cleaned up, I unpacked, Skyped with my poor husband who was beginning to think I had left him (!), and got ready to leave for Cochrane. I had to do another INR test to make sure I wouldn't bleed to death on the operating table! I left in the nick of time & made it to the clinic about 90 seconds before she locked the door! Phew! Another close call! 

I was a bit nervous, as the gal who took my blood was asking her colleague an awful lot of questions for someone who should know what they're doing! I was also nervous, as I was hoping they wouldn't recognize me as the 'girl who left her sharps behind'! Luckily they didn't! The technician was impressed when I said 'Spasiba' as I left... Thank you in Russian & she had eluded that she was from somewhere around there! I think her direct words were, 'I'm from Russia, but I'm not Russian.' Okay, whatever!

I drove home to see the sun shining beautifully over the cloud covered mountains. I really do enjoy the Rockies when the sun is shining & it's relatively warm out! Bring on Springtime!!! 

I made my MCP Pina Colada & had an extra one ready to chug right after the biopsy. I am hoping to have a smooth procedure tomorrow, as I have to post the collection kit straight after, do some banking, buy Applecare for the laptop, drop off the bankruptcy payment and swing by another Doctor's office. Fingers crossed! Wish me luck, tomorrow's a big day!

Love & hugs,
Valentina & Maria

I was trying to get a good shot of Moose Mountain (AKA Brokeback Mountain), but it didn't happen!

Life is good. Air is fresh!

Contemplate clocks 390,000 kms! You go girl!


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